[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

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HOWTO articles

An overview of HOWTO articles that may or may not have a relation to Slackware. Application or hardware HOWTO's are welcome too.

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Overview of HOWTOS not specific to software or hardware

Planificació de tasques a LinuxPlanificació de tasques a Linux Sinopsi Aquest article tracta d'algunes eines utilitzades a un sistema Linux per a planificar tasques i que s'executen automàticament a intervals de temps especificats o en un moment determinat en el futur. Aquest curt article no cobrirà aquestes ordres en profunditat; només és una breu introducció a la utilització d'estes ordres. Mire els COM individuals de cada ordre per a veure en profunditat totes les opcions rellevants i configuracions., , , ,
Pakete zu Dateien findenPakete zu Dateien finden Ab und zu taucht das Problem auf, das man wissen möchte, welche Dateien in einem Paket enthalten sind. Oder andersrum, man weiß den Dateinamen und möchte wissen, in welchem Paket diese Datei enthalten ist (zum Beispiel bei der Installation von Software und das Finden von Abhängigkeiten)., ,
El montaje automático de unidades USB es udevEl montaje automático de unidades USB es udev Tengo una GoFlexNet que ejecuta Slackware Arm que me gusta usar como NAS (es bueno poder hacer una incursión de software con las 2 unidades sata). Además de tener una gran variedad también quería ser capaz de compartir los discos, ,
Cómo copiar archivos \ directorios \ sistemas de archivos a través de la red.Cómo copiar archivos \ directorios \ sistemas de archivos a través de la red. El artículo describe formas de copiar contenido a través de la red. Al actualizar un servidor doméstico, copio todos los datos del servidor antiguo a un nuevo sistema. En los ejemplos a continuación, trabajo desde el nuevo servidor y ambos servidores están en la misma subred:, ,
KVM y libvirtKVM y libvirt Con la combinación de KVM y libvirt, tiene una manera fácil de crear y administrar máquinas virtuales. Según la página oficial homepage, libvirt es: Un kit de herramientas para interactuar con las capacidades de virtualización de versiones recientes de Linux (y otros sistemas operativos). Proporciona gestión de máquinas virtuales, redes virtuales y almacenamiento; tanto locales como remotos. Dado que libvirt actúa como un intermediario entre un hipervisor y las aplicaciones clie…, , , , , ,
OpenRCOpenRC OpenRC es un sistema de gestión de servicios basado en dependencias. Funciona con el programa de inicio provisto por el sistema, normalmente /sbin/init . Características OpenRC proporciona una serie de características como la ejecución de initscript iniciada por hardware y la compatibilidad con cgroups, sin requerir grandes cambios de diseño., ,
Resizing a QEMU raw image with an NTFS filesystemResizing a QEMU raw image with an NTFS filesystem Esta es una guía rápida para aumentar el espacio en disco disponible para su máquina virtual de Windows con un sistema de archivos NTFS. El ejemplo se basa en aumentar una partición de 5 GB a 6, , , , , , ,
Cómo buscar y leer las páginas de manual eficientemente.Cómo buscar y leer las páginas de manual eficientemente. Las páginas de manual son páginas del Manual de Unix en línea. Espero que este Howto pueda ayudar a algunos de ustedes a usarlos de manera más efectiva, aunque soy consciente de que muchos de los lectores ya están familiarizados con este tema., , , , ,
Consola serieConsola serie Slackware se puede instalar en varios dispositivos integrados. Muchos de ellos no tienen una consola tradicional, como un monitor y un teclado. En cambio, la consola a menudo se enruta al puerto serie. Para aprovechar esto, es necesaria alguna configuración posterior a la instalación., , , ,
Configurando un chroot de SlackwareConfigurando un chroot de Slackware Hay múltiples razones por las que puede ser que desee configurar un chroot de Slackware: * Creación de paquetes de 32 bits en un sistema multilib de 64 bits * construcción de paquetes -stable en un sistema -current
Artículos HOWTO - Administración generalArtículos HOWTO - Administración general Esta sección contiene artículos How-To para administración de distintos sistemas Linux y Unix Vista general de HOWTOs para administración de Slackware ---------- howtos topic_page,
Programación de tareas en LinuxProgramación de tareas en Linux Panorama general Este artículo discute algunas herramientas usadas en un sistema Linux para programar tareas para que se ejecuten automáticamente en intervalos de tiempo específicos o en un momento dado en el futuro. Este manual no cubrirá estos comandos en profundidad; es sólo una breve introducción al uso de estos comandos. Consulte el CÓMO individual de cada comando para obtener una visión más detallada de todas las opciones y configuraciones relevantes.…, , , ,
Los números de la arquitectura de las máquinas ARMLos números de la arquitectura de las máquinas ARM Si desea saber cuál es el número de arquitectura de máquina correcto para su dispositivo, le recomendamos que eche un vistazo aquí. También hay una buena base para el funcionamiento básico del cargador de arranque ARM, , ,
Slackware Network Install on Raspberry Pi 3Slackware Network Install on Raspberry Pi 3 Introduction This is an abridged version of the SARPi (<http://sarpi.co.uk/>) installation guide dealing with the 'headless' install case for installing Slackware 14.2. There is nothing wrong with the original guide, it is very, , , ,
Wireless Access Point With a Raspberry Pi 3Wireless Access Point With a Raspberry Pi 3 Introduction This HOWTO shows you how to replace the WiFi element of your home network setup with a Raspberry Pi running Slackware. Other HOWTOs explain how to setup DHCP and so on for your wireless devices, but this tries to keep things really simple and just give you an ethernet, , , , , ,
Making it easy for u-boot to find uImage and uinitrdMaking it easy for u-boot to find uImage and uinitrd I often fiddle with testing root images, kernels and initrd on my kirkwood based systems by using usb flash sticks. I found that although Jeff did a brilliant job on uboot, at the time I started fiddling with custom boot images on my dosckstar, his default environment was unable to directly boot all my testing images that were rapidly changing in layout. To work around this I started making canges to his environment., , ,
Slackware Sobre ARM - HOWTO guidesSlackware Sobre ARM - HOWTO guides Esta sección contiene información acerca de como instalar Slackware en una gama de hardware ARM. Las páginas wiki de este sitio están pensadas para que la comunidad ayude a ampliar el soporte de la arquitectura y a crear y compartir la base de conocimientos de forma colaborativa.,
Artículos HOWTO - HardwareArtículos HOWTO - Hardware Esta sección contiene artículos How-To para controladores y configuraciones de hardware, incluidas las plataformas de virtualización y emulación. Architecture Specific HOWTOS Overview of Hardware HOWTOS ----------,
Anatomía de un SlackbuildAnatomía de un Slackbuild Preámbulo Supongo que todos los usuarios de Slackware habrán usado alguna vez un script de SlackBuild para crear un paquete de software que pueda ser instalado fácil y limpiamente y eliminado más tarde si es necesario. Mi experiencia fue que ejecuté el script de SlackBuild para crear un paquete y nunca miré realmente el código que contenía hasta que un día la versión fuente no coincidió con la indicada en el script.
Los consejos de Biff para los Noobs de SlackwareLos consejos de Biff para los Noobs de Slackware Introducción Iba a llamar a esta página 'Slackware para Dummies' sin embargo hay un libro que se llama igual en Amazon :-(. He juntado unos pocos fragmentos que creo que son útiles para la gente que empieza en Slackware pero son demasiado pequeños para merecer su propio HOWTO. Si piensas que algo debería tener su propio HOWTO haz comentarios en la sección de discusión, por favor. Igualmente ten en mente que algunas cosas son opiniones, exactamen…, , ,
Conozca SlackwareConozca Slackware Introducción Este documento pretende que la gente que ya ha utilizado otro sistema “tipo-Unix” conozca rápidamente Slackware. Asumimos que el lector: * conoce los comandos principales de Unix y sus conceptos asociados, *
HOWTO articles - MiscellaneousHOWTO articles - Miscellaneous Esta sección contiene artículos que no encajan en ninguna de las otras categorías principales del HOWTO. Resumen de diversos HOWTOS acerca de Slackware ---------- howtos topic_page,
NetflixNetflix How to watch Netflix on Slackware 1) Install the current version of Google Chrome. 2) Watch Netflix. How install Google Chrome on Slackware howtos:software:google-chrome Sources howtos netflix chrome author_arfon, , ,
PulseAudioPulseAudio PulseAudio is a sound server running on top of some other sound system, usually ALSA. The original purpose was to get software mixing and transmit sound over network. Now PulseAudio is more than that, but it came at cost of increased complexity, which is not very good, considering the Linux sound system is already overly complex. But despite that the sound server is widely used by most Linux distributions. Slackware is not one of them because of its, , , ,
PulseAudio RationalePulseAudio Rationale With the release of the first beta of what will be version 14.2, PulseAudio has been introduced as default audio server in Slackware Linux. This historical change comes out mostly from necessity, as the bluetooth stack BlueZ has dropped the ALSA plugin for audio output, making the presence of PulseAudio mandatory for playing any audio coming from Bluetooth devices., ,
Artículos HOWTO - MultimediaArtículos HOWTO - Multimedia Esta sección contiene información sobre artículos destinados a guiar a los usuarios a configurar y mantener aplicaciones multimedia en sistemas basados en Slackware. Recuerda que tu artículo podría ser movido al subgrupo apropiado,
SteamSteam Steam is a digital distribution platform developed by Valve Corporation offering digital rights management (DRM), multiplayer gaming and social networking services. Installation Note Steam requires multilib if using a 64 bit system. The steam installer can be be had by installing the,
Cliente CitrixCliente Citrix Este artículo describe cómo instalar y configurar The Citrix Client en Slackware. Hoy en día este cliente es mejor conocido como el “Receptor Citrix”. Al citar el sitio web de Citrix: “ Citrix Receiver es un software cliente fácil de instalar que le permite acceder a sus documentos, aplicaciones y escritorios desde cualquiera de sus dispositivos, incluidos teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas y, ,
Configuración de un punto de acceso inalámbrico (Wireless Access Point )Configuración de un punto de acceso inalámbrico (Wireless Access Point ) Este Howto explica cómo puede usar su computadora como un punto de acceso inalámbrico. Esto significa que si la computadora tiene una conexión a Internet y una interfaz inalámbrica, otras computadoras pueden usar su conexión a Internet a través de wlan., , , ,
Impresora de escritorio compartida con CUPSImpresora de escritorio compartida con CUPS Usando CUPS, una impresora USB puede ser compartida en red por el sistema al que está conectada. SI bien la detección de impresoras completa requiere avahi, es posible configurar el uso compartido de impresora en Slackware 14.2 sin necesidad de instalar ningún software nuevo. En este caso, el servidor es la máquina a la que se conecta la impresora a través de, , , ,
Adición de la compatibilidad con Sieve y ManageSieve a dovecotAdición de la compatibilidad con Sieve y ManageSieve a dovecot Instalación del software Suponiendo que haya configurado Dovecot y Postfix según Creación de un servidor de correo virtual con Postfix, Dovecot y MySQL ...es posible que desee algunas capacidades de filtrado del lado del servidor y de respuesta durante el tiempo de inactividad. Esto se puede hacer usando el idioma del filtro de tamiz, y sus usuarios de correo virtual pueden editarlo utilizando administrar., , , , , ,
Puente ethernet con OpenVPNPuente ethernet con OpenVPN Otras guías detallan la configuración de OpenVPN para un puente 'tun', donde el tráfico es enrutado eficientemente entre un par de sitios alejados geográficamente, pero esta guía trata acerca de los puentes 'tap'. De hecho, describe cómo unirse a un par de sitios que reenvían todo el tráfico ethernet, independientemente del protocolo. Esto es útil para el desarrollo, probar redes y si necesitas reenviar protocolos que no sean, , ,
Instalar OpenWebMail en Slackware64 14.0Instalar OpenWebMail en Slackware64 14.0 Este artículo explica cómo instalar OpenWebmail y configurarlo para que pueda acceder a su buzón utilizando una interfaz web desde cualquier lugar con acceso a Internet y un navegador web disponible. Estas instrucciones se probaron en el sistema operativo Slackware64 14.0 de 64 bits y en la última versión de openwebmail-current.tar.gz (en realidad, la versión 2.53),
Servidor de arranque iPXEServidor de arranque iPXE iPXE es una implementación de código abierto de Preboot Execution Environment que tiene mucha más funcionalidad que la mayoría de los clientes PXE de firmware. Además de usar tftp para descargar datos, iPXE también puede usar HTTP. Otros métodos de arranque incluyen el arranque desde una SAN iSCSI, una SAN de canal de fibra usando FCoE, una SAN ATA sobre Ethernet (AoE) o una red inalámbrica. También tiene un lenguaje de secuencias de comandos para que pueda crear secue…, , , ,
Configuración de Joomla 2.5 CMS en Slackware 14.0 64bitConfiguración de Joomla 2.5 CMS en Slackware 14.0 64bit Este HowTo describe instrucciones simplificadas para instalar el sistema de administración de contenido Joomla 2.5 en Slackware 14.0. Para instrucciones más complejas puede que quieras leer, ,
Instalar y configurar kerberos en Slackware sin PAMInstalar y configurar kerberos en Slackware sin PAM El KDC Este procedimiento dará lugar a un nuevo dominio de Kerberos. Si ya tiene acceso a un KDC de Kerberos, puede saltar a las partes del cliente y del servidor de aplicaciones. Además, el siguiente procedimiento es muy breve y no sustituye la lectura de la documentación suministrada en el paquete o en el sitio web de MIT Kerberos., ,
NFS RootNFS Root Introducción Este CÓMO trata de ejecutar su sistema Slackware Linux sin ningún disco duro, o quizás con un disco duro muy pequeño, accediendo a la red para recuperar todos los archivos excepto el kernel. Si desea ir por todo, también puede arrancar con PXE el kernel, sin embargo, este CÓMO espera que tenga un lugar local para almacenar el kernel. Vamos a utilizar máquinas virtuales (VirtualBox) para, ,
Sincronice su red con NTPSincronice su red con NTP NTP ( Network Time Protocol ) permite la sincronización de reloj entre sistemas informáticos. El siguiente HOWTO describe: * configurando un servidor NTP en Slackware Linux; * Sincronizar PCs cliente con su servidor NTP local., , , ,
OpenVPN - Cómo configurar un servidor Slackware y un cliente SlackwareOpenVPN - Cómo configurar un servidor Slackware y un cliente Slackware 1. Introducción 1.1. OpenVPN(1) OpenVPN es una aplicación de software de código abierto que implementa técnicas de red privada virtual (VPN) para crear conexiones seguras punto a punto o sitio a sitio en configuraciones enrutadas o puenteadas y facilidades de acceso remoto. Utiliza un protocolo de seguridad personalizado que utiliza SSL/TLS para el intercambio de claves. Es capaz de atravesar traductores de direcciones de …, ,
Creación de un servidor de correo virtual con Postfix, Dovecot y MySQLCreación de un servidor de correo virtual con Postfix, Dovecot y MySQL Este artículo muestra cómo construir y configurar un servidor de correo virtual seguro utilizando Postfix, Dovecot y MySQL en una plataforma Slackware 14.1. Debido a que las plataformas compiladas e instaladas pueden ser muy diferentes, y la configuración puede parecer compleja para aquellos que no están familiarizados con postfix, dovecot y mysql, he organizado este artículo de una manera que espero le ayude a separar y pr…, , , , ,
Base de datos del servidor de correo virtualBase de datos del servidor de correo virtual Esta página es complementaria al artículo principal:Creando un servidor de correo virtual con Postfix, Dovecot y MySQL La base de datos se utiliza para proporcionar configuración y autenticación para sus dominios de correo virtual y buzones de correo. El contenido del correo electrónico no se almacena en la base de datos en esta configuración., , , ,
Instalar el Dovecot MDAInstalar el Dovecot MDA Esta página es complementaria al artículo principal: Creando un servidor de correo virtual con Postfix, Dovecot y MySQL Dovecot es un agente de entrega de correo corriene y seguro, o MDA, que puede configurarse para funcionar junto con el MTA postfix.Al igual que con postfix, construiremos e instalaremos nuestro paquete dovecot usando el script de compilación actual de, , ,
Reglas de firewall para el servidor de correo virtualReglas de firewall para el servidor de correo virtual Esta página es complementaria al artículo principal: Creando un servidor de correo virtual con Postfix, Dovecot y MySQL Un firewall es simplemente un conjunto de reglas de enrutamiento del kernel, reglas de iptables, que bloquean o permiten selectivamente el tráfico de red dentro y fuera de su máquina. ¡Un servidor de correo electrónico orientado a la web debe estar protegido por un conjunto adecuado de reglas de firewall o se verá abrumad…, , , ,
Instalando el MTA de PostfixInstalando el MTA de Postfix Esta página es complementaria al artículo principal: Creando un servidor de correo virtual con Postfix, Dovecot y MySQL Postfix es un agente de transporte de correo popular y seguro, o MTA. Construiremos e instalaremos Postfix usando el script de compilación de SlackBuilds.org o SBo. Los pasos que se muestran aquí utilizan versiones actuales a partir de este escrito, pero debe usar la última versión aplicable a su versión de Slackware en el momento en que la con…, , ,
Configuración de certificados SSLConfiguración de certificados SSL Esta página es complementaria al artículo principal: Creando un servidor de correo virtual con Postfix, Dovecot y MySQL Ahora crearemos e instalaremos un certificado SSL autofirmado para admitir el correo electrónico seguro. El paquete dovecot instala un script para generar certificados autofirmados en /usr/doc/dovecot-2.2.13/mkcert.sh, que puede utilizar si lo prefiere. Los comandos que se muestran a continuación hacen lo mismo pero guardan el certificado…, , ,
Crear usuarios y grupos requeridosCrear usuarios y grupos requeridos Esta página es complementaria al artículo principal: Creando un servidor de correo virtual con Postfix, Dovecot y MySQL Necesitará crear algunos usuarios y grupos especiales para poder construir y/o ejecutar los componentes de su servidor de correo. Usaremos el uid asignado a uid y gid para cada usuario y grupo., , ,
Creación de un servidor de correo SlackwareCreación de un servidor de correo Slackware Este artículo muestra cómo hacer de una máquina Slackware su servidor de correo personal. Este HOWTO es para Slackware 64 13.37, pero con pocos cambios puedes adaptarlo al miembro más nuevo de la familia Slackware 14.,
Perfiles móviles con NFS y NISPerfiles móviles con NFS y NIS El siguiente CÓMO describe la configuración de los perfiles móviles usando Slackware Linux. Los perfiles móviles son útiles en configuraciones como redes SOHO, escuelas, ayuntamientos o, en general, en cualquier red donde muchos usuarios tienen que trabajar en muchos clientes de escritorio diferentes., , , , ,
Configuración de un punto de acceso WiFi en su nueva instalación de SlackwareConfiguración de un punto de acceso WiFi en su nueva instalación de Slackware Debe leer esto, independientemente de si es un entusiasta de Slackware o no, porque encontrará que la mayor parte de esto también es aplicable a otras distribuciones.,
Usar un escáner en una redUsar un escáner en una red Este Howto describe cómo se puede usar un escáner que está conectado a otra computadora Slackware a través de la red. Software necesario Todos los paquetes que son necesarios están disponibles en una instalación de Slackware. Estos son, , , , , , ,
Configurar el servidor httpd ApacheConfigurar el servidor httpd Apache Este es un HOWTO general para poner en marcha un servicio básico de httpd. Se aplica a: * Slackware 14.1 (y posiblemente versiones anteriores) * Apache 2 (y posiblemente versiones anteriores) Configuración básica, , , ,
Configuración de Apache, PHP y MySQLConfiguración de Apache, PHP y MySQL Para configurar su máquina Slackware Linux como un servidor web preparado para MySQL-PHP, siga estas instrucciones: * Instale los paquetes Apache (httpd), php y MySQL desde los discos Slackware o Slackpkg., , ,
Configuración de un servidor de impresión para uso doméstico fuera de cualquier hardware antiguo con SlackwareConfiguración de un servidor de impresión para uso doméstico fuera de cualquier hardware antiguo con Slackware Después de actualizar recientemente la red wifi de mi casa para usar wpa2, mi antiguo servidor de impresión wifi Edimax dejó de funcionar debido a la incompatibilidad con wpa2. No quería tener que dejar la computadora encendida todo el tiempo ni tampoco quería conectar directamente la, ,
Artículos HOWTO - Servicios de redArtículos HOWTO - Servicios de red Esta sección contiene información sobre artículos destinados a guiar a los usuarios a configurar y mantener varios servicios de red en sistemas basados en Slackware. Vista general de HOWTOS -- Servicios de red de Slackware,
VPN con TincVPN con Tinc Tinc es un software de código abierto para crear redes privadas virtuales (VPN), las VPN a través de otro canal físico como Internet, donde los nodos (hosts) participantes individuales aparecen en las aplicaciones como si estuvieran conectados por cable en,
Interfaces de túnelInterfaces de túnel Si está buscando establecer un túnel SSH entre dos redes y tratar el túnel como una interfaz, esto puede ayudar. * Primero recomendaría habilitar rc.ip_forward en /etc/rc.d/ (en máquinas locales y de destino) root@darkstar:~# chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.ip_forward, , ,
Enrutando Wi-Fi a ethernet (puente)Enrutando Wi-Fi a ethernet (puente) Este Howto describe, como interconectar una red inalámbrica y una cableada sobre la misma computadora Linux, para permitir que los paquetes TCP/IP no modificados pasen de una interfaz a la otra. En otros lugares esto es mencionado como un puente ethernet o extensor de línea, , , ,
Wake-on-LANWake-on-LAN Wake-on-LAN (o WOL) es un estándar por el cual una máquina se puede encender de forma remota a través de una conexión de red. Esto se hace enviando un llamado magic packet a la tarjeta de red de la máquina remota. Cuando se configura correctamente, la máquina remota arrancará., , ,
Habilitando la encriptacion de SwapHabilitando la encriptacion de Swap Cuando la memoria disponible cae por debajo de cierto punto, el kernel de Linux intercambiará el contenido de las páginas de memoria para intercambiar espacio. Este contenido puede incluir información confidencial como contraseñas, nombres de usuario, PINS, información bancaria o de otra identidad. Estos datos suelen estar en texto plano y, por lo tanto, pueden leerse sin esfuerzo. El cifrado del espacio de intercambio del sistema protege su contenido contra…, , ,
Habilitando el arranque seguro en SlackwareHabilitando el arranque seguro en Slackware En el hardware basado en la Interfaz de firmware extensible unificada (UEFI), un sistema puede operar en modo de arranque seguro. En el modo de arranque seguro, solo los binarios EFI (es decir, los gestores de arranque, los cargadores de arranque) en los que el propietario de la plataforma confía, ya sea explícitamente o mediante una cadena de confianza, pueden ejecutarse en el momento del arranque. Esto evita que los binarios y sistemas operativos no…, , , ,
hosts.allow, hosts.denyhosts.allow, hosts.deny Estos dos archivos en /etc son un lugar común para almacenar reglas sobre a quién desea permitir conectarse con los servicios en su máquina. Si bien se puede considerar que un firewall esconde una puerta, estos archivos controlan quién tiene permiso para abrir la puerta., , ,
OpenVPNOpenVPN OpenVPN es un programa de código abierto que implementa técnicas de red privada virtual (VPN) (por sus siglas en ingles) para crear conexiones seguras punto a punto o sitio a sitio en configuraciones enrutadas o puenteadas e instalaciones de acceso remoto. Utiliza un protocolo de seguridad personalizado que utiliza SSL/TLS para intercambio de claves. Es capaz de atravesar traductores de direcciones de red (, , ,
Mejorando la seguridad de OpenSSHMejorando la seguridad de OpenSSH OpenSSH es la navaja suiza de los programas de acceso remoto: le proporciona un shell en su máquina distante,y transmite datos de forma segura y encriptada - incluyendo comandos, transferencia de archivos, sesiones X11 y VNC, datos rsync, etc., , ,
Cómo utilizar las llaves SSH para conectarse sin una contraseña.Cómo utilizar las llaves SSH para conectarse sin una contraseña. OpenSSH es una forma muy segura de conectarse de forma remota a una máquina Slackware. Pero la forma más fácil de usar SSH es, simplemente, usar sus llaves. El concepto de claves públicas/privadas puede ser difícil de explicar, trataremos de hacerlo de la manera más simple posible., , , ,
Artículos HOWTO - SeguridadArtículos HOWTO - Seguridad Asegurar su computadora es un proceso continuo. Las siguientes guías lo ayudarán a asegurar su instalación de Slackware, ya sea para las necesidades de servidores, estaciones de trabajo o computadoras portátiles. Asegúrese de suscribirse a slackware-security,
Arrancando el entorno de instalación desde el HDDArrancando el entorno de instalación desde el HDD Este artículo muestra cómo iniciar el entorno de instalación de Slackware desde un disco duro en lugar de los medios de instalación habituales. El entorno de instalación de Slackware es un pequeño sistema Live-Linux con busybox, particiones y algunas otras utilidades útiles, y el programa de,
Compilación cruzada del kernel linuxCompilación cruzada del kernel linux Introduccion Admito libremente que hay otros HOWTOs sobre este tema, pero quería mostrarte una manera clara que funciona por detras del gran proyecto Buildroot, En lugar de hacer toda la configuración del compilador a mano. Como beneficio adicional, puedes apuntar a diferentes arquitecturas con bastante facilidad., ,
Configuración de GRUB 2 en la instalación (sin reiniciar)Configuración de GRUB 2 en la instalación (sin reiniciar) ¡GRUB en Slackware-14.1!. Si desea instalar GRUB inmediatamente después de la instalación (y antes de reiniciar), a continuación se muestra un método simple que asume que usa la partición tradicional de BIOS y MBR (si planea usar GPT en lugar de la partición de MBR, consulte en su lugar, ,
Chroot de los medios de instalacionChroot de los medios de instalacion Slackware está lleno de herramientas que pueden ayudar cuando el sistema se vuelve inestable y no se puede iniciar. Un ejemplo es actualizar la imagen del kernel y luego olvidar ejecutar lilo. Para poder acceder a su sistema sin iniciarlo directamente, es posible utilizar un medio de instalación como el CD1 de Slackware o el DVD. Una vez que los medios de instalación se carguen y comiencen, puede cambiar el directorio raíz de los medios a una partición de di…, , , ,
Cómo configurar fstab y lilo.conf con nombres persistentesCómo configurar fstab y lilo.conf con nombres persistentes ¿Alguna vez ha tenido el orden de cambio de sus unidades /dev/sda y /dev/sdb? ¿Conectar un dispositivo USB antes de arrancar su computadora causó un pánico en el kernel? ¿Con frecuencia desenchufa o conecta dispositivos nuevos en su computadora, cambiando así el orden de los nombres de los dispositivos? Si ha respondido afirmativamente a alguno de ellos, podría ser un buen candidato para utilizar nombres persistentes en su gestor de arr…,
Instale Slackware en un servidor Dedibox BareMetal de online.netInstale Slackware en un servidor Dedibox BareMetal de online.net Este tutorial explica cómo instalar y arrancar Slackware Linux en online.net Dedibox BareMetal Server Start Family. Se centra en los servidores a los que no tiene acceso físico y aquellos que no admiten la exposición remota del hardware (es decir, no hay KVM sobre,
Opciones del kernel de Linux para UEFI y ELILOOpciones del kernel de Linux para UEFI y ELILO El propósito de este artículo es informar al usuario sobre las opciones de kernel necesarias para el arranque desde UEFI, y cierta información sobre cómo funcionan ELILO y quizás otros cargadores de arranque EFI, ya que actualmente es difícil de encontrar y entender en línea.,
Configuración de una opción de inicio de recuperaciónConfiguración de una opción de inicio de recuperación Descripción general y propósito Actualmente, la mayoría de las distribuciones basadas en Linux instalan una opción de recuperación/seguridad y una opción de prueba de memoria en el cargador de arranque predeterminado. Si bien Slackware no instala estas opciones de forma predeterminada, se pueden agregar fácilmente a cualquier sistema., , , , , ,
Configure Grub como gestor de arranque en el hardware UEFIConfigure Grub como gestor de arranque en el hardware UEFI La instalación y ejecución de Slackware en computadoras que utilizan la Interfaz de firmware extensible unificada (UEFI) en lugar de la BIOS tradicional plantea problemas. Puede que sea imposible arrancar directamente los medios de instalación oficiales a través de UEFI y los discos de instalación no incluyen un cargador de arranque UEFI., , ,
Configure SYSLINUX como cargador de arranque en hardware basado en UEFIConfigure SYSLINUX como cargador de arranque en hardware basado en UEFI SYSLINUX es un cargador de arranque que carga Linux (entre otras cosas) desde el sistema de archivos FAT. The Syslinux Project, del cual forma parte SYSLINUX, el cargador de arranque, también contiene ISOLINUX, EXTLINUX y PXELINUX, básicamente sus variantes para arrancar desde medios ópticos, ext2 / 3 / 4, Btrfs, XFS, UFS / FFS y NTFS o desde red., ,
Slackware Automatización utilizando AnsibleSlackware Automatización utilizando Ansible ¿Justificación y qué es imposible de todos modos? Como todos los demás, solía escribir scripts de Perl y bash para automatizar cosas, pero decidí aprender la forma moderna de hacer tales cosas. Miré a Puppet inicialmente pero decidí aprender Ansible en su lugar. Escribí una colección simple de scripts de Perl y libros de juego Ansible para ejecutar en una nueva instalación de Slackware, y en Freenode #slackware se me dijo que debía escribir algo para…
Instale Slackware en un CloudVPS por ArubaCloudInstale Slackware en un CloudVPS por ArubaCloud ArubaCloud ofrece excelentes servicios de VPS de bajo costo, desde 1 € / mes/ (al menos cuando se creó este artículo, febrero de 2018, consulte las limitaciones de ArubaCloud) . Este artículo hace referencia a la instalación de Slackware en, , , , ,
Instale Slackware en un VPS basado en Proxmox VE o SolusVMInstale Slackware en un VPS basado en Proxmox VE o SolusVM Me he enfrentado al desafío de instalar Slackware como un VPS en un proveedor de hosting que tenía Proxmox VE como plataforma de virtualización. Proxmox VE es una solución completa de gestión de virtualización de código abierto para servidores. Se basa en, , , , ,
Artículos HOWTO - Administración de SlackwareArtículos HOWTO - Administración de Slackware A comparación de otras distribuciones, Slackware por lo general limita las herramientas de uso exclusivo. Sin embargo, existen algunos casos donde ciertas tareas son exclusivas a Slackware. Esta sección incluye esos casos especificos.,
Actualización de Slackware a una nueva versiónActualización de Slackware a una nueva versión Actualizar o instalar desde cero Instalar Slackware desde cero y desde cero es siempre el mejor método si está ejecutando una versión bastante antigua de Slackware y desea omitir algunas. Se habrán producido demasiados cambios intrusivos en la distribución si su Slackware es relativamente antiguo. Hará que el proceso de actualización manual sea doloroso y no garantizará el éxito. En tales casos, es mejor hacer una copia de seguridad de su lista d…, ,
UEFI arranque dual o más usando rEFIndUEFI arranque dual o más usando rEFInd Las nuevas maquinas estan llegando con el estandar UEFI. Esto presenta algunas ventajas como la capacidad de inicio desde discos sobre los 2TiB y los componentes modulares Pre-OS como drivers pueden ser cargados en el firmware UEFI. Pero los usuarios Linux encontraron que, de repente, era más difícil el multi-boot que en el pasado. Sin embargo, ellos tienen una variedad de recursos y encontraron un camino para trabajar con el nuevo estandar. No es tan senc…, , , , ,
Slackware 100% LibreSlackware 100% Libre Nunca estuve en el equipo de Software 100% Libre. Utilizo algunos programas propietarios, pero todos los años trato de deshacerme del software propietario, y los chicos que tienen una licencia mala, eso no es gratis. Slackware es una poderosa distribución que viene con un conjunto de software que sin internet está bien abastecido. Y en este conjunto, está presente un software patentado y con licencia que a Stallman no le gusta., , , ,
Monitoreo de red con ArpwatchMonitoreo de red con Arpwatch Arpwatch permite que un sistema rastree IP pares de direcciones. Mapea las MAC Addresses en una red al rastrear ARP a cada una dispositivo en LAN y registra la respuesta en una base de datos. Todas las tarjetas de red se fabrican con una dirección, , , ,
AsciidocAsciidoc Introducción Mantener notas es una parte integral del uso de cualquier distribución de Linux. Mantenerlos en texto sin formato permite utilizarlos desde una consola durante la configuración inicial; El uso de un marcado consistente para texto plano aumenta la legibilidad de las notas.,
at - Programación de tareasat - Programación de tareas at es una herramienta de programación de tareas que permite al mismo tiempo realizar tareas en su sistema. El batch es como at pero realiza las tareas de una sola vez cuando la carga del sistema lo permite, todos los comandos y funciones de, ,
Configurar BOINC con la tarjeta de video ATI (AMD) en SlackwareConfigurar BOINC con la tarjeta de video ATI (AMD) en Slackware Este tutorial se utiliza en base a Slackware64 14.0 y boinc 7.2.33 x64 y la tarjeta de video ATI HD 4350 (RV710). En primer lugar, instale un nuevo slackware64 14.0. Luego descargamos el último cliente BOINC de, , , , ,
Navegación eficiente de la CLINavegación eficiente de la CLI La CLI (Interfaz de línea de comandos) es un entorno muy potente, flexible y programable. Si utiliza la interfaz de línea de comandos de forma regular, sabrá lo importante que es personalizar su entorno de trabajo y desarrollar accesos directos para garantizar un flujo de trabajo eficiente. A continuación hay algunos consejos sobre cómo navegar a través de directorios de una manera rápida y fácil., , , , , ,
Cómo fusionar archivos PDFCómo fusionar archivos PDF Introducción PDF (Portable Document Format) es un formato de archivo inventado por Adobe. PDF es útil para presentar documentos independientes del hardware, sistema operativo y software de aplicación. Cada archivo PDF tiene un diseño fijo, que incluye tamaño de página, fuentes, gráficos y otra información. También es posible encriptar un archivo PDF por seguridad, o crear una firma digital para autenticación., ,
irssiirssi Irssi es un cliente IRC basado en ncurses. El protocolo IRC (Internet Relay Chat) ha sido diseñado para usar con conferencias basadas en texto. Instalación irccd se distribuye con Slackware. Usando con tor Este párrafo muestra un método que puede seguir para irssi para una sesión de, , ,
man2htmlman2html Introduction man2html can generate on the fly HTML pages from man documentation. This makes it a useful addition to asciidoc based notes. One of the advantages it offers is that when man pages are converted to HTML they become navigable through hyperlinks. A similar script exists for,
Phoronix Test SuitePhoronix Test Suite Introduction Wondering if it's time to upgrade your Slackware box? Look no further than the Phoronix Test Suite to benchmark it against other people's systems. Here is a quick guide to get it up and running, we'll use timed kernel compilation as an example because that seems like as good a benchmark as any., ,
RTAIRTAI RTAI Introduction RTAI is a system that allows your Linux operating system to run so-called 'hard' realtime tasks. By 'hard' we mean that it isn't just 'best effort' it really will do something regularly, to a schedule dictated by you, no matter how heavily loaded the system. RTAI comes in two parts: a set of patches for your kernel and a library you can link your programs against which allows them to become realtime tasks. It may feel like you're running your program under Linux ju…, ,
Artículos HOWTO - SoftwareArtículos HOWTO - Software Esta sección contiene artículos How-To para software que no encajan en las siguientes categorías: * Administración de Slackware * Administración General * Cloud * Base de datos * Emulators * Multimedia * Servicios de red * Seguridad * Administradores de ventanas Recuerda que tu artículo podría ser movido al subgrupo apropiado Vista general de HOWTOS - Software,
The native TeX Live integrationThe native TeX Live integration Tex Live is nowadays the last maintained TeX distribution. Due to its size, it is not provided in the Slackware's official repository. That's why many (most of?) people use the dedicated SlackBuild from SlackBuilds.org to get it as a huge complete monolithic package., , ,
Usando Enlightenment DR17 con SlackwareUsando Enlightenment DR17 con Slackware ¿Qué es E17? Enlightenment DR17 (E17) es el tan esperado sucesor de E16, un gestor de ventanas que se distribuyó en Slackware hace 10 años. Se clasifica como un “shell de escritorio”, proporcionando las cosas que necesita para operar su escritorio (o computadora portátil), pero no un conjunto completo de aplicaciones. Esto incluye iniciar aplicaciones, administrar sus ventanas y realizar otras tareas del sistema como suspender, reiniciar, administrar a…, ,
Artículos HOWTO - Administradores de ventanasArtículos HOWTO - Administradores de ventanas Esta sección contiene información sobre artículos destinados a guiar a los usuarios a configurar y mantener administradores de ventanas en sistemas basados en Slackware. Vista general de HOWTOS -- Administradores de ventanas,
XFCE - Handy LaunchersXFCE - Handy Launchers Create a launcher 1) Somewhere on the blank desktop, RIGHT CLICK 2) Select CREATE LAUNCHER SSH LAUNCHER 1) NAME -> anything you want 2) COMMAND -> ssh MACHINE_NAME_OR_IP 3) CLICK -> RUN IN TERMINAL SSH LAUNCHER WITH VNC TUNNELING (GO TO THE BACKGROUND), , , , , ,
Xmonad como un administrador de ventanas para SlackwareXmonad como un administrador de ventanas para Slackware Xmonad es un gestor de ventanas en mosaico. Para obtener información sobre los administradores de ventanas en mosaico, lea este wiki: wikipedia Para Xmonad lea aquí Paquetes requeridos Xmonad no está incluido en Slackware de manera predeterminada, pero está disponible a través de, , , , ,
Articles HOWTO - ÉmulateursArticles HOWTO - Émulateurs Les utilisateurs de Linux ont souvent grandi en utilisant un autre ordinateur Systèmes d'exploitation et en jouant sur Consoles de jeu. Après être passé à un ordinateur de bureau basé sur Linux, personne ne vous empêche de profiter de ces anciens environnements car des émultauers logiciels ont été écrit pour un grand nombre de ces anciennes plates-formes. Vous cherchez un moyen de jouer à vos vieux jeux Commodore? Ou MS DOS? Ou Atari, ZX Spectrum, ou,
Articles HOWTO - MatérielArticles HOWTO - Matériel Cette section contient les articles How-To sur les configurations et pilotes matériels y compris la virtualisation et les plates-formes d'émulation. HOWTOS sur l'Architecture Spécifique Vue d'ensemble des HOWTOS sur le Matériel, ,
Permettre Sudo sur SlackwarePermettre Sudo sur Slackware Sudo, utilisateur de substitution de (Super User) ou Super user de (agissant comme un “super user”) Sudo, joue un rôle important sur les système UNIX ; sudo permet aux utilisateurs ordinaires de récupérer temporairement les privilèges d'un autre utilisateur ; il est largement utilisé pour les privilèges du super utilisateur root., , , ,
Slackware : quelques points de repèreSlackware : quelques points de repère Introduction Ce document doit permettre aux personnes ayant déjà utilisé un autre système de style Unix, comme une autre distribution Linux, *BSD ou OS X de se familiariser rapidement avec Slackware Linux. Nous supposons que les lecteurs :
Internationalisation et localisation des shell-scriptsInternationalisation et localisation des shell-scripts Présentation Objet, domaine concerné et public visé Ce document a pour but d'aider les développeurs, mainteneurs et traducteurs à écrire/maintenir/traduire des shell-scripts en utilisant les outils disponibles dans GNU gettext., , , , , , , ,
Articles HOWTO - DiversArticles HOWTO - Divers Cette section contient les articles how to qui n'entrent pas dans les catégories principales de Howto. Vue d'ensemble des HOWTOS Divers Slackware ---------- howtos topic_page translator_cedric, ,
NetflixNetflix Comment regarder Netflix sur Slackware 1) Installer la dernière version de Google Chrome. 2) Regarder Netflix. Comment installer Google Chrome sur Slackware howtos:software:google-chrome Sources * Original source: <http://docs.slackware.com/howtos:multimedia:netflix> howtos netflix chrome author_arfon, , ,
Articles HOWTO - MultimediaArticles HOWTO - Multimedia Cette section contient les articles how to destinés à aider les utilisateurs pour installer et maintenir les applications multimédia sur les systèmes basés sur Slackware. Vue d'ensemble des HOWTOS Multimédia Slackware, ,
Synchronisez les machines de votre réseau avec NTPSynchronisez les machines de votre réseau avec NTP NTP (Network Time Protocol) permet de synchroniser les horloges systèmes entre différents ordinateurs. Le HOWTO suivant décrit comment : * configurer un server NTP avec Slackware Linux, *, , , ,
Utiliser un scanner en réseauUtiliser un scanner en réseau Ce Howto décrit comment on peut utiliser un scanner qui est connecté à un autre ordinateur sous Slackware dans le même réseau. Logiciels nécessaires Tous les paquetages nécessaires sont disponibles dans une installation standard de Slackware. Il s'agit de, , , , , , ,
Articles HOWTO - Services RéseauArticles HOWTO - Services Réseau Cette section contient les articles how to destinés à aider les utilisateurs à installer et à maintenir divers services réseau sur des systèmes basés sur Slackware. Vue d'ensemble des HOWTOS sur les Services Réseau Slackware, ,
hosts.allow, hosts.denyhosts.allow, hosts.deny Ces deux fichiers dans /etc sont le lieu commun pour stocker les règles qui permettront d'autoriser des hôtes à se connecter à des services sur votre machine. Alors qu'un pare-feu peut être considéré comme cachant une porte, ces fichiers contrôlent qui est autorisé à ouvrir la porte., , , ,
Articles HOWTO - SécuritéArticles HOWTO - Sécurité Sécuriser votre ordinateur est un processus continu. Les guides suivants vous aideront à sécuriser votre installation de la Slackware, que ce soit pour les besoins serveur, poste de travail ou ordinateur portable. Assurez-vous de vous abonner à la, ,
Articles HOWTO - Administration SlackwareArticles HOWTO - Administration Slackware Bien que Slackware essaie de limiter la distribution d'outils spécifiques par rapport à d'autres distributions, il y a quelques cas où des tâches spécifiques sont uniques à Slackware. Cette section contient ces cas particuliers., ,
Mise à jour de la Slackware vers une nouvelle versionMise à jour de la Slackware vers une nouvelle version Mise à niveau ou bien installation depuis zéro Si vous utilisez une Slackware plutôt ancienne et si vous envisagez un saut de plusieurs numéros de version, la meilleure solution pour vous sera d'installer une Slackware récente à partir de zéro. Bien trop de changements intrusifs auront été faits à la distribution si votre Slackware date de quelques années. Cela rendrait la mise à jour à la main difficile et le succès n'en serait pas garanti…, , ,
Comment fusionner des fichiers PDFComment fusionner des fichiers PDF Introduction PDF (Portable Document Format) est un format de fichier inventé par Adobe. PDF est utilisé pour présenter des documents indépendamment du matériel, des systèmes d'exploitation et des applications. Chaque fichier PDF a une mise en page fixe, incluant la taille de la page, les polices de caractères et d'autres informations. Il est également possible de crypter un fichier PDF pour des raisons de sécurité, ou de créer une signature numérique pour l'a…, ,
Articles HOWTO - Gestionnaires de FenêtresArticles HOWTO - Gestionnaires de Fenêtres Cette section contient les articles how to destinés à guider les utilisateurs à installer et à maintenir les gestionnaires de fenêtres sur les systèmes basés sur Slackware. Vue d'ensemble des HOWTOS sur les gestionnaires de fenêtres, ,
XFCE - Handy LaunchersXFCE - Handy Launchers Créer un lanceur 1) Dans un espace vide du bureau, CLIC DROIT 2) Sélectionner CRÉER UN LANCEUR SSH LAUNCHER 1) NOM -> ce que vous voulez 2) COMMANDE -> ssh NOM_MACHINE_OU_IP 3) OPTIONS -> EXÉCUTER DANS UN TERMINAL, , , , , , ,
Slackware as an AWS EC2 InstanceSlackware as an AWS EC2 Instance Prerequisites * You should have already prepared a DomU compatible Slackware install, see the separate guide on how to do that. * You should have an AWS account with the necessary vmimport role * You should have awscli configured with credentials such that commands like 'aws s3 ls' work, ,
Docker on SlackwareDocker on Slackware There's a Slackware package for Docker on Slackbuilds, but there is a small caveat when installing. In case you are wondering, the docker build gives you the CE version of Docker. Steps to install As root, first install skpkg:, , ,
HOWTO articles - CloudHOWTO articles - Cloud Cloud is the buzz word of these days. We have a series of articles that will help you understand what cloud services are, how they can work in your advantage, and how you can run Slackware in the cloud. Commercial Cloud Services,
HOWTO articles - DatabasesHOWTO articles - Databases This section contains how to articles intended to guide users to setup and maintain various database systems on Slackware based systems. Overview of Slackware Administration HOWTOS ---------- howtos topic_page,
Helper script for managing QEMU virtual machinesHelper script for managing QEMU virtual machines Preface Qemu is a popular and powerful open-source emulator often used for running KVM Virtual Machines (VMs). In fact qemu supports emulating so many things that it can be quite challenging, unless you do it very often, to manually start a VM from a text console. Who would want to write the below command for starting a VM ?,
KVM, Libvirt, QEMU quirks, tips, tricks etcKVM, Libvirt, QEMU quirks, tips, tricks etc Introduction This is meant as a collaborative place for minor topics related to KVM, Libvirt and QEMU that neither fits in another howto or need a howto of its own. Little things you pick up when using these that might be important to other users. Please add things chronologically with a headline(5). Use headline(3) if you need to split it into sections. Leave some empty spaces between each minor topic. The original author will organizer this article…, , , ,
Libvirt basic configurations and methodsLibvirt basic configurations and methods Introduction This is actually a continuation of another article: <https://docs.slackware.com/howtos:emulators:libvirt_qemu_manage_install> And was intended just to give some basic steps to get libvirt working on Slackware 15 after installing qemu/libvirt/virt-manager. However, the topic is so generic that it's difficult to make it specific. And there are so many different settings that it's not possible to just say, , , , ,
Libvirt, QEMU, Virt-Manager install guideLibvirt, QEMU, Virt-Manager install guide Introduction QEMU/KVM with Virt-Manager is a great alternative to Virtualbox. Virt-Manager depends on libvirt, so overall this alternative far exceeds Virtualbox, and it is not difficult to get this working. This is suppose to be a clear and reproducible path to get Virt-Manage with all those components installed on Slackware 15.0 and beyond. It is suppose to be newbie friendly, , , , ,
RetroArchRetroArch RetroArch is an opensource frontend for various games emulators. It runs libretro “cores” that are available separately as shared libraries. This makes RetroArch modular and user being able to install only desired emulators. Installation RetroArch and some libretro cores are available via SlackBuilds.org.
HOWTO articles - EmulatorsHOWTO articles - Emulators Linux users often grew up using other computer Operating Systems and playing their games on Consoles. After making the switch to a Linux based desktop, no one is keeping you from enjoying those old environments, because emulator software has been written for a great many of those old platforms. Looking for a way to play your old Commodore games? Or MS DOS? Or Atari, ZX Spectrum, or,
Using vms command line tool for PCI passthrough in QEMUUsing vms command line tool for PCI passthrough in QEMU vms pci passthrough Using vms for pci passthrough. This example is for a graphics card, but it will work for any PCI device. This has been tested for qemu guests running linux, Windows and macOS., , , ,
Find packages with filenamesFind packages with filenames Sometimes you want to know which files are included in a package. At other times you want to search for a package containing a file and you only have a filename (e.g. when the installation of software requires dependencies)., ,
Installing a Conan Exiles Dedicated ServerInstalling a Conan Exiles Dedicated Server This article will guide you through the installation and configuration of a Conan Exiles Dedicated Server. Conan Exiles The Conan Exiles Dedicated Server is not available for Linux but, it does work under Wine. Installing the Conan Exiles server and keeping it updated, requires that you use the Steam updater (SteamCMD)., , , ,
Half-LifeHalf-Life Half-Life is a proprietary FPS game. Dedicated Server This article will guide you through the installation and configuration of a Half-Life Dedicated Server (HLDS). Half-Life was Valve Software's first game. Even though it was released in 1998, it is still very popular among on-line gamers., , ,
HOWTO articles - GamesHOWTO articles - Games A collection of articles about playing games, or hosting game servers on your Linux computer. Overview of Games HOWTOS ---------- howtos topic_page,
Automounting usb drives is udevAutomounting usb drives is udev I've a GoFlexNet that runs Slackware Arm that I like to use as NAS (nice to be able to do software raid with the 2 sata drives). Along with having an array I also wanted to be able to share any usb disk really quickly without having to interact in any way with the appliance: this is what I came up with:, ,
Minimalistic guide to build a Kernel (only)Minimalistic guide to build a Kernel (only) Introduction Brief guide to configure, compile and install a kernel. I do this all as root in /usr/src, others do all steps except install in /home/user/somewhere as user. If I'm going to use the Kernel to control my computer I might as well trust the build process. So this guide assumes as ROOT and /usr/src. It is mainly intended as my reference to other howto's that requires building a Kernel first., , ,
How to copy files \ directories \ filesystems via network.How to copy files \ directories \ filesystems via network. The article describes ways of copying content over network. When upgrading a home server, I copy all the data from the old server to a new system. In the examples below, I work from the new server and both servers are on the same subnet:, ,
KVM and libvirtKVM and libvirt With the combination of KVM and libvirt, you have an easy way of creating and managing virtual machines. According to the official homepage, libvirt is: A toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). It provides management of virtual machines, virtual networks and storage; both local and remote. Since libvirt acts as an intermediate between a hypervisor and client applications, you must have a supported hypervisor insta…, , , , , ,
OpenRCOpenRC OpenRC is a dependency based init system. Features OpenRC provides a number of features like hardware initiated initscript run and cgroups support, without requiring large layout changes. Installation Two Slackbuilds are available, openrc, which contains the OpenRC init system, and, ,
Resizing a QEMU raw image with an NTFS filesystemResizing a QEMU raw image with an NTFS filesystem This is a quick guide to increasing the disk space available to your Windows virtual machine with an NTFS file system. The example is based on increasing a partition from 5GB to 6GB. Use qemu-img to resize the QEMU raw disk image, , , , , , ,
How to search and read Manpages efficientlyHow to search and read Manpages efficiently Manpages are pages in the online Unix Manual. I hope this Howto can help some of you to use them more effectively, although I'm aware that many of the readers are already familiar with this subject. Searching for a Manpage, , , , ,
Serial ConsoleSerial Console Slackware can be installed on various embedded devices. A lot of those don't have a traditional console, like a monitor and keyboard. Instead, the console is often routed to the serial port. In order to take advantage of this, some post-install configuration is necessary., , , ,
Setting up a Slackware chrootSetting up a Slackware chroot There are multiple reasons why you might want to set up a Slackware chroot: * building 32-bit packages on a 64-bit multilib system * building -stable packages on a -current system * building (and testing) packages for SBo on a clean system
HOWTO articles - General AdministrationHOWTO articles - General Administration This section contains How-To articles for system administration tasks that exist in multiple Linux and Unix based distributions Overview of Slackware Administration HOWTOS ---------- howtos topic_page,
Task Scheduling in LinuxTask Scheduling in Linux Overview This article discusses some tools used in a Linux system to schedule tasks to run automatically at specified time intervals or at any given point of time in the future. This primer will not cover these commands in-depth; this is just a brief introduction to using these commands. See the individual HOWTOS for each command for an in-depth look at all relevant options and configurations., , , ,
Slackware 14.0 on an Acer Aspire One ZA3Slackware 14.0 on an Acer Aspire One ZA3 Slackware 14.0 easily installs on an Acer Aspire One ZA3, but X windows crashes. I found a fix that works from another Slacker. When Slackware 14.0 boots up log in as root and enter this command: # rmmod poulsbo psb_gfx,
The ARM Machine Architecture NumbersThe ARM Machine Architecture Numbers If you want to know what is the correct Machine Architecture Number for your device you might want to have a look here. There is also a good primer on ARM boot-loader basic operation here Sources howtos arm author louigi600, , ,
Automatically Set System Time On ARM DevicesAutomatically Set System Time On ARM Devices Most users know how unforgiving the Slackware operating system is when the date and time is not set relatively accurate, and rightly so. Inaccurate time can give rise to all kinds of problems, and is often the bane of a system administrator's life. Particularly on ARM devices, where this can be a continual annoyance when the system time has no way of setting itself correctly and/or those responsible [often] forget to do it., , , , , , , , , ,
Slackware ARM gcc-9.2.x armv8 arm64 aarch64 cross-compiler for the Raspberry Pi 4Slackware ARM gcc-9.2.x armv8 arm64 aarch64 cross-compiler for the Raspberry Pi 4 Preface With the recent congruous updates to Slackware ARM [~24 June 2019 - “A MILLION THANKS to MoZes!”] and the surprise arrival of the Raspberry Pi 4, this just had to be done. Creating a 64-bit gcc-9.2.0 arm64 aarch64 cross-compiler with the intention of building aarch64-linux binaries from source code and turning them into Slackware packages., , , , , , , , ,
Slackware ARM current gcc-10.3.x armv8 arm64 aarch64 cross-compiler for the Raspberry Pi 4Slackware ARM current gcc-10.3.x armv8 arm64 aarch64 cross-compiler for the Raspberry Pi 4 Preface With the recent updates on Slackware ARM (December 2020) to gcc-10.x this is an ARMv8 aarch64 cross-compiler bash script that's intended for building binaries from source code and turning them into Slackware packages. Or whatever use you may find for this script., , , , , , , , ,
Slackware ARM current ARMv8 AArch64 cross-compiler build script (gcc-12.1.0) for the Raspberry Pi 3/4Slackware ARM current ARMv8 AArch64 cross-compiler build script (gcc-12.1.0) for the Raspberry Pi 3/4 Preface With the updates of Slackware AArch64 to gcc-12.1.0, this is an ARMv8 AArch64 cross-compiler bash script that's intended for building binaries from source code and turning them into Slackware packages. Or whatever use you may find for this script., , , , , , , , ,
Slackware ARM current ARMv8 AArch64 cross-compiler build script (gcc-12.2.0) for the Raspberry Pi 3/4Slackware ARM current ARMv8 AArch64 cross-compiler build script (gcc-12.2.0) for the Raspberry Pi 3/4 Preface With the updates of Slackware AArch64 to gcc-12.2.0, this is an ARMv8 AArch64 cross-compiler bash script that's intended for building binaries from source code and turning them into Slackware packages. Or whatever use you may find for this script., , , , , , , , ,
Slackware ARM 15.0 ARMv8 AArch64 cross-compiler build script (gcc-13.2.0) for the Raspberry Pi 3/4/5Slackware ARM 15.0 ARMv8 AArch64 cross-compiler build script (gcc-13.2.0) for the Raspberry Pi 3/4/5 Preface With the updates of Slackware AArch64 to gcc-13.2.0, this is an ARMv8 AArch64 cross-compiler bash script that's intended for building binaries from source code and turning them into Slackware packages on 32-bit Slackware systems. Or whatever other purpose(s) you may find for this script and its possibilities., , , , , , , , ,
Slackware Package naming conventionSlackware Package naming convention * Author: Stuart Winter <mozes at slackware.com> * Date....: 18-Mar-2020 * Version : 1.00 * Purpose : Provide a best practice for naming packages for Slackware ARM. ARM package naming convention Exposition of the package name format:, , ,
nginx on Slackware ARMnginx on Slackware ARM Nginx in brief Created by Igor Sysoev and first publicly released in 2004, Nginx is a high‑performance, highly scalable, highly available web server, reverse proxy server, and web accelerator (combining the features of an HTTP load balancer, content cache, and more). Nginx offers a highly scalable architecture that is very different from that of Apache (and many other open source and commercial products in the same category). Nginx has a modular, event‑driven, asynchrono…, , , , , , , , , , ,
Slackware Network Install on Raspberry Pi 3Slackware Network Install on Raspberry Pi 3 Introduction This is an abridged version of the SARPi (<http://sarpi.co.uk/>) installation guide dealing with the 'headless' install case for installing Slackware 14.2. There is nothing wrong with the original guide, it is very, , , ,
Wireless Access Point With a Raspberry Pi 3Wireless Access Point With a Raspberry Pi 3 Introduction This HOWTO shows you how to replace the WiFi element of your home network setup with a Raspberry Pi running Slackware. Other HOWTOs explain how to setup DHCP and so on for your wireless devices, but this tries to keep things really simple and just give you an ethernet, , , , , ,
Slackware ARM local mirror repository - SAREPOSlackware ARM local mirror repository - SAREPO It is acknowledged that there are more complete and distinguished Slackware repository solutions readily available. Such as, alienBOB's gen_repos_files.sh and mirror-slackware-current.sh scripts, and Dave Spencer's slackrepo. These are renowned, highly automated, tools for managing Slackware package repositories and mirrors., , , , , , , , , ,
Making it easy for u-boot to find uImage and uinitrdMaking it easy for u-boot to find uImage and uinitrd I often fiddle with testing root images, kernels and initrd on my kirkwood based systems by using usb flash sticks. I found that although Jeff did a brilliant job on uboot, at the time I started fiddling with custom boot images on my dosckstar, his default environment was unable to directly boot all my testing images that were rapidly changing in layout. To work around this I started making canges to his environment., , ,
Slackware on ARM - HOWTO guidesSlackware on ARM - HOWTO guides This section contains information about how to install Slackware on to a range of ARM hardware. The wiki pages on this site are intended for the community to help broaden the architecture support and collaboratively create and share the knowledge base.,
ASUS eee PC HowToASUS eee PC HowTo Although this howto was written specifically for the ASUS 1005HA netbook, it may be ported to similar machines. With Slackware everything works pretty much out of the box for this Asus EEE-pc model. Function keys, however, are not enabled by default, which means additional configuration steps are required., ,
Use BFQ IO schedulerUse BFQ IO scheduler Budget Fair Queueing (BFQ) Storage-I/O Scheduler * Why do I want BFQ? -Seems to speed up disk based IO see the Source section for more info. http://algo.ing.unimo.it/people/paolo/disk_sched/ * First collect your existing kernel configuration. zcat /proc/config.gz > BFQ_CONFIG
Brother printer/scanner installationBrother printer/scanner installation Brother makes a variety of printers and multifunction devices. There is a strong commitment to Linux support, but the driver packages are offered only in .rpm or .deb format. So what does a Slackware user do?, , , , ,
CPU-frequency scaling on SlackwareCPU-frequency scaling on Slackware Introduction CPU frequency scaling is carried out by the kernel, there are currently two main ways of thinking about CPU Frequency Scaling, and these are based on the frequency scaling driver which is in use. By default, , , ,
Linux Multi-Queue Block IO Queueing Mechanism (blk-mq)Linux Multi-Queue Block IO Queueing Mechanism (blk-mq) blk-mq (Multi-Queue Block IO Queueing Mechanism) is a new framework for the Linux block layer that was introduced with Linux Kernel 3.13 and has become feature-complete with Kernel 3.16. Blk-mq allows for over 15 million IOPS with high-performance flash devices (e.g. PCIe SSDs) on multi-socket servers, though even single and dual socket servers also benefit considerably from blk-mq., , , ,
GPS-devicesGPS-devices Overview GPS stands for Global Positioning System. GPS devices (also referred to as GPS receivers) provide the user with his/her geographic coordinates. GPS sport watches allow to save and export tracks, that is collections of geo-localized points describing the run or any movement that was done. This howto is based on experiences on Garmin Etrex Legend HCx (GPS device) and, on Slackware 15.0, on a Garmin Forerunner 205 (GPS sport watch); but it should also work at least for any Ga…, , ,
Slackware installation using a serial terminal on an embedded systemSlackware installation using a serial terminal on an embedded system I'll describe here what steps are required to install Slackware to a machine, using a serial terminal. The boot medium used here is a usb-key, but I think that these steps could be customized for booting from a CD-, ,
Set Up Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 & Audigy Rx in SlackwareSet Up Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 & Audigy Rx in Slackware This HOWTO is based on setup experience with following hardware: * Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 ( SB0060) * Creative Inspire T3100 2.1 Speakers * Intel DG965SS motherboard *, , , , , , , , ,
Solid State DrivesSolid State Drives Installing Slackware 14.1 on a SSD drive While some of this could be performed after an installation (changing the LVM settings), I'll assume a new installation, because most parts can't be easily performed afterwards. Partition creation,
HOWTO articles - HardwareHOWTO articles - Hardware This section contains How-To articles for hardware drivers and configurations including virtualization and emulation platforms. Architecture Specific HOWTOS Overview of Hardware HOWTOS ---------- howtos topic_page,
Connecting to VirginMobile Broadband2Go with an Ovation MC760 USB modemConnecting to VirginMobile Broadband2Go with an Ovation MC760 USB modem Using Network Manager 1) Plug in your modem. 2) Open the Network Manager “NETWORK CONNECTIONS” dialog. 3) Click “+ ADD”. 4) “CHOOSE A CONNECTION TYPE” ---> “MOBILE BROADBAND, , , ,
Anatomy Of a SlackbuildAnatomy Of a Slackbuild Preamble I guess all Slackware users will have used at sometime a SlackBuild script in order to create a package of software that could be easily and cleanly installed and removed later if needed. My experience was that I ran the SlackBuild script to create a package and never actually looked at the code it contained until one day the source version did not match that stated in the script.
Web Dev primarily HTML and PHPWeb Dev primarily HTML and PHP I'm going to give an overview of web development for users of Slackware.It's going to be from the perspective of approaches for a budding web developer who uses Slackware, the problems you might face due to using Slackware Linux and an eclectic look at what tools are available to help you, starting simplest first.
Biff's Slackware Tips for NoobsBiff's Slackware Tips for Noobs Introduction I was going to call this page 'Slackware for Dummies' however there's a book of the same name on Amazon :-(. I've accumulated a few bits and pieces that I feel are useful for people starting out in Slackware but which are too small to warrant their own HOWTOs. If you feel I should break anything out into its own HOWTO please add comments in the discussion section. Please also be aware that some of this is about opinion, and just one person's opin…, , ,
Checking a Slackware VersionChecking a Slackware Version To check which version of Slackware you are running, we have two means that are widely used and practical, the first is to read the slackware-version file, which is located in the /etc/ directory. For this you can run the, , , ,
How to connect mysql client over SSH tunnel to Mariadb serverHow to connect mysql client over SSH tunnel to Mariadb server For setting up your working Mariadb server, read this howto. You may want to connect clients to the database server over network securely. Instead of using TLS (which is available natively) for this, the same can also be achieved by tunneling over SSH by following the below steps., , , , ,
Devastator, Scroll Lock and I3WM keyboardDevastator, Scroll Lock and I3WM keyboard I recently received a donation from cryptographic friend Ayr, a Devastator CM-STORM keyboard from Cooler Master. A keyboard that is beautiful, soft and enjoyable to use. However I faced a very annoying problem on my I3wm. Because it is a keyboard that has LEDs, its function works through Scroll Lock., , , ,
The Cross Syntax Cheat Sheet: DokuWiki versus AsciiDoc MarkupsThe Cross Syntax Cheat Sheet: DokuWiki versus AsciiDoc Markups Introduction At time of writing, SlackDocs uses a DokuWiki engine to convert the wiki pages (plain text including markup) to xhtml text. Converting the DokuWiki markup to AsciiDoc markup can ease the work of translators of DokuWiki pages, as the application po4a, that allows to produce PO files ready for translation, can handle the AsciiDoc markup but not the DokuWiki markup.
Enabling Sudo on SlackwareEnabling Sudo on Slackware Sudo, substitute user of (Super User) or Super user of (acting as super user) has a big role on UNIX Likes systems, sudo allows ordinary users to temporarily get privileges from another user, widely used for the privileges of the superuser root., , , ,
Get acquainted with SlackwareGet acquainted with Slackware Introduction This document is intended to allow people who have already used another “Unix-like” system to get quickly acquainted with Slackware. We assume that the reader: * knows the main Unix commands and the associated concepts,
How-to translate a document in AsciiDoc formatHow-to translate a document in AsciiDoc format Introduction According to its Home Page: " AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing notes, documentation, articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages, man pages and blogs. AsciiDoc files can be translated to many formats including, ,
Internationalization and localization of shell scriptsInternationalization and localization of shell scripts Presentation Purpose, scope and intended audience This document is intended to help developers, maintainers and translators to write/maintain/translate internationalized then localized shell scripts, using the tools provided by GNU gettext., , , , , , ,
Switching from Lilo to Grub2 (legacy/mode bios mbr)Switching from Lilo to Grub2 (legacy/mode bios mbr) Introduction If you use UEFI and/or GPT, then don't use this. If you still want to use it, you can probably set your UEFI to BIOS legacy mode and deactivate GPT. This is meant to be simple. But the process should be somewhat similar with UEFI/GPT., , ,
Linux HOWTOsLinux HOWTOs The Linux HOWTOs are a collection of documents which cover specific subjects related to GNU/Linux. Most Linux HOWTOs are not tailored to a specific distribution, therefore they are very useful for Slackware Linux users. The linux- howtos package in the “f” software set contains the HOWTO collection. After installing this package the HOWTOs are available from the /usr/doc/Linux-HOWTOs/ directory. Slackware Linux also contains a small collection of Linux-related FAQs (FAQs are docume…,
LXC (Linux Containers)LXC (Linux Containers) Introduction Linux Containers, or LXC, is operating system-level method for running multiple separate isolated Linux installations (containers) on a single host. Rather than simulating the computer hardware as in true virtualization, LXC uses the cgroups and namespaces functionalities of the host's Linux kernel to provide strong isolation of the container. It is an intermediate solution between chroots and full virtualization, having a small impact on system resource usa…
Policy based routingPolicy based routing By default networks packets are routed based on their destination address. Linux supports routing policies, and this allows you to have multiple routing tables and make routing decisions based on other variables. IPIPIPIP IP, , ,
Proxying Emails to Your Local Mail Relay ServerProxying Emails to Your Local Mail Relay Server There may be times where you may need to send emails from a machine, that can not do so directly nor thought your local SMTP relay and you have no easy way out for mending the causes. Let's examine some scenarios that would allow you to work around the problem., ,
Script with autostart function and output to defined console.Script with autostart function and output to defined console. There is instruction, how to do script output to console 2,3, or another, and autostart them on computer switch on. In that case we cannot put script start in /etc/rc.d/rc.local file, as always, because in that stage agetty, and consoles not activated, and therefore, script at that stage cannot do output to non-existing at that time, console, therefore, we put it in crontab with special preffix:, , , , , ,
Slackware Docker Image OverviewSlackware Docker Image Overview Slackware docker images are available in the docker image registry. They can be found in hub.docker.com/r/vbatts Building the images You can clone the git repository from github.com/vbatts/slackware-docker Currently, using the installer bootstrap, the mkimage-slackware.sh, , ,
Howto install slackware64 -current with full disk encryption, including swap on LinodeHowto install slackware64 -current with full disk encryption, including swap on Linode The task To have a working virtual machine in Linode, running and tracking Slackware64 -current, with full disk encryption, including swap, using LUKS with a custom partitioning schematic using, , , ,
HOWTO articles - MiscellaneousHOWTO articles - Miscellaneous This section contains how to articles which do not fit within any of the other main HOWTO categories. Overview of Slackware Miscellaneous HOWTOS ---------- howtos topic_page,
Variables in bashVariables in bash Understand the concept of a variable and how to do every process to create your own. What is a variable? A variable as its name implies is to store varied content in a memory location / space, instead of using numbers to make your call, we use tags / names! This makes it easier to make the call, isn't it? Shell variables can receive any content! from a simple string / text, numbers, output status of a command and return output., , , ,
Slackware as a VMWare GuestSlackware as a VMWare Guest Introduction These instructions apply to ESXi 5.5. It's highly likely they also apply to other versions of VMWare, unfortunately you have a lot to choose from taking into account Workstation, Fusion and even Player and I can't test them all. These instructions refer to Slackware 64-bit 14.2 as the guest, and assume Fluxbox WM., , ,
Command line Wireless network (wpa2) in a pinch with WPA-supplicantCommand line Wireless network (wpa2) in a pinch with WPA-supplicant Introduction In some cases and situations it might not be possible to get your wireless network up with more advanced tools, and in such cases it is always useful to know how to get wireless networking up and running with the basic networking tools. This method works in all or most distroes, as they generally have these tools by default., , , ,
Configuring Wireless With wpa_cliConfiguring Wireless With wpa_cli This article is for folks who are choosing not to use NetworkManager for their wireless. If you are running FluxBox or some other lightweight window manager, you may find it useful to configure wireless in the manner described below., ,
Slackware as a Xen DomU GuestSlackware as a Xen DomU Guest Introduction This document explains how to create a guest virtual machine for a Xen environment using HVM (with PV drivers) virtualisation mode. Such a VM could be used on AWS (Amazon Web Services) or with an on-premise Xen setup but has the added advantage that it will still boot into Desktop virtualisation software like VirtualBox, KVM, VMWare as it uses a conventional MBR. There is no requirement to use Grub and we can stick with the familiar LILO., , ,
Slackware Live DAW: Compensating LatencySlackware Live DAW: Compensating Latency Overview of Latency and its Sources Audio data is moved in “chunks”, called buffers, which contain a number of audio samples. The buffer takes time to fill up, due to the fact that a system runs at a fixed sample rate. The size of the buffer is determined by the, , , ,
Slackware Live DAW: Connecting MIDI DevicesSlackware Live DAW: Connecting MIDI Devices Introduction MIDI devices can be connected using a MIDI cable into a MIDI port of an audio interface, or with a USB cable directly to a computer. In either case the MIDI connection will be handled by ALSA so the MIDI connections may not be present in JACK/QJackCtl's connection graph. There are several methods of bridging MIDI from ALSA into JACK., , , ,
Slackware Live DAW: Minimizing LatencySlackware Live DAW: Minimizing Latency When is Minimal Latency Actually Needed? Low latency in a digital audio workstation is needed when providing live playback to the artist. If audio coming from the monitor is delayed from the action of playing an instrument or singing, it interferes with the artist's ability to keep in time. This applies to recording a musician or vocalist with live monitoring, playing a live show with software instruments, mixing a live show through a DAW, or any other wo…, , , ,
What is a DAW?What is a DAW? In simple terms, a Digital Audio Workstation is a device where you create and manipulate digital audio. Before the era of personal computing, a DAW would be a complex piece of (expensive) hardware which was only within reach of music studios or artists of name and fame., , , ,
NetflixNetflix How to watch Netflix on Slackware 1) Install the current version of Google Chrome. 2) Watch Netflix. How install Google Chrome on Slackware howtos:software:google-chrome Sources howtos netflix chrome author_arfon, , ,
PulseAudioPulseAudio PulseAudio is a sound server running on top of some other sound system, usually ALSA. The original purpose was to get software mixing and transmit sound over network. Now PulseAudio is more than that, but it came at cost of increased complexity, which is not very good, considering the Linux sound system is already overly complex. But despite that the sound server is widely used by most Linux distributions. Slackware is not one of them because of its, , , ,
PulseAudio RationalePulseAudio Rationale With the release of the first beta of what will be version 14.2, PulseAudio has been introduced as default audio server in Slackware Linux. This historical change comes out mostly from necessity, as the bluetooth stack BlueZ has dropped the ALSA plugin for audio output, making the presence of PulseAudio mandatory for playing any audio coming from Bluetooth devices., ,
HOWTO articles - MultimediaHOWTO articles - Multimedia This section contains how to articles intended to guide users to setup and maintain multimedia apps on Slackware based systems. Overview of Slackware Multimedia HOWTOS ---------- howtos topic_page,
SteamSteam Steam is a digital distribution platform developed by Valve Corporation offering digital rights management (DRM), multiplayer gaming and social networking services. Installation Note Steam requires multilib if using a 64 bit system. The steam installer can be be had by installing the,
Citrix ClientCitrix Client This article describes how to install and configure The Citrix Client on Slackware. Nowadays this client is better known as the “Citrix Receiver”. Quoting the Citrix web site: “Citrix Receiver is an easy-to-install client software that lets you access your docs, applications and desktops from any of your devices including smartphones, tablets and PCs, ,
Configuring a Wireless Access PointConfiguring a Wireless Access Point This Howto explains how you can use your computer as a Wireless Accesspoint. This means if the computer has an Internet connection and a wireless interface, other computers can use it's internet connection via wlan., , , ,
Desktop printer sharing with CUPSDesktop printer sharing with CUPS Using CUPS, a USB printer can be network shared by the system it is connected to. While full printer discovery requires avahi, it is possible to set up simple printer sharing on Slackware 14.2 without installing any new software. In this case, the server is the machine that the printer is connected to via, , , ,
Adding Sieve and ManageSieve support to dovecotAdding Sieve and ManageSieve support to dovecot Installing the Software Assuming you have set up Dovecot and Postfix as per Creating a Virtual Mail Server with Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL you may want some server-side filtering, and vacation response capabilities. This can be done using the sieve filter language, and edited by your virtual mail users using managesieve., , , , , ,
Ethernet Bridging With OpenVPNEthernet Bridging With OpenVPN Other guides detail setting up of OpenVPN for 'tun' bridging, where IP traffic is efficiently routed between a couple of geographically separated sites, but this guide is about so-called 'tap' bridging. In effect, it describes how to join a couple of sites forwarding all ethernet traffic between, regardless of protocol. This is useful for development, test networks and if you need to forward non-, , ,
Installing OpenWebMail in Slackware64 14.0Installing OpenWebMail in Slackware64 14.0 This article explains how to install OpenWebmail and configure it so that you can access your mailbox using a web interface from any place with internet access and a webbrowser available. These instructions were tested on Slackware64 14.0 64-bit,
iPXE boot serveriPXE boot server iPXE is an open-source Preboot Execution Environment implementation that has a lot more functionality than most firmware PXE clients. Apart from using tftp to download data, iPXE can also use HTTP. Other boot methods include booting from an iSCSI SAN, a fibre channel SAN using FCoE, an ATA over Ethernet (AoE) SAN, or a wireless network. It also has a scripting language so you can create complex boot scripts. iPXE is also used as the PXE client in QEMU, so with a iPXE server you…, , , ,
iSCSIiSCSI You may have heard of iSCSI in the context of corporate SANs perhaps supplying storage to a VMWare cluster of hosts, or some other heavy-weight application. These systems would generally involve running iSCSI over specialist 10Gbe (or more?) hardware and cabling and allow the operators to divorce the supply of storage from the hosts that use it. If that's your interest then this guide is probably not for you.,
Setting up Joomla 2.5 CMS in Slackware 14.0 64bitSetting up Joomla 2.5 CMS in Slackware 14.0 64bit This HowTo describes simplified instruction for installing Joomla 2.5 content management system in Slackware 14.0. For more complex instructions you may want to read ... * start conditions is freshly installed Slackware 14.0 with option, ,
Install and configuring kerberos On Slackware without PAMInstall and configuring kerberos On Slackware without PAM The KDC This procedure will result in a new Kerberos realm. If you already have access to a Kerberos KDC, you can skip to the client and application server parts. Also, the below procedure is very abbreviated and is not a substitute for reading the documentation supplied in the package or on the MIT Kerberos website., ,
NFS RootNFS Root Introduction This HOWTO is about running your Slackware Linux system without any hard disk - or perhaps with a very small hard disk - accessing the network to retrieve all files except the kernel. If you want to go the whole hog you can PXE-boot the kernel too, however this HOWTO expects you to have somewhere local to store the kernel. We're going to use VirtualBox virtual machines to, ,
Synchronize your network with NTPSynchronize your network with NTP NTP is the Network Time Protocol, used to synchronize host clocks to one another. Your Slackware distribution comes with NTP preinstalled. Your reasons for running NTP might include: * make timestamps in system logs agree with one other, to make sense of events recorded in multiple system logs, , , , , ,
OpenVPN - How to Set Up a Slackware Server and a Slackware ClientOpenVPN - How to Set Up a Slackware Server and a Slackware Client 1. Introduction 1.1. OpenVPN(1) OpenVPN is an open source software application that implements virtual private network (VPN) techniques for creating secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections in routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities. It uses a custom security protocol that utilizes SSL/TLS for key exchange. It is capable of traversing network address translators (NATs) and firewalls. It was writte…, ,
Creating a Virtual Mail Server with Postfix, Dovecot and MySQLCreating a Virtual Mail Server with Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL This article shows how to build and set up a secure virtual mail server using Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL on a Slackware 14.1 platform. Because the build and installed platforms may very likely be different, and the configuration can seem complex to those not familiar with postfix, dovecot and mysql, I have organized this article in a way that I hope will help you separate and test individual tasks, without losing your way!, , , , ,
Virtual Mail Server DatabaseVirtual Mail Server Database This page is supplemental to main article: Creating a Virtual Mail Server with Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL The database is used to provide configuration and authentication for your virtual mail domains and mail boxes. Email content is not stored in the database in this configuration., , , ,
Installing The Dovecot MDAInstalling The Dovecot MDA This page is supplemental to main article: Creating a Virtual Mail Server with Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL Dovecot is a popular and secure mail delivery agent, or MDA, which can be configured to work alongside the postfix MTA. As with postfix, we will build and install our dovecot package using the current build script from, , ,
Firewall Rules For Virtual Mail ServerFirewall Rules For Virtual Mail Server This page is supplemental to main article: Creating a Virtual Mail Server with Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL A firewall is simply a set of kernel routing rules, iptables rules, that selectively block or allow network traffic into and out of your machine. A web facing email server must be secured by a suitable set of firewall rules or it will quickly be overwhelmed and compromised!, , , ,
Installing The Postfix MTAInstalling The Postfix MTA This page is supplemental to main article: Creating a Virtual Mail Server with Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL Postfix is a popular and secure mail transport agent, or MTA. We will build and install Postfix using the build script from SlackBuilds.org or SBo. The steps shown here use versions current as of this writing, but you should use the latest version applicable to your Slackware version at the time you build it., , ,
Configuring SSL CertificatesConfiguring SSL Certificates This page is supplemental to main article: Creating a Virtual Mail Server with Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL We will now create and install a self-signed SSL certificate to support secure email. The dovecot package installs a script for generating self-signed certs at /usr/doc/dovecot-2.2.13/mkcert.sh, which you may use if you prefer. The commands shown below do the same thing but save the certificate and key to a different path., , ,
Creating Required Users and GroupsCreating Required Users and Groups This page is supplemental to main article: Creating a Virtual Mail Server with Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL You will need to create a few special users and groups to be able to build and/or run your mail server components. We will use the SBo assigned uid and gid for each user and group., , ,
Making Slackware Mail ServerMaking Slackware Mail Server This article shows how to make an Slackware machine your personal Mail Server. This howto is for Slackware 64 13.37, but with few changes you can adapt it to the newest member of Slackware familly Slackware 14. Before we begin I must say that you need a normal installation of Slackware, without any special packages. The packages we will need to make the Mail Server we will manually download and install from Slackbuilds.org. I preffer the Cyrus SASL authentication m…,
Roaming profiles with NFS and NISRoaming profiles with NFS and NIS The following HOWTO describes the configuration of roaming profiles using Slackware Linux. Roaming profiles come in handy in setups like SOHO networks, schools, town halls or more generally any network where many users have to work on many different desktop clients., , , , ,
Setting up a WiFi Access Point on your Slackware BoxSetting up a WiFi Access Point on your Slackware Box You should read this, regardless of whether you are a Slackware enthusiast or not, because you will find most of it applicable to other distributions too. I have recently reused most of this on a debian/DietPI based NanoPi R1S H3 just because it was fester for me to get something functional like that rather than tinkering with uboot and kernel to get slackwareARM running on it.,
Using a Scanner in a NetworkUsing a Scanner in a Network This Howto describes how one can use a scanner which is connected to another Slackware-computer over the network. Necessary Software All packages which are necessary are available in a stock Slackware-installation. This are, , , , , , ,
Setup Apache httpd serverSetup Apache httpd server This is a general how to to get a basic httpd service up and running. Applies to: * Slackware 14.1 (and possibly previous versions) * Apache 2 (and possibly previous versions) Basic Setup Edit /etc/httpd/httpd.conf - Here is what you care about, change/uncomment the following lines as necessary:, , , ,
Setup Apache, PHP and MySQLSetup Apache, PHP and MySQL In order to configure your Slackware Linux box as a MySQL-PHP -ready web server, please follow these instructions: * Install the Apache (httpd), php and MySQL packages from the Slackware discs or Slackpkg. * Fix php time zone (many apps will complain about this if you don't do it). Edit, , ,
Setting up a print server for home use out of any old Slackware boxSetting up a print server for home use out of any old Slackware box After recently upgrading my home wifi network to use wpa2 my old edimax wifi print server stopped working due to incompatibility with wpa2. I did not want to have to leave a computer on all the time neither did I want to directly connect whatever, ,
HOWTO articles - Network ServicesHOWTO articles - Network Services This section contains how to articles intended to guide users to setup and maintain various network services on Slackware based systems. Overview of Slackware Network Services HOWTOS howtos topic_page,
VPN with TincVPN with Tinc Tinc is open source software for creating VPNs, virtual private networks over other physical channel such as the Internet, where individual participating hosts (nodes) appear to applications as if connected by wire in LAN. Overview Tinc utilizes asymmetric cryptography. Each node has its own private key, a public key and another public key; one for each participating node. These files are, together with a few configuration files, stored in /etc/tinc/<,
Tunnel InterfacesTunnel Interfaces If you are looking to establish an SSH tunnel between two networks and treat the tunnel as an interface, this may help. * First I would recommend enabling rc.ip_forward in /etc/rc.d/ (on local and target machines) root@darkstar:~# chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.ip_forward, , ,
Wi-Fi to eth (bridge) routingWi-Fi to eth (bridge) routing This Howto describes, how to interconnect wireless and wired network interfaces on the same Linux computer, to enable unmodified TCP/IP packets to pass from one interface to the other. In other places this is mentioned as network bridge or, , , ,
Wake-on-LANWake-on-LAN Wake-on-LAN (or WOL) is a standard by which a machine can be powered on remotely via a network connection. This is done by sending a so-called magic packet to the network card of the remote machine. When properly configured, the remote machine will then boot., , ,
Enabling Encrypted SwapEnabling Encrypted Swap When available memory drops below a certain point, the Linux kernel will swap the contents of memory pages to swap space. This content may include sensitive information such as passwords, usernames, PINS, banking or other identity information. This data is usually in plain text and so can be read without effort. Encrypting the system swap space protects its contents against unauthorized access and attack should access to the hard drive be compromised or physically remov…, , ,
Enabling Secure Boot on SlackwareEnabling Secure Boot on Slackware On Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) based hardware, a system can operate in Secure Boot mode. In Secure Boot mode, only EFI binaries (i.e. boot managers, boot loaders) that are trusted by the platform owner, either explicitly or via a chain of trust, are allowed to run at boot time. This prevents unauthorised EFI binaries and operating systems from running on your system, which can improve security., , , ,
hosts.allow, hosts.denyhosts.allow, hosts.deny These two files in /etc are a common place for storing rules about who you want to allow to connect to the services on your machine. While a firewall can be considered as hiding a door, these files control who is allowed to open the door., , ,
Loading Intel MicrocodeLoading Intel Microcode Introduction Due to revelations the last years of hardware vulnerabilities with processors using speculative execution and various “threading” techniques, the Kernel has implemented a range of mitigations for these issues to eliminate the issue or reduce the potential problem. Alot of these solutions are included in the Kernel and can be/are activated in various ways., , , , ,
OpenVPNOpenVPN OpenVPN is an open source software application that implements virtual private network (VPN) techniques for creating secure point-to-point or site-to-site connections in routed or bridged configurations and remote access facilities. It uses a custom security protocol that utilizes SSL/TLS for key exchange. It is capable of traversing network address translators (NATs) and firewalls. It was written by James Yonan and is published under the GNU General Public License (, , ,
Improving OpenSSH securityImproving OpenSSH security OpenSSH is the swiss-army knife of remote-access programs: it provides you with a shell on your distant machine, and transmits data in a secure and encrypted way - including commands, file transfer, X11 and VNC sessions, rsync data, etc., , ,
How to use SSH keys to connect without a password.How to use SSH keys to connect without a password. OpenSSH is a very secure way to connect remotely to a Slackware machine. But the easiest way to use SSH is to use its key facility. The concept of public/private keys can be hard to explain, we will try to go through it in as simple a manner as possible., , , ,
HOWTO articles - SecurityHOWTO articles - Security Securing your computer is an ongoing process. The following guides will help you secure your Slackware installation, be it for server, workstation or laptop needs. Make sure you subscribe to the slackware-security mailing list. All security announcements since 1999 are available on,
Mandatory Access Control - Getting started with Tomoyo Linux on SlackwareMandatory Access Control - Getting started with Tomoyo Linux on Slackware Introduction There are a few different tools in the Tomoyo family. Mainly Tomoyo 1, Akari and Tomoyo 2. There is also CaitSith, but this guide is dealing with Tomoyo 2.x. And at the time of writing Tomoyo 2.6.x for Kernel 5.1 and later., , , , ,
Booting the Installation Environment from HDDBooting the Installation Environment from HDD This article shows how to boot the Slackware installation environment from a hard drive instead of the usual installation media. The Slackware installation environment is a small live Linux system with busybox, partitioning and some other useful utilities, and the,
Cross Compiling The Linux KernelCross Compiling The Linux Kernel Introduction I freely admit there are other HOWTOs on this subject, but I wanted to show you a neat way that rides on the back of the great Buildroot project, instead of doing all the compiler setup by hand. As a bonus you can target different architectures pretty easily., ,
Setting up GRUB 2 on install (without rebooting)Setting up GRUB 2 on install (without rebooting) There is GRUB in A series of Slackware-14.1. If you want to install GRUB immediately after install (and before restarting), below is a simple method that assumes you use traditional BIOS and MBR partitioning (if you plan to use GPT instead of MBR partitioning, refer to, ,
Chroot From Installation MediaChroot From Installation Media Slackware is full of tools that can help when the system becomes unstable and cannot boot. One example is upgrading the kernel image and forgetting to run lilo afterwards. In order to gain access to your system without booting directly to it, it is possible to use an installation media such as Slackware CD1 or the DVD. Once the installation media loads and starts, you can change the media's root directory into a mounted hard-disk partition and use it as the root …, , , ,
How to configure fstab and lilo.conf with persistent namingHow to configure fstab and lilo.conf with persistent naming Have you ever had your /dev/sda and /dev/sdb drives switch order? Has plugging in a USB device before booting your computer caused a kernel panic? Do you frequently unplug or plug in new devices into your computer, thus changing the order of the device names? If you said yes to any of those, you might be a good candidate to use persistent naming within your bootloader and fstab.,
Install Slackware on an online.net Dedibox BareMetal ServerInstall Slackware on an online.net Dedibox BareMetal Server This tutorial explains on how to install and boot Slackware Linux on online.net Dedibox BareMetal Server Start Family. It is focused on servers that you don't have the physical access to and those that don't support remote exposure of the hardware (i.e. no KVM over,
Linux kernel options for UEFI and ELILOLinux kernel options for UEFI and ELILO The purpose of this article is to inform the user about necessary kernel options for booting from UEFI, and some info about how ELILO and perhaps other EFI bootloaders work, as this is currently difficult to find and understand online.,
Setting up a Recovery Boot OptionSetting up a Recovery Boot Option Overview and Purpose Currently most Linux based distributions install a recovery/safe option and a memory test option in the default bootloader. While Slackware does not install such options by default, they can be easily added to any system., , , , , ,
StyleSlackware uses a simple BSD style init script system. Following the Slackware philosophy, init scripts are quite simple and do not perform any kind of black magic. For example, there are no dependencies between init scripts or monitoring. In this section we will cover the creation of a usual script. Please follow the template as much as possible for consistency with all scripts.
Set up Grub as boot loader on UEFI hardwareSet up Grub as boot loader on UEFI hardware Installation and running of Slackware on computers that use Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) rather than traditional BIOS poses problems. It may be impossible to boot the official install media via UEFI directly and the installation discs do not include a UEFI bootloader., , , ,
Set up SYSLINUX as boot loader on UEFI based hardwareSet up SYSLINUX as boot loader on UEFI based hardware SYSLINUX is a boot loader that loads Linux (among other things) from FAT filesystem. The Syslinux Project, of which SYSLINUX the boot loader is a part, contains also ISOLINUX, EXTLINUX and PXELINUX, basically its variants to boot from optical media, ext2/3/4, Btrfs, XFS, UFS/FFS and NTFS or from network., ,
Slackware Automation Using AnsibleSlackware Automation Using Ansible Rationale, and What Is Ansible, Anyway? Like everyone else, I used to write Perl and bash scripts to automate things, but decided to learn the modern way of doing such things. I looked at Puppet initially but decided to learn Ansible instead. I wrote a simple collection of Perl scripts and Ansible playbooks to be run on a fresh Slackware install, and was told in Freenode #slackware that I ought to write something for the wiki, which brings us up to date.
Install Slackware on a CloudVPS by ArubaCloudInstall Slackware on a CloudVPS by ArubaCloud ArubaCloud offers excellent low-cost VPS services, starting at 2.79 € / month (updated May 2020; was 1€/month in feb. 2018, see ArubaCloud offers and limitations). This article refers to installing Slackware on, , , , ,
Install Slackware on a VPS based on Proxmox VE or SolusVMInstall Slackware on a VPS based on Proxmox VE or SolusVM I've been faced with the challenge to install Slackware as a VPS at a hosting provider that had Proxmox VE as virtualization platform. Proxmox VE is a complete open source virtualization management solution for servers. It is based on, , , , ,
HOWTO articles - Slackware AdministrationHOWTO articles - Slackware Administration Although Slackware tries to limit distribution specific tools compared to other distributions, there are a few cases where specific tasks are unique to Slackware. This section contains those special cases.,
Upgrading Slackware to a New ReleaseUpgrading Slackware to a New Release Upgrade or Install from Scratch Installing Slackware fresh and from scratch is always the best method if you are running a fairly old release of Slackware and want to skip a few releases. Too many intrusive changes to the distro will have occurred if your Slackware is relatively old. It will make a manual upgrade process painful and will not guarantee success., ,
UEFI dual or more boot using rEFIndUEFI dual or more boot using rEFInd Machines are now coming in with the UEFI standard. It presents some advantages like the ability to boot from disks over 2TiB and flexible pre-OS environments as drivers can be loaded in the UEFI firmware. But Linux users found that, suddenly, it was more difficult to multi-boot as we used to do in the past. However, Linux users have a variety of resources and we found a way to work with the new standard. It is not as straightforward as in the past, but it is …, , , , ,
Yet Another Kernel Compile GuideYet Another Kernel Compile Guide Why and How? A few years ago I wrote a couple of HowTos on compiling and packaging a complete kernel+modules package. Recently, I decided to look at how the stock Slackware kernel packages are built. I put this guide together from what I picked up.,
How to switch from the Huge to the Generic kernel?How to switch from the Huge to the Generic kernel? At the end of this recipe the user will be able to switch from the Huge to the Generic kernel on Slackware, and enjoy its benefits. You may be wondering what benefit you get from this change. The benefits of switching from Huge to Generic are:, , , ,
Slackware 100% LibreSlackware 100% Libre I was never on the 100% Free Software team. I use some proprietary programs, but every year I try to get rid of proprietary software, and guys that have a bad license, that is not free. Slackware is a powerful distribution that comes with a set of software that without internet you are well stocked. And in this set, some proprietary and licensed software that Stallman doesn't like is present., , , ,
Network Monitoring with ArpwatchNetwork Monitoring with Arpwatch Arpwatch allows a system to track IP address pairings. It maps the MAC Addresses on a network by tracking ARP requests to each device on the LAN and recording the response in a database. All network cards are manufactured with a unique, , , ,
AsciidocAsciidoc Introduction Keeping notes is an integral part of using any Linux distribution. Keeping them in plain text allows one to use them from a console during initial setup; using a consistent markup for plain text adds to the readability of the notes.,
at - Task Schedulingat - Task Scheduling at is a task scheduling tool which one-time enables tasks to be performed on your system. The batch is like at but permforms the one-time tasks when system load permits it, all command and functions of at can be replicated by, ,
Set Up BOINC with ATI (AMD) Videocard under SlackwareSet Up BOINC with ATI (AMD) Videocard under Slackware This howto is used based on Slackware64 14.0 and boinc 7.2.33 x64, and ATI HD 4350 (RV710) videocard. Firstly - install a fresh slackware64 14.0. Then we download the latest BOINC client from, , , , ,
Efficient CLI NavigationEfficient CLI Navigation The CLI (Command Line Interface) is a very powerful, flexible and programmable environment. If you use the command line interface on a regular basis, you know how important it is to customise your working environment and develop shortcuts to ensure efficient workflow. Below are some tips on navigating through directories in an quick and easy way., , , , , ,
How to merge PDF-filesHow to merge PDF-files Introduction PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file format invented by Adobe. PDF is useful to present documents independent of hardware, operating system and application software. Each PDF file has a fixed layout, including page size, fonts, graphics and other information. It is also possible to encrypt a PDF file for security, or create a digital signature for authentication., ,
irssiirssi Irssi is a ncurses based IRC client. The IRC (Internet Relay Chat) protocol has been designed for use with text based conferencing. Installation irccd is distributed with Slackware. Using with tor This paragraph shows a method you can follow to, , ,
man2htmlman2html Introduction man2html can generate on the fly HTML pages from man documentation. This makes it a useful addition to asciidoc based notes. One of the advantages it offers is that when man pages are converted to HTML they become navigable through hyperlinks. A similar script exists for,
Phoronix Test SuitePhoronix Test Suite Introduction Wondering if it's time to upgrade your Slackware box? Look no further than the Phoronix Test Suite to benchmark it against other people's systems. Here is a quick guide to get it up and running, we'll use timed kernel compilation as an example because that seems like as good a benchmark as any., ,
RTAIRTAI RTAI Introduction RTAI is a system that allows your Linux operating system to run so-called 'hard' realtime tasks. By 'hard' we mean that it isn't just 'best effort' it really will do something regularly, to a schedule dictated by you, no matter how heavily loaded the system. RTAI comes in two parts: a set of patches for your kernel and a library you can link your programs against which allows them to become realtime tasks. It may feel like you're running your program under Linux ju…, ,
HOWTO articles - SoftwareHOWTO articles - Software This section contains How-To articles for software that does not fit into the following categories: * Slackware Admin * General Admin * Cloud * Databases * Emulators * Multimedia * Network Services * Security * Window Managers Overview of Slackware Administration HOWTOS ---------- howtos topic_page,
The native TeX Live integrationThe native TeX Live integration Tex Live is nowadays the last maintained TeX distribution. Due to its size, it is not provided in the Slackware's official repository. That's why many (most of?) people use the dedicated SlackBuild from SlackBuilds.org to get it as a huge complete monolithic package., , ,
Enlightement DR17Enlightement DR17 What is E17? Enlightenment DR17 (E17) is the long awaited successor of E16, a window manager which was distributed in Slackware 10 years ago. It is classed as a “desktop shell”, providing the things you need to operate your desktop (or laptop), but not a whole suite of applications. This includes launching applications, managing their windows, and doing other system tasks like suspending, rebooting, managing files, etc., ,
FluxboxFluxbox Fluxbox is a window manager for X, based on Blackbox 0.61.1 code (deprecated), very light and fast, with several window management tools such as tabs, groupings, docks, etc. Configuration files are simple and easily editable, allowing high customization. Fluxbox is written in C++ and licensed under an MIT license., , ,
Ratpoison Window ManagerRatpoison Window Manager Ratpoison a simple window manager that mimics the functionality of terminal multiplexers like GNU screen and tmux. Ratpoison has few dependencies, and does not require any that are not already contained within a full install of Slackware. There are no fancy graphics or other decorative gimmicks in ratpoison. Window management in done entirely with key shortcuts. Ratpoison makes use of prefix maps which proceed every other binding which is bound to, , , ,
Running Xorg Environments in XwaylandRunning Xorg Environments in Xwayland This is a how-to guide for running an Xorg window manager or desktop environment in a Wayland compositor on Slackware 15.0 and beyond. At the time of writing (December 2023), this is a purely academic question for most, , , , , , ,
HOWTO articles - Window ManagersHOWTO articles - Window Managers This section contains how to articles intended to guide users to setup and maintain window managers on Slackware based systems. Overview of Slackware Administration HOWTOS ---------- howtos topic_page,
XFCE - Handy LaunchersXFCE - Handy Launchers Create a launcher 1) Somewhere on the blank desktop, RIGHT CLICK 2) Select CREATE LAUNCHER SSH LAUNCHER 1) NAME -> anything you want 2) COMMAND -> ssh MACHINE_NAME_OR_IP 3) CLICK -> RUN IN TERMINAL SSH LAUNCHER WITH VNC TUNNELING (GO TO THE BACKGROUND), , , , , ,
Xmonad as a Windowmanager for SlackwareXmonad as a Windowmanager for Slackware Xmonad is a tiling window manager. For information about tiling window managers please read this wiki: wikipedia For Xmonad read here Required packages Xmonad is not included in Slackware by default, but available via SlackBuilds.org. Xmonad is written in Haskell and therefore some packages of the Haskell series are required in order to build Xmonad. Here are the packages in the correct build order:, , , , ,
ZFS /home Partition/DriveZFS /home Partition/Drive This tutorial/HOWTO is about installing/setup/using ZFS (file system, fs) such as for your /home partition/drive, for advanced/large storage or shared with a Unix operating system (OS) distribution (distro). Feel free to expand.
Internationalisatie en localisatie van shell scriptsInternationalisatie en localisatie van shell scripts Presentatie Doel, reikwijdte en doelgroep Dit document is bedoeld om ontwikkelaars, maintainers en vertalers te helpen bij het schrijven, onderhouden en vertalen van ge-internationaliseerde en dan gelocaliseerde shell scripts, met gebruikmaking van de gereedschappen die door GNU gettext worden geleverd., , , , , , , ,
HOWTO articles - Network ServicesHOWTO articles - Network Services Deze sectie bevat HOWTO artikelen die bedoeld zijn als een handvat om netwerkdiensten op Slackware gebaseerde systemem op te zetten en te onderhouden. Houd er rekening mee dat je artikel misschien naar een beter passende sub-groep verplaatst kan worden door een admin,
HOWTO artikelen - SoftwareHOWTO artikelen - Software Deze sectie bevat HOWTO artikelen over software die niet passen in de categorieën netwerkdiensten of security. Overzicht van Slackware Software HOWTOS ---------- howtos topic_page,
irssi on torirssi on tor 1. Introduction This article shows a method you can follow to “torify” irssi for an IRC session on Freenode with Slackware Linux. 1.1. irssi (1) irssi is a Command Line terminal based IRC client for UNIX systems. If you followed a default installation, you should already have irssi. Otherwise it is available from the, , ,
SSH on TORSSH on TOR One may find many methods how one may tunnel SSH inside TOR on the Internet, but this is my preferred method as it is the least intrusive. 1. Download connect $ cd /tmp/ $ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/gotoh/connect 2. Archive the source, , ,
Docker on SlackwareDocker on Slackware Há um pacote Slackware para Docker no Slackbuilds, mas há uma pequena advertência ao instalar. Caso você esteja se perguntando, a compilação do docker oferece a versão CE do Docker. Passos para instalar Como root, primeiro instale skpkg:, , , , ,
Artigos HOWTO - Bancos de DadosArtigos HOWTO - Bancos de Dados Esta seção contém artigos para orientar os usuários a configurar e manter vários sistemas de banco de dados em sistemas baseados no Slackware.. Visão geral dos GUIAS da Administração do Slackware ----------, , ,
Tutoriais - EmuladoresTutoriais - Emuladores Os usuários do Linux frequentemente cresceram usando outros Sistemas Operacionais e jogando em Consoles. Depois de mudar para um desktop baseado em Linux, ninguém está impedindo você de aproveitar esses ambientes antigos, porque o software emulador foi escrito para muitas dessas plataformas antigas. Procurando uma maneira de jogar seus antigos jogos Commodore? Ou MS DOS? Ou Atari, ZX Spectrum ou, , ,
HeadlineHeadline Encontre pacotes com nomes de arquivos Às vezes você quer saber quais arquivos estão incluídos em um pacote. Outras vezes, você quer procurar por um pacote contendo um arquivo e você só tem um nome de arquivo (por exemplo, quando a instalação do software requer dependências)., ,
OpenRCOpenRC O OpenRC é um sistema de gerenciamento de serviços baseado em dependências. Funciona com o programa init fornecido pelo sistema, normalmente /sbin/init. Características O OpenRC fornece uma série de recursos, como execução de initscript iniciada por hardware e suporte a cgroups, sem a necessidade de grandes alterações de layout., , , ,
Configurando um chroot do SlackwareConfigurando um chroot do Slackware Existem vários motivos pelos quais você pode querer configurar um chroot do Slackware: * construir pacotes de 32 bits em um sistema multilib de 64 bits * construir pacotes -stable em um sistema -current *
Os números da arquitetura ARMOs números da arquitetura ARM Se você quiser saber qual é o Número de Arquitetura da Máquina correto para o seu dispositivo, você pode querer dar uma olhada aqui. Há também uma boa cartilha na operação básica do carregador de inicialização ARM, , , , ,
Slackware Network Install no Raspberry Pi 3Slackware Network Install no Raspberry Pi 3 Introdução Esta é uma versão abreviada do guia de instalação do SARPi (<http://sarpi.co.uk/>) que lida com o caso de instalação 'sem cabeça' para instalar o Slackware 14.2. Não há nada de errado com o guia original, ele é, , , , , ,
Tornando mais fácil para o u-boot encontrar uImage e uinitrdTornando mais fácil para o u-boot encontrar uImage e uinitrd Eu costumo mexer com o teste de imagens de raiz, kernels e initrd em meus sistemas baseados em kirkwood usando flash sticks usb. Descobri que, embora Jeff tenha feito um trabalho brilhante no uboot, na época em que comecei a mexer com imagens de inicialização personalizadas no meu dosckstar, seu ambiente padrão não pôde inicializar diretamente todas as minhas imagens de teste que estavam mudando rapidamente no layout. Para contornar i…, , , , ,
Slackware em ARM - GuiasSlackware em ARM - Guias Esta seção contém informações sobre como instalar o Slackware em uma variedade de hardware ARM. As páginas wiki deste site destinam-se a ajudar a comunidade a ampliar o suporte à arquitetura e criar e compartilhar colaborativamente a base de conhecimento.,
Anatomia de um SlackbuildAnatomia de um Slackbuild Preâmbulo Acho que todos os usuários do Slackware já usaram um script do SlackBuild para criar um pacote de software que pode ser instalado de forma fácil e limpa e removido posteriormente, se necessário. Minha experiência foi que eu executei o script SlackBuild para criar um pacote e nunca examinei o código que ele continha até que um dia a versão de origem não correspondesse ao indicado no script.
Verificando a versão do SlackwareVerificando a versão do Slackware Para verificar qual a versão do Slackware temos dois meios que são bastante utilizados e práticos, o primeiro é fazer a leitura do arquivo slackware-version, que está localizado no diretório /etc/. Para isto você pode executar o comando cat indicando o arquivo de entrada, ou simplesmente abrir com seu editor favorito., , , , ,
Artigos HOWTO - DiversosArtigos HOWTO - Diversos Esta seção contém como artigos que não se enquadram em nenhuma das outras categorias principais do HOWTO. Visão Geral do Slackware Miscellaneous HOWTOS ---------- howtos topic_page,
NetflixNetflix Como assistir Netflix no Slackware 1) Instale a versão atual do Google Chrome. 2) Assista Netflix. Como instalar o Google Chrome no Slackware howtos:software:google-chrome Sources howtos netflix chrome author_arfon, , ,
Configurando um servidor httpd ApacheConfigurando um servidor httpd Apache Este é um exemplo geral de como obter um serviço básico de httpd instalado e funcionando. Aplica-se a: * Slackware 14.1 (e possivelmente versões anteriores) * Apache 2 (e possivelmente versões anteriores), , , , ,
Tunnel InterfacesTunnel Interfaces Se você deseja estabelecer um túnel SSH entre duas redes e tratar o túnel como uma interface, isso pode ajudar. * Primeiro, eu recomendaria ativar o rc.ip_forward no /etc/rc.d/ (nas máquinas local e de destino) root@darkstar:~# chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.ip_forward, , ,
Habilitando uma Swap CriptografadaHabilitando uma Swap Criptografada Quando a memória disponível cai abaixo de um certo ponto, o kernel do Linux irá mandar o conteúdo das páginas de memória para o espaço da swap. Este conteúdo pode incluir informações confidenciais, como senhas, nomes de usuário, PINS, informações bancárias ou outras informações de identidade. Esses dados geralmente estão em texto simples e, portanto, podem ser lidos sem esforço. A criptografia do espaço de swap do sistema protege seu conteúdo contra acesso nã…, , ,
OpenVPNOpenVPN O OpenVPN é um software de código aberto que implementa técnicas de rede privada virtual (VPN) para criar conexões seguras de ponto a ponto ou site para site em configurações roteadas de bridge e instalações de acesso remoto. Ele usa um protocolo de segurança personalizado que utiliza SSL/TLS para troca de chaves. É capaz de atravessar tradutores de endereços de rede (NATs) e firewalls. Foi escrito por James Yonan e é publicado sob a Licença Pública Geral GNU (, , , ,
Como usar chaves SSH para conectar-se sem uma senha.Como usar chaves SSH para conectar-se sem uma senha. OpenSSH é uma maneira muito segura de se conectar remotamente a uma máquina Slackware. Mas a maneira mais fácil de usar o SSH é usar seu recurso principal. O conceito de chaves públicas/privadas pode ser difícil de explicar; tentaremos analisá-lo da maneira mais simples possível., , , ,
Artigos HOWTO - SegurançaArtigos HOWTO - Segurança Proteger seu computador é um processo contínuo. Os tutoriais a seguir ajudarão você a proteger sua instalação do Slackware, seja para necessidades de servidor, workstation ou laptop. Certifique-se de assinar o Slackware-Security, ,
Configurando o GRUB 2 na instalação (sem reiniciar)Configurando o GRUB 2 na instalação (sem reiniciar) Existe GRUB numa série do Slackware-14.1. Se você deseja instalar o GRUB imediatamente após a instalação (e antes de reiniciar), abaixo está um método simples que assume que você usa BIOS tradicional e particionamento MBR (se você planeja usar GPT em vez de particionamento MBR, consulte, , , ,
Slackware 100% LibreSlackware 100% Libre Eu nunca fui do time 100% Software livre. Uso alguns programas que são proprietários mas a cada ano que passa eu tento me desfazer ao máximo de softwares proprietários, e de caras que tem uma licença RUIM, que não seja livre. O Slackware é uma distribuição potente e que vem com um conjunto de softwares que sem internet você está bem abastecido. E nesse conjunto alguns softwares proprietários e com licenças que não são do agrado do Stallman estão presentes., , , ,
at - Agendamento de Tarefasat - Agendamento de Tarefas at é uma ferramenta de agendamento de tarefas que permite que tarefas sejam executadas no seu sistema. O batch é como at, mas executa as tarefas únicas quando a carga do sistema permite, todos os comando e funções de, , , ,
HOWTO articles - SoftwareHOWTO articles - Software Esta seção contém artigos de tutoriais para software que não se enquadram nas seguintes categorias: * Administração Slackware * Administração Geral * Cloud * Banco de Dados * Emuladores * Multimídia * Serviços de Rede * Segurança * Window Managers Overview of Slackware Administration HOWTOS ---------- Fontes, , ,
Статьи HOWTO — Базы данныхСтатьи HOWTO — Базы данных Этот раздел содержит статьи по установке и обслуживанию различных систем управления базами данных в Slackware и основанных на ней системах.,
Статьи HOWTO — ЭмуляторыСтатьи HOWTO — Эмуляторы Пользователи Linux часто вырастают из пользователей операционных систем других компьютеров и играют в игры на игровых консолях. После перехода на Linux никто не запретит вам получать удовольствие от прежних забав, поскольку для большого количества старых платформ написаны эмуляторы. Ищете способ поиграть в игры Comodore? Или MS-DOS? Или Atari, или ZX Spectrum, или…, ,
Установка выделенного сервера Half-LifeУстановка выделенного сервера Half-Life В этой статье описывается установка и конфигурирование выделенного сервера Half-Life (HLDS). Half-Life -- это первая игра компании, , ,
Статьи HOWTO — ОборудованиеСтатьи HOWTO — Оборудование Этот раздел содержит статьи по драйверам и настройке оборудования, включая платформы виртуализации и эмуляции., ,
ИсточникFFmpeg — это кроссплатформенная open-source библиотека для обработки видео- и аудиофайлов. Я собрал 19 полезных и удивительных команд, покрывающих почти все нужды: конвертация видео, извлечение звуковой дорожки, конвертирование для iPod или PSP, и многое другое., ,
Скрипт с функцией автозапуска с выводом в определённую консоль.Скрипт с функцией автозапуска с выводом в определённую консоль. Это инструкция, как сделать скрипт который будет выводить на консоль 2,3 или другие во время включения компьютера., , , , , ,
Статьи HOWTO — РазноеСтатьи HOWTO — Разное Этот раздел содержит статьи, не вошедшие ни в одну из основных категорий. “” Список статей ---------- Список статей на английском, ,
Статьи HOWTO — МультимедиаСтатьи HOWTO — Мультимедиа Этот раздел содержит статьи по установке и настройке мультимедийных приложений на основанных на Slackware системах., ,
Синхронизация сети с NTPСинхронизация сети с NTP NTP (сетевой протокол времени) позволяет синхронизировать часы между компьютерами. В статье описывается: * настройка сервера NTP в Slackware Linux;, , , ,
Настройка Apache, PHP и MySQLНастройка Apache, PHP и MySQL Чтобы настроить Linux Slackware в качестве готового веб-сервер MySQL-PHP, пожалуйста, следуйте этим инструкциям: Установите пакеты apache (httpd), php и MySQL с дисков Slackware или с помощью Slackpkg. Установите php часовой пояс (много приложений будут жаловаться, если Вы не сделаете это). Отредактируйте конфигурационный файл…, , ,
Статьи HOWTO — Сетевые сервисыСтатьи HOWTO — Сетевые сервисы Этот раздел содержит статьи по установке и обслуживанию различных сетевых сервисов на основанных на Slackware системах.,
hosts.allow, hosts.denyhosts.allow, hosts.deny Эта пара файлов в /etc является общепринятым местом для хранения правил о том, кому вы хотите позволить подключаться к службам вашей машины., , ,
Статьи HOWTO — БезопасностьСтатьи HOWTO — Безопасность Защита компьютера является непрерывным процессом. Следующие руководства помогут обезопасить вашу установку Slackware, будь то потребности сервера, рабочей станции или ноутбука. Удостоверьтесь, что подписались на,
Установка и настройка GRUB 2 (без перезагрузки)Установка и настройка GRUB 2 (без перезагрузки) Slackware с версии 14.1 содержит GRUB в наборе A. Если желаете установить GRUB сразу после установки системы (но до перезагрузки), ниже описан простой способ, предполагающий, что используется традиционный BIOS и разметка MBR (если планируете использовать GPT вместо MBR, смотрите…, , ,
сhroot из установочного носителясhroot из установочного носителя В Slackware полно инструментов, способных помочь, когда система отказывается грузиться. Например, когда обновили файл ядра, но забыли выполнить после этого, , , , ,
Статьи HOWTO — Администрирование SlackwareСтатьи HOWTO — Администрирование Slackware Хотя Slackware по сравнению с другими дистрибутивами старается не злоупотреблять специфичными для дистрибутива инструментами, существуют некоторые задачи, уникальные для Slackware. Этот раздел содержит именно такие случаи., ,
Статьи HOWTO — Программное обеспечениеСтатьи HOWTO — Программное обеспечение Этот раздел содержит статьи по программному обеспечению, не вошедшие в категории сетевые сервисы или безопасность. “” Список статей по программному обеспечению, ,
Статьи HOWTO — Менеджеры оконСтатьи HOWTO — Менеджеры окон Этот раздел содержит статьи по установке и настройке оконных менеджеров в системах на основе Slackware. «» Список статей по менеджерам окон, ,
Ruarí's thoughtsRuarí's thoughts Ruarí Ødegaard works for Opera and has been making Opera packages available for Slackware for a long time. The article below was posted on his blog in 2011 and has attracted lots of attention since. Now that his employer has ended the “My Opera, , , , ,
Slackware ARM/Aarch64 Disk EncryptionSlackware ARM/Aarch64 Disk Encryption This article outlines how to install Slackware with disk encryption on the Pine64 Pinebook Pro. It should work on other Slackware ARM supported hardware models. It has not been tested on a Slackware 32-bit ARM install. The README_CRYPT.TXT in the root of your Slackware installation media and on your chosen Slackware mirror covers most of this in depth. However, there are some recommendations about software and hardware., , , , , ,
Zram in Slackware ARM and ARM64 ArchitecturesZram in Slackware ARM and ARM64 Architectures The Slackware ARM and ARM64 architectures bring us Slackers the possibility of using much more powerful single board computer hardware and Slackware as a native operating system. Currently this includes existing hardware for ARM, and ARM64 hardware such as the RockPro64 and the Pinebook Pro for ARM64. In addition, the zram kernel module can be applied to optimize the performance of many single board computers, some with existing support in Slackwa…, , , , , , ,
КАКОДА чланци - Рачунарство у облакуКАКОДА чланци - Рачунарство у облаку Рачунарство у облаку је главна тема ових дана. Имамо серију чланака који ће вам помоћи да разумете шта су сервиси у облаку, како могу да раде у вашу корист и како покренути Слеквер у облаку.,
КАКОДА чланци - Базе податакаКАКОДА чланци - Базе података Ова секција садржи КАКОДА чланке које воде корисника кроз процес подешавања и одржавања различитих система база података на Слеквер базираним системима.,
КАКОДА чланци - емулаториКАКОДА чланци - емулатори Линукс корисници су често одрастали користећи друге рачунарске Оперативне системе и играјући игре на њиховим видео конзолама. После преласка на Линукс базиран десктоп, нико вас не спречава да и даље уживате у тим старим окружењима, пошто је емулациони софтвер написан за велики број тих старих платформи. Тражите начин како да играте ваше старе Комодор игре? Или МС-ДОС игре? Или оне за Атари, Зе-Икс Спектрум (енг: ZX Spectrum), или…,
Како да ефикасно претражујете и читате ''man'' упутстваКако да ефикасно претражујете и читате ''man'' упутства Надам се да ће вам овај КАКОДА чланак бити од неке помоћи, иако сам свестан да су многи од читаоца већ упознати са материјом., , , ,
КАКОДА чланци - Општа администрацијаКАКОДА чланци - Општа администрација Ова секција садржи КАКОДА чланке везане за задатке администрације система која постоји у многим Линукс и Јуникс базираним дистрибуцијама,
КАКОДА чланци - ХардверКАКОДА чланци - Хардвер Ова секција садржи КАКОДА чланке везане за хардверске драјвере и конфигурацију укључујући виртуализацију и емулационе платформе.,
Линукс КАКОДА документиЛинукс КАКОДА документи Линукс КАКОДА документи је колекција докумената који обрађују специфичне области везане за ГНУ/Линукс. Највећи број Линукс КАКОДА докумената нису прилагођени специфичној дистрибуцији, тако да су врло корисни за Слеквер кориснике. Пакет Linux-howtos у “f” скупу софтвера садржи колекцију КАКОДА докумената. Након инсталације пакета, КАКОДА документи су доступни у /usr/doc/Linux-HOWTOs/ директоријуму. Слеквер Линукс такође садржи малу колекцију ЧПП докумената везаних за Ли…,
КАКОДА чланци - МултимедијаКАКОДА чланци - Мултимедија Ова секција садржи КАКОДА чланке који воде кориснике кроз процес подешавања и одржавања мултимедијалних апликација на Слеквер базираним системима.,
КАКОДА чланци - Мрежни сервисиКАКОДА чланци - Мрежни сервиси Ова секција садржи КАКОДА чланке који воде кориснике кроз поступке подешавања и одржавања различитих мрежних сервиса на Слеквер базираним системима.,
КАКОДА чланци - СигурностКАКОДА чланци - Сигурност Одржавање сигурности вашег рачунара је процес који се стално одвија. Следећи водичи ће вам помоћи да “осигурате,
КАКОДА чланци - Администрација СлеквераКАКОДА чланци - Администрација Слеквера Иако Слеквер покушава дао ограничи број дистро-специфичних алата у поређењу са осталим дистрибуцијама, остоји неколико ситуација када постоје специфични задаци јединствени за Слеквер. Ова секција садржи те специјалне случајеве.,
КАКОДА чланци - СофтверКАКОДА чланци - Софтвер Ова секција садржи КАКОДА чланке везане за софтвер који се не уклапају у категорије мрежних сервиса или сигурности. Преглед Слаквер КАКОДА чланака везаних за софтвер,
КАКОДА чланци - Менаџери прозораКАКОДА чланци - Менаџери прозора Ова секција садржи КАКОДА чланке који воде кориснике кроз подешавање и одржавање менаџера прозора на Слеквер базираним системима.,
Встановлення завантажувача Grub на UEFI обладнанняВстановлення завантажувача Grub на UEFI обладнання Встановлення та запуск Slackware на комп’ютер який використовує (Уніфікований Розширювальний Інтерфейс Прошивок Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)) складніше, ніж це робиться на традиційному BIOS комп'ютері. Не можливо завантажити офіційний диск встановлювача напряму через UEFI, так як той не містить завантажувача UEFI.…, , ,

Hardware HOWTOS

Àudio i snd-hda-intelÀudio i snd-hda-intel Perspectiva General Aquest COM tracta amb els problemes relacionats amb targetes de so que utilitzen el conjunt de xips Intel HDA. Et trobes amb problemes d'àudio com: * Cap so? * Els auriculars funcionen però els altaveus no?, , , ,
Com sincronitzar l'hora del teu sistema de manera consistent amb el rellotge del maquinariCom sincronitzar l'hora del teu sistema de manera consistent amb el rellotge del maquinari Perspectiva General Si estas iniciant múltiples distribucions de Linux en la mateixa màquina, pots enfrontar-te a un problema d'inconsistència de configuració de la zona horària entre les distribucions. Per exemple, assumint que tens un arranc dual amb dos distribucions de Linux, Distribució X i Distribució Y i que has fixat el teu rellotge de maquinari de la BIOS per a que mostre l'hora local., , , , , ,
HibernacióHibernació La hibernació (també coneguda com suspensió-a-disc) és un mètode utilitzat per a apagar un ordinador mentre es preserva l'estat del sistema operatiu. Una vegada encés, el sistema operatiu estarà en l'estat exacte en el que es trobava en el moment de la hibernació., , , , ,
Slackware ARM GCC aarch64-linux compilación cruzada para la Raspberry PiSlackware ARM GCC aarch64-linux compilación cruzada para la Raspberry Pi Prefacio Estaba pensando en la CPU de 64 bits Cortex-A53 de mi Raspberry Pi 3 y por qué estoy usando principalmente el sistema operativo Slackware ARM de 32 bits en ella. Entonces empecé a preguntarme si sería posible construir un kernel arm64 y módulos para correr con Slackware ARM. Después de leer acerca de cómo se podría lograr esto, parecía claro que se requeriría cierta compilación cruzada. Aunque tengo algo de exper…, , , ,
Hacking information from the XZPAD700Hacking information from the XZPAD700 This refers to the XZPAD700 (aka zeligpad) ARM based tablet (AL-A13-RT713 pcb) based on an Allwinner A13 SOC but is technically applicable to all Axx SOC's as to my understanding the all boot in the same manner., , ,
Slackware ARM on the HummingboardSlackware ARM on the Hummingboard There are many ARM devices on the market at the moment, with even more appearing regularly, and it's not possible to provide support for them all in the main Slackware tree. The Hummingboard, by Solidrun, is supported outside of the official Slackware tree by the Slackware community., , ,
Conectando dispositivos I2C a tu sistemaConectando dispositivos I2C a tu sistema Circuito Inter-Integrado (I²C o más a menudo también escrito como I2C) es un bus multimaestro en serie de un solo extremo inventado por la división de semiconductores de Philips (consulte el artículo de wikipedia para obtener más información, , ,
Setting up Slackware ARM 14.0 on the OLinuXino A10S Micro from scratchSetting up Slackware ARM 14.0 on the OLinuXino A10S Micro from scratch This document can also be found at <http://www.malaya-digital.org/setting-up-slackware-arm-14-0-on-the-olinuxino-a10s-from-scratch/> NOTE: The documentation below needs updating. I recommend that you use the link I've just given above as it leads to updated documentation. I'll have the text below updated when time permits., , ,
Soporte Qemu en Slackware ARMSoporte Qemu en Slackware ARM Este documento describe el proceso de instalación de Slackware ARM dentro de QEMU. * QEMU es un emulador de sistema completo que puede emular una amplia gama de arquitecturas de hardware reales. En este caso usaremos QEMU para emular a ARM Ltd. Tarjeta de desarrollo, , ,
Slackware ARM sobre la Raspberry Pi 1Slackware ARM sobre la Raspberry Pi 1 Dado que hay tantos dispositivos ARM en el mercado, no es posible ofrecer soporte para todos ellos en el árbol principal. La Raspberry Pi es apoyada fuera del árbol oficial de Slackware ARM por la comunidad de Slackware., , ,
Slackware ARM sobre una placa Raspberry Pi 2Slackware ARM sobre una placa Raspberry Pi 2 La Raspberry Pi 2 tiene un quad-core ARMv7 (Cortex-A7) que corre a 900 MHz y una memoria de 1GB 450MHz LPDDR2 SDRAM. Esta revisión y actualización de la computadora ARM reemplaza a su predecesora, la Raspberry Pi (1), y es considerablemente más poderosa. Lo que es genial para ejecutar Slackware ARM porque todo sucede mucho más rápido y en comparación los tiempos de ejecución/compilación se reducen drásticamente., , ,
Slackware ARM sobre la Raspberry Pi 3Slackware ARM sobre la Raspberry Pi 3 La Raspberry Pi 3 tiene un chip Broadcom BCM2837 SoC el cual incorpora una CPU de cuatro núcleos ARMv8 Cortex-A53[64 bits] a 1,2 GHz y una GPU VideoCore IV a 400 MHz, y su memoria RAM es LPDDR2 SDRAM de 1 GB a 900, , ,
Slackware ARM sobre una Raspberry Pi 4Slackware ARM sobre una Raspberry Pi 4 La Raspberry Pi 4 fue lanzada el 24 de junio de 2019. Las caracteristicas del dispositivo Broadcom BCM2711B0 SoC incorpora una CPU Quad-core ARMv8 Cortex-A72 [64 bit] @ 1.5GHz, VideoCore VI GPU @ 500MHz, y viene en tres variaciones diferentes con 1GB, 2GB, o 4GB LPDDR4 SDRAM @ 2400MHz instalada., , ,
Getting Slackware ARM on the Toshiba AC100 (also know as the Dynabook AZ)Getting Slackware ARM on the Toshiba AC100 (also know as the Dynabook AZ) When all this started off I was using ARMedslack 13.37 but as of version 14 the official Slackware ARM port changed name to Slackware ARM. Any reference to ARMedslack in this short tutorial refers to the, , ,
HibernaciónHibernación La hibernación (también conocida como suspensión en disco) es un método utilizado para apagar una computadora y preservar el estado del sistema operativo. Una vez encendido, el sistema operativo estará en el estado exacto tal como estaba en el momento de la hibernación., , , , ,
Instalando Slackware en hardware basado en UEFIInstalando Slackware en hardware basado en UEFI La configuración de Slackware soporta instalaciones UEFI. Para que Slackware arranque en máquinas UEFI, omita la instalación de LILO y seleccione la instalación de ELILO cuando se le solicite durante la instalación., , , , , ,
Instalación de Slackware usando GPT con una placa base de BIOSInstalación de Slackware usando GPT con una placa base de BIOS Es posible instalar Slackware en un disco que usa una tabla de partición GUID (GPT), incluso en una máquina que usa BIOS (es decir, no necesita una máquina basada en UEFI). El uso de GPT le permite instalar Slackware en unidades de disco muy grandes (el tamaño máximo de disco direccionable teórico es 2 ZiB). Como siempre, la partición debe realizarse antes de iniciar el script de, , , , , , , ,
Establecer una distribución del tecladoEstablecer una distribución del teclado Establecer un diseño de teclado es un paso necesario si no desea el diseño predeterminado nosotros . Además, algunas personas a menudo necesitan cambiar entre diseños. A continuación encontrará formas de configurar / cambiar la distribución del teclado tanto en la consola como en X., , , ,
Diseño del teclado en FluxboxDiseño del teclado en Fluxbox Si ha configurado el diseño del teclado en todo el sistema, no necesita hacer nada. Sin embargo, si cambia entre diseños de forma regular, Fluxbox le permite agregar fácilmente esta funcionalidad al menú. Menú de Fluxbox 1. Abra el archivo de configuración del menú Fluxbox:, , , , ,
Diseño del teclado en i3Diseño del teclado en i3 i3 Window Manager i3wm no viene con stock Slackware. Si desea instalar este administrador de ventanas de mosaico extremadamente configurable, visite SlackBuilds. Asegúrese de instalar también i3status, que le permitirá mostrar todo tipo de información útil en un panel., , , , ,
Disposición del teclado en KDEDisposición del teclado en KDE Si no ha configurado la distribucion del teclado en todo el sistema ,puede especificarlo KDE System Settings. Los siguientes pasos se han probado en Slackware 14 (KDE SC 4.8.5) Configuración del diseño del teclado 1. Abrir Input Devices desde el System Settings panel., , , , ,
Diseño del teclado en XfceDiseño del teclado en Xfce Si no ha configurado el diseño del teclado en todo el sistema, puede especificarlo en Administrador de configuración de Xfce 4 . Configuración de la distribución del teclado 1. Abra Administrador de configuración de Xfce 4 Menu => Settings => Settings Manager, , , , ,
Slackware ARM sur Raspberry Pi 1Slackware ARM sur Raspberry Pi 1 Comme il y a beaucoup d'appareils ARM qui arrivent sur le marché, il n'est pas possible de fournir du support pour tous dans la branche principale. C'est pourquoi le Raspberry Pi est supporté en dehors de la branche principale de Slackware ARM par le communauté Slackware., , ,
Slackware ARM sur Raspberry Pi 3 B+Slackware ARM sur Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Le Raspberry Pi 3 B+ a pour SOC un processeur Broadcom BCM2837B0 qui intégre un CPU Quad-core ARMv8 Cortex-A53 [64 bit] @ 1.4GHz et un GPU Broadcom VideoCore IV @ 400MHz, et il arrive avec une carte SDRAM 1GB LPDDR2 @ 900MHz. Coté réseaux, il possède une carte WiFi 2,4 Gz et 5 Gz 802.11b/g/n/ac et une carte Bluetooth 4.2. Cette carte mère révisée et mise à jour succède au, , ,
Slackware ARM sur Raspberry Pi 4Slackware ARM sur Raspberry Pi 4 Le Raspberry PI 4 est sorti le 24 Juin 2019. L'appareil a pour SOC un processeur Broadcom BCM2711B0 qui intègre quatre cœurs ARMv8 Cortex-A72 [64 bit] CPU @ 1.5GHz, et un GPU VideoCore VI GPU @ 500MHz ; il est disponible sous trois configurations différentes avec des mémoires de 1 Go, 2 Go ou 4 Go LPDDR4 SDRAM @ 2400MHz. Cette carte révisée et mise à jour succède au, , ,
Audio et snd-hda-intelAudio et snd-hda-intel Problématique Ce HOWTO est relatif aux problèmes rencontrés avec les cartes son qui utilisent le chipset Intel HDA. Avez-vous rencontré des problèmes audio comme : * Aucun son ? * Les casques fonctionnent mais pas les haut parleurs, , , ,
Comment synchroniser votre horloge système avec votre horloge matérielle ?Comment synchroniser votre horloge système avec votre horloge matérielle ? Aperçu du problème Si vous avez plusieurs distributions sur la même machine, vous pouvez rencontrer le problème de temps inconsistant entre les distributions. Par exemple, si vous avez pouvez démarrer votre ordinateur avec deux distributions différentes, Distro X et Distro Y, il vous faut régler l'horloge matérielle du BIOS pour afficher l'heure locale., , , , , ,
Disposition clavier dans XfceDisposition clavier dans Xfce Si vous n'avez réglé la disposition clavier au niveau du système, vous pouvez la spécifier dans le Gestionnaire de paramètres Xfce 4. Configurer la disposition du clavier 1. Ouvrir le Gestionnaire de paramètres Xfce 4 Menu => Paramètres => Gestionnaire de paramètres, , , , , ,
Slackware ARM GCC aarch64-linux cross-compiler for the Raspberry PiSlackware ARM GCC aarch64-linux cross-compiler for the Raspberry Pi Preface I was thinking about the Cortex-A53 64-bit CPU on my Raspberry Pi 3 and why I'm mainly using Slackware ARM 32 bit operating system on it. Then I started to wonder if it would be possible to build an arm64 kernel and modules to run with Slackware ARM. After reading about how this could be achieved it seemed clear that some cross-compiling would be required. Although I have some experience in building Linux kernels, espe…, , , ,
Hacking information from the XZPAD700Hacking information from the XZPAD700 This refers to the XZPAD700 (aka zeligpad) ARM based tablet (AL-A13-RT713 pcb) based on an Allwinner A13 SOC but is technically applicable to all Axx SOC's as to my understanding the all boot in the same manner., , ,
Slackware ARM on the HummingboardSlackware ARM on the Hummingboard There are many ARM devices on the market at the moment, with even more appearing regularly, and it's not possible to provide support for them all in the main Slackware tree. The Hummingboard, by Solidrun, is supported outside of the official Slackware tree by the Slackware community., , ,
Interfacing I2C Devices To Your SystemInterfacing I2C Devices To Your System Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C or more often written as I2C) is a multimaster serial single-ended computer bus invented by the Philips semiconductor division (see the wikipedia article for more information on I2C) and commonly used in many modern electronic devices including, , ,
Setting up Slackware ARM 14.0 on the OLinuXino A10S Micro from scratchSetting up Slackware ARM 14.0 on the OLinuXino A10S Micro from scratch This document can also be found at <http://www.malaya-digital.org/setting-up-slackware-arm-14-0-on-the-olinuxino-a10s-from-scratch/> NOTE: The documentation below needs updating. I recommend that you use the link I've just given above as it leads to updated documentation. I'll have the text below updated when time permits., , ,
Qemu Support in Slackware ARMQemu Support in Slackware ARM This document describes the process of installing Slackware ARM inside of QEMU. * QEMU is a full system emulator that can emulate a range of real hardware architectures. In this case we will use QEMU to emulate the ARM Ltd., , ,
Slackware ARM on the Raspberry Pi 1Slackware ARM on the Raspberry Pi 1 Since there are so many ARM devices coming on to the market, it is not possible to provide support for them all in the main tree. The Raspberry Pi is supported outside of the official Slackware ARM tree by the Slackware community., , ,
Slackware ARM on the Raspberry Pi 2Slackware ARM on the Raspberry Pi 2 The Raspberry Pi 2 has a quad-core ARMv7 (Cortex-A7) 900MHz CPU and 1GB 450MHz LPDDR2 SDRAM. This revised and upgraded ARM single board computer supplants it's predecessor, the Raspberry Pi (1), and is considerably more powerful. Which is great for running Slackware ARM because every thing happens so much quicker and running/executing/compiling times are slashed dramatically in comparison., , ,
Slackware on a Raspberry Pi 4Slackware on a Raspberry Pi 4 The Raspberry Pi 4 was released on 24 June 2019. The device features a Broadcom BCM2711B0 SoC incorporating a Quad-core ARMv8 Cortex-A72 [64 bit] CPU @ 1.5GHz, VideoCore VI GPU @ 500MHz, and comes in four different variations with 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, and 8GB LPDDR4 SDRAM @ 2400MHz installed. This revised and upgraded ARM single-board computer succeeds the, , ,
Getting Slackware ARM on the Toshiba AC100 (also know as the Dynabook AZ)Getting Slackware ARM on the Toshiba AC100 (also know as the Dynabook AZ) When all this started off I was using ARMedslack 13.37 but as of version 14 the official Slackware ARM port changed name to Slackware ARM. Any reference to ARMedslack in this short tutorial refers to the, , ,
Audio and snd-hda-intelAudio and snd-hda-intel Overview This HOWTO deals with issues related to sound cards which use the Intel HDA chipset. Do you encounter audio problems such as: * No sound? * Headphones work but speakers do not? * Speakers work but headphones do not?, , , ,
Chromebook PixelChromebook Pixel This HOWTO covers installing and configuring Slackware (tested with -current/14.2) on a 2015 Chromebook Pixel. Older versions of Slackware (older kernel) and the 2013 Chromebook Pixel may run into issues. There are a couple main sources of information for running Linux on the Pixel (see, , , ,
DisplayLinkDisplayLink DisplayLink 3.0 Devices This HOWTO covers how to configure and install the DisplayLink driver (evdi) for USB 3.0 devices, and has been tested under Slackware 14.1 and newer. For older devices (e.g. USB 2.0), the udl driver should work with minimal configuration needed., , , ,
Multi CPU performance tuning<--Reviewed 20130113 by hazel --> Multi CPU performance tuning The Linux SMP kernel (Symmetric Multi Processing - enabled in all 64-bit Slackware kernels as well as the 32-bit “-smp” kernels) does a good job of scheduling processes so that they take maximum advantage of your multiple CPU's or CPU cores., ,
Sound Problems on Slackware“”pavucontrol NOTE: on my systems, my default card is 1 and default device is 0 so I will use 1,0 through out this page Sound Problems on Slackware Investigate the problem * See which kernel modules are loaded: lsmod | grep snd Use this information along with your motherboard sound chipset to verify that the correct sound drivers are loading., , , , ,
How To Sync Your System Time to Hardware Clock ConsistentlyHow To Sync Your System Time to Hardware Clock Consistently Overview If you are booting multiple Linux distributions on the same machine, you might face the problem of inconsistent time zone settings across distributions. For example, assume you are dual-booting two Linux distributions, Distro X and Distro Y. You have set your BIOS hardware clock to show the local time., , , , , ,
HibernationHibernation Hibernation (also known as suspend-to-disk) is a method used to power down a computer while preserving the state of the operating system. Once powered up, the operating system will be in the exact state as it was at the time of hibernation., , , , ,
Installing Slackware on UEFI-based hardwareInstalling Slackware on UEFI-based hardware Slackware setup supports UEFI installs. To get Slackware to boot on UEFI machines, bypass the LILO installation and select ELILO installation when prompted during the install. Installing Older Slackware on UEFI-based hardware, , , , , ,
Installing Slackware Using GPT with a BIOS motherboardInstalling Slackware Using GPT with a BIOS motherboard It is possible to install Slackware to a disk that uses a GUID Partition Table (GPT), even on a machine that uses BIOS (i.e. you do not need a UEFI-based machine). Using GPT allows you to install Slackware onto very large disk drives (the theoretical maximum addressable disk size is 2 ZiB). As always, partitioning should be done prior to starting the 'setup' script, however you must use a GPT aware partitioning tool, e.g. gdisk, cgdisk or p…, , , , , , , ,
Setting a Keyboard LayoutSetting a Keyboard Layout Setting a keyboard layout is a necessary step if you do not want the default us layout. Furthermore, some people quite often need to switch between layouts. Below you'll find ways of setting / changing the keyboard layout both in the console and in X., , , ,
Keyboard Layout in FluxboxKeyboard Layout in Fluxbox If you have set the keyboard layout system-wide, you do not need to do anything. If, however, you switch between layouts on a regular basis, Fluxbox lets you easily add this functionality to the menu. Fluxbox Menu 1. Open the Fluxbox menu config file:, , , , ,
Keyboard Layout in i3Keyboard Layout in i3 i3 Window Manager i3wm does not come with stock Slackware. If you want to install this extremely configurable tiling window manager, please visit SlackBuilds. Make sure you also install i3status, which will let you display all sorts of useful information in a panel., , , , ,
Keyboard Layout in KDEKeyboard Layout in KDE If you haven't set the keyboard layout system-wide, you can specify it in KDE System Settings. The following steps have been tested on Slackware 14 (KDE SC 4.8.5) Setting Keyboard Layout 1. Open Input Devices from the System Settings panel., , , , ,
Keyboard Layout in XfceKeyboard Layout in Xfce If you haven't set the keyboard layout system-wide, you can specify it in Xfce 4 Settings Manager. Setting Keyboard Layout 1. Open Xfce 4 Settings Manager Menu => Settings => Settings Manager 2. Click on the Keyboard icon. 3. Switch to the, , , , ,
Slackware ARM em HummingboardSlackware ARM em Hummingboard Existem muitos dispositivos ARM no mercado no momento, com ainda mais aparecendo regularmente, e não é possível fornecer suporte para todos eles na árvore principal do Slackware. A Hummingboard Solidrun, é suportado fora da árvore oficial do Slackware pela comunidade do Slackware., , ,
Slackware ARM no Raspberry Pi 3Slackware ARM no Raspberry Pi 3 O Raspberry Pi 3 tem um SoC Broadcom BCM2837 que incorpora um CPU ARMv8 Cortex-A53 quad-core [64 bit] a 1.2GHz e um GPU VideoCore IV a 400MHz, e vem com 1GB de SDRAM LPDDR2 a 900MHz. Este computador de placa única ARM revisado e atualizado tem êxito no, , , , ,
Instalando o Slackware usando GPT com uma placa-mãe BIOSInstalando o Slackware usando GPT com uma placa-mãe BIOS É possível instalar o Slackware em um disco que usa uma tabela de partição GUID (GPT), mesmo em uma máquina que usa BIOS (ex: você não precisa de uma máquina baseada em UEFI). Usar o GPT permite que você instale o Slackware em drives de disco muito grandes (o tamanho máximo teórico do disco é de 2 ZiB). Como sempre, o particionamento deve ser feito antes de iniciar o script de 'setup', no entanto, você deve usar um particionamento compatí…, , , , , , , , , ,
Definindo um layout de tecladoDefinindo um layout de teclado Definir um layout de teclado é uma etapa necessária se você não quiser o layout padrão us. Além disso, algumas pessoas frequentemente precisam alternar entre layouts. Abaixo, você encontrará maneiras de definir/alterar o layout do teclado no console e no X., , , , ,
Layout do teclado no FluxboxLayout do teclado no Fluxbox Se você definiu o layout do teclado para todo o sistema, não precisa fazer nada. Se, no entanto, você alternar entre os layouts regularmente, o Fluxbox permite adicionar facilmente essa funcionalidade ao menu. Fluxbox Menu 1. Abra o arquivo de configuração do menu do Fluxbox:, , , , , ,
Layout do teclado no i3Layout do teclado no i3 Gerenciador de janelas i3 O i3wm não vem com o Slackware por padrão. Se você deseja instalar este gerenciador de janelas em estilo “mosaico” e extremamente configurável, visite SlackBuilds. Instale também o i3status, que permitirá que você exiba todos os tipos de informações úteis em um painel., , , , , ,
Layout do Teclado no KDELayout do Teclado no KDE Se você não definiu o layout de teclado em todo o sistema, você pode especificá-lo em Configurações do sistema KDE. As etapas a seguir foram testadas no Slackware 14 (KDE SC 4.8.5) Configuração do Layout do Teclado 1. Abra Dispositivos de entrada, , , , , ,
Layout do teclado no XfceLayout do teclado no Xfce Se você não definiu o layout do teclado em todo o sistema, pode especificá-lo no Gerenciador de configurações do Xfce 4. Definindo o layout do teclado 1. Abra o Gerenciador de configurações do Xfce 4. Menu => Configurações => Gerenciador de configurações, , , , , ,
Slackware ARM на Raspberry PiSlackware ARM на Raspberry Pi З того часу, як пристроїв з архітектурою ARM з’явилося дуже багато, стало неможливим здійснювати підтримку, усіх пристроїв, з основного дерева Slackware., , ,

Software HOWTOS

Construcciones de CLI (Interfaz de línea de comandos) e información útilConstrucciones de CLI (Interfaz de línea de comandos) e información útil El propósito de este artículo no es ser un tutorial de CLI, sino más bien ser una exposición de construcciones comunes utilizadas en shell scripting para lograr un objetivo de manera eficiente. También hay secciones que simplemente ayudan a entender un tema determinado., ,
Libera tu espacioLibera tu espacio A veces puede encontrarse en una situación en la que de repente se encuentra con un mensaje que le dice que no hay más espacio libre en su sistema. Puede haber algunas cosas que puedes hacer para liberar algo. /tmp La primera razón puede ser un directorio / tmp que no se limpie automáticamente. Creo mis propios archivos temporales en mi directorio de inicio para poder eliminar de forma segura el contenido de / tmp cada vez que apago el sistema. Sin embargo, no tienes que hac…, , , ,
Instalar fuentesInstalar fuentes COMO ROOT: * Copie sus archivos de fuentes (.ttf y / o .otf) en sus directorios respectivos : /usr/share/fonts/TTF /usr/share/fonts/OTF - Ejecute los siguientes comandos, con el directorio donde copió las fuentes como argumento:, , , , ,
Agregar tareasListas de tareas pendientes en TaskWarrior Taskwarrior es una poderosa herramienta de línea de comandos que funciona como administrador de lista de tareas que se puede instalar desde SlackBuilds.org. Tenga en cuenta que depende de Lua. Administración de la lista de tareas, , , , ,
(Handy) udev RULES(Handy) udev RULES chmod ttyUSB y ttyACM (útil para ejecutar cosas como el IDE de Arduino como usuario normal) 1) Crea el archivo de reglas udev: como root vi /etc/udev/rules.d/50-usb.rules and add one of the following Allow access by everyone (kinda un-safe), , ,
Controladores de gráficos propietariosControladores de gráficos propietarios El sistema gráfico X.Org X11 proporciona muchos controladores, y proporciona al menos aceleración de video 2D para la mayoría de las tarjetas de video; sin embargo, si un sistema está equipado con una GPU, , ,
How To Build A Slackware Mediacenter (HTPC) With Kodi (formerly: XBMC)How To Build A Slackware Mediacenter (HTPC) With Kodi (formerly: XBMC) My Situation I wanted a stand alone media center and everything pointed to XBMC. I tried the various LiveCD versions of XBMC but each had problems that either prevented the system from working or were too annoying. The solution turned out to be a S lackware 14 box that boots right into XBMC., , , , ,
Servidor DHCP a través de DNSMasqServidor DHCP a través de DNSMasq Para configurar un servidor DHCP, puede usar el paquete dhcp (incluido con Slackware) o Puede hacerlo de la manera más fácil y usar DNSMasq (también incluido con Slackware). Suponiendo que no tiene instalado DNSMasq:, , , , ,
Configuración de NFSConfiguración de NFS Esta es una guía rápida para configurar NFS en Slackware para usar en una LAN doméstica. El ejemplo utilizado es para la conexión de una computadora portátil con una computadora de escritorio que también tiene una partición NTFS montada en / music. Se supone que se ha establecido la conectividad de red básica. Esta guía está en gran parte cortada y pegada de otros documentos más definitivos., , , , ,
NFS - Configuración detallada y Guía RápidaNFS - Configuración detallada y Guía Rápida Se sabe que funcionan con Slackware 14, 14.1 y 14.2 Supuestos 1) Este HOWTO asume que estás usando una instalación de Slackware vanilla que no has cambiado las reglas predeterminadas de HOSTS_ALLOW, HOSTS_DENY o firewall., , , , , ,
Configuración de su propio servidor de sincronización de MozillaConfiguración de su propio servidor de sincronización de Mozilla Mozilla Sync es una función que es compatible con Firefox desde la versión 4. Le permite almacenar sus marcadores, el historial de navegación, las preferencias del navegador y las contraseñas guardadas en un servidor remoto. Incluso le permite trabajar en varias computadoras y tener la misma configuración de Firefox en todas estas computadoras. Esa es una característica muy buena. Por ejemplo, puede configurar la sincronización …, , , , ,
Instalando Tor Usando un Script de SlackBuildInstalando Tor Usando un Script de SlackBuild Visión general Desde torproject.org: Tor es una red de túneles virtuales que permite a las personas y grupos mejorar su privacidad y seguridad en Internet. También permite a los desarrolladores de software crear nuevas herramientas de comunicación con características de privacidad integradas. Tor proporciona la base para una gama de aplicaciones que permiten a las organizaciones e individuos compartir información a través de redes públicas sin com…, , , ,
Construyendo un paqueteConstruyendo un paquete Este es un boceto general para la construcción de paquetes de Slackware. Algunos pasos pueden no ser necesarios, use la página de discusión para notas adicionales, como el uso de slacktrack (Cuando DESTDIR falle) y otras herramientas como, , , ,
Construyendo e instalando paquetes con sbopkgConstruyendo e instalando paquetes con sbopkg Sbopkg es una herramienta de línea de comandos y de diálogo para sincronizar con el repositorio SlackBuilds.org (“SBo”) , una colección de scripts SlackBuild de terceros para construir paquetes Slackware. El programa tiene una interfaz basada en curses que le permite seleccionar y ensamblar los programas que desea compilar desde la fuente hasta los paquetes. También se puede usar de forma no interactiva en caso de que sepa de antemano cuál es su obj…, , , ,
Construyendo el kernel de Linux usando gitConstruyendo el kernel de Linux usando git Nota del autor: Estoy escribiendo esto de la manera más imparcial que puedo, porque creo que el usuario debería decidir qué es lo mejor para él. Dónde construir Hay dos lugares comunes para construir el núcleo. Es importante que dondequiera que compile el kernel, sea una ubicación que no cambie ni corra el riesgo de eliminación o corrupción. Por ejemplo,, , ,
Creando un paquete usando un script SlackBuildCreando un paquete usando un script SlackBuild Visión general Ocasionalmente, encontrará que hay una aplicación que realmente le gustaría utilizar, pero no está disponible en el repositorio de Slackware. Para momentos como este tienes opciones, una de las cuales es usar un script, , ,
Instalación de softwareInstalación de software Visión general Hay tres formas básicas de instalar software en Slackware: instalar un paquete binario precompilado, crear su propio paquete o compilar las fuentes e instalar los binarios resultantes manualmente. Si necesita compilar un programa a partir del código fuente, convertirlo en su propio paquete es fácil y útil. Así es como funcionan estos métodos., , , ,
Construyendo un kernel linux a partir de su código fuenteConstruyendo un kernel linux a partir de su código fuente Así es como construyo mis kernels 2.6 Lo mismo se aplicará casi completamente para los kernels 3.x en Slackware 14 y de ahí en adelante. Comencemos, X y su Los comandos se ejecutan desde una terminal X y, en algún punto, se inicia el configurador del kernel (basado en X)., , ,
Consultar paquetes instaladosConsultar paquetes instalados En ocasiones, es posible que desee verificar si un paquete en particular está instalado o qué versión de un paquete está instalada en su sistema. Si el paquete es parte de la instalación de Slackware, puede usar la herramienta, , , ,
cacticacti Cacti es una aplicación de monitoreo de código abierto. Requisitos previos * MySQL or Mariadb * Apache * rrd, install from SBo. Instalación Cacti está disponible en SBo. 1) Habilitar httpd vi /etc/httpd/httpd.conf CHANGE: #Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf TO: Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf CHANGE: DirectoryIndex index.html TO: DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.pl, , , ,
FirefoxFirefox Firefox es un navegador web de código abierto de Mozilla. Instalación Firefox se distribuye con Slackware. Tips Hacer que Firefox entienda los archivos descargados Es bastante molesto que Mozilla Firefox siempre olvide qué aplicación usar para, , , ,
Navegador Google Chrome en SlackwareNavegador Google Chrome en Slackware Según Google, el navegador Chrome es un navegador web creado para ofrecer velocidad, simplicidad y seguridad. Tenga en cuenta que este paquete tiene poco que ver con chromium ya que este es un paquete precompilado por Google, en lugar de un paquete que un usuario puede compilar localmente del código abierto, , ,
Java en SlackwareJava en Slackware Oracle Java Debido a los cambios recientes en las licencias Java de Oracle, Slackware o cualquier otra distribución ya no puede distribuir paquetes binarios Java con el sistema operativo. Lo que significa para nosotros es que, aunque todavía podremos instalar Java en nuestro sistema, a partir de Slackware 14 se nos solicitará que descarguemos manualmente el paquete binario., , , , ,
monitmonit monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring, processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations., , ,
How to use MPlayer on the Command-lineHow to use MPlayer on the Command-line As suggested by kikinovak as a slackdoc topic. What is mplayer? Basically, mplayer is a command-line movie player packaged into most slackware installations; It happens to work like a champ with music files in addition to watching movies. Because mplayer doesn't strictly require a desktop environment to be running while playing music, it is quite light and is ideal for wimpier machines such as netbooks., , ,
NagiosNagios Installation * Create the nagios group and user: groupadd -g 213 nagios useradd -u 213 -d /dev/null -s /bin/false -g nagios nagios * Add the 'apache' user to the 'nagios' group, so that it can write to the /var/nagios/rw directory ('a' option prevents the user to be removed from other groups, the member of which he is already):, , , ,
Install nfdump/nfsen on SlackwareInstall nfdump/nfsen on Slackware Concepts you should know: A device is setup to constantly send out netflow information, it is not polled. A receiver listens for the netflow information 'streams' from devices and processes them. How to install, , , , , ,
ntopntop Installation A) Enable httpd web server B) Install ntop dependencies 1) Install RRDTool via sbopkg 2) Install Graphviz via sbopkg 3) Install GeoIP via sbopkg C) Install and configure ntop 1) Add ntop user and group groupadd -g 212 ntop useradd -u 212 -g ntop ntop, , , , ,
Pale Moon Browser in SlackwarePale Moon Browser in Slackware From the Pale Moon website: Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!, ,
Install snmptrapd on SlackwareInstall snmptrapd on Slackware NOTE: 'public' should be changed to your correct community string. 1) Install the official Slackware net-snmp package. 2) Create /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf authCommunity log,execute,net public WHERE: "log" & "execute" are the actions to take "net redrock" is to listen for any traps with redrock as the community string, , , , , ,
XPDFXPDF Print from xpdf (with CUPS) If you haven't set a default printer in cups, * 1. set a printer as default. In xpdf: * 2. hit print * 3. select PRINT WITH COMMAND * 4. enter “lpr” (no quotes) Your document should print. Sources * Originally written by, , , ,
ZabbixZabbix Zabbix is an open source network monitoring application capable of monitoring network devices, servers, databases and web services on a wide variety of operating systems. Website: www.zabbix.com Prerequisites * MySQL * httpd Installation Zabbix is available at, , , ,
ZoneMinderZoneMinder ZoneMinder es una herramienta de código abierto para video vigilancia. Prerequisitos * ffmpeg * mariadb Installation ZoneMinder está disponible en SBo. Cámaras ONVIF Si quieres usar cámaras ONVIF * Instalar perl-Data-UUID (desde Slackbuilds), , , ,
Monitores dualesMonitores duales Se sabe que funciona en Slackware 14.1 y XFCE Si está ejecutando XFCE y su monitor secundario no funciona, verifique y asegúrese de que esté habilitado en la CONFIGURACIÓN de XFCE: CONFIGURACIÓN> ADMINISTRADOR DE CONFIGURACIÓN> PANTALLA> mostrar nombre en columna a la izquierda> USAR ESTA SALIDA, , , , , , ,
i3 Administrador de ventanas en mosaicoi3 Administrador de ventanas en mosaico i3 es un administrador muy ligero, flexible y personalizable window manager con excelente soporte para múltiples monitores. Los administradores de ventanas en mosaico apuntan a maximizar el espacio de la pantalla en mosaico de todas las ventanas abiertas en un modo no superpuesto. Los bordes y botones son prácticamente inexistentes en los administradores de ventanas de mosaico, tienen un aspecto muy minimalista y se centran principalmente en el teclado. …, , , , ,
Remote X: Linux to LinuxRemote X: Linux to Linux As X11 in its newer versions doesn't allow incoming tcp connections by default anymore (see the relative commit), since Slackware 14.2 you have to launch your X server (the one which has to display the remote application) explicitly enabling them, like, , , ,
Remote X: Windows to LinuxRemote X: Windows to Linux Plain Ol' Vanilla Remote X11 1) Install Xming and Xming-fonts * Download from <http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/files/> 2) Add the Linux machine's DNS name(s) and/or IP address to the C:\Program Files\xming\X0.hosts file. File should look something like:, , , ,
SLiM (Simple Login Manager)SLiM (Simple Login Manager) SLiM es un acrónimo de Simple Login Manager . Si usa uno de los entornos de escritorio livianos como Xfce, Fluxbox, Blackbox o WindowMaker, es posible que desee usar SLiM. Slackware viene por defecto con dos administradores de inicio de sesión que, en teoría, podrían hacer el trabajo, pero cada uno tiene sus deficiencias:, , , ,
How To Take a Screenshot ?How To Take a Screenshot ? Taking a screenshot can be done in several ways. The easiest is to use a graphics program (for example KSnapshot, The GIMP, or xpaint) and choose the built-in screenshot or snapshot menu option. The method may be very different from one application to another, so I have chosen, ,
VNCVNC NOTE: for the following examples, will be the REMOTE machine (VNC server). Setup VNC Server (on Slackware) USING TigerVNC: On your remote machine, install TigerVNC via slackpkg slackpkg install tigervnc Start the VNC server:, , , , , , ,
XFCE Applications MenuXFCE Applications Menu How to manipulate the XFCE Applications Menu. Add an app to the XFCE menu To add an installed app to the [system wide] XFCE APPLICATIONS MENU, as root: 1) Create the .desktop file: vi /usr/share/applications/APPNAME.desktop, , , , , ,
Installer MariaDB sur SlackwareInstaller MariaDB sur Slackware MariaDB est le remplaçant de MySQL. Installer MariaDB Installez MariaDB depuis les disques officiels de la Slackware ou en utilisant slackpkg. Si vous avez effectué une installation complète de Slackware, alors vous avez déjà MariaDB sur votre ordinateur., , , , , ,
(Pratique ) Règles udev(Pratique ) Règles udev chmod ttyUSB and ttyACM ( Utile pour faire tourner des choses comme l'IDE d'Arduino en tant qu'utilisateur normal ) 1) Créer le fichier de règles udev Connecté sous l'identité root: vi /etc/udev/rules.d/50-usb.rules, , ,
Configurer votre propre serveur de synchronisation MozillaConfigurer votre propre serveur de synchronisation Mozilla Mozilla Sync est une fonctionnalité disponible dans Firefox depuis la version 4. Il vous permet de stocker vos marque pages , votre historique de navigation, les préférences de votre navigateur et les mots de passe que vous avez enregistrés sur un serveur distant. Il vous permet même de travailler sur plusieurs machines et avoir la même configuration de Firefox sur toutes ces machines. C’est une fonctionnalité vraiment pratique. Vous po…, , , , ,
Faire, puis installer des paquets avec sbopkgFaire, puis installer des paquets avec sbopkg Sbopkg est un outil en ligne de commande, avec des dialogues, qui synchronise un ensemble de scripts SlackBuild non-officiels, du dépôt SlackBuilds.org (“SBo”) pour créer des paquets Slackware. Le programme a une interface 'ncurses' qui vous permet de trouver et d'assembler les logiciels que vous voulez compiler et empaqueter à partir de leur source. Vous pouvez aussi l'utiliser de manière non-interactive si vous savez à l'avance quel est votre but …, , , , ,
Créer un paquet en utilisant un script SlackBuildCréer un paquet en utilisant un script SlackBuild Présentation Il peut se faire que vous vouliez vraiment utiliser une application alors qu'elle n'est pas disponible dans le dépôt de Slackware. En pareil cas vous avez plusieurs options, l'une d'entre elles est d'employer un script, , , ,
Utiliser le visualiseur PDF intégré dans FirefoxUtiliser le visualiseur PDF intégré dans Firefox Le visualiseur PDF “pdfjs” est intégré à Firefox depuis la version 15.0, ce qui veut dire qu'il n'y a plus besoin d'installer un plugin PDF comme Adobe Reader en plus. Le visualiseur PDF intégré visualise le PDF en utilisant HTML5 et Javascript., , ,
Navigateur Google Chrome sous SlakwareNavigateur Google Chrome sous Slakware Selon Google, Chrome est un navigateur Web construit pour être rapide, simple et sécurisé. Notez que ce paquetage a peu de choses à voir avec chromium puisque c'est un paquetage précompilé par Google, au lieu d'être un paquetage qu'un utilisateur peut compiler localement à partir de son source :, , ,
SLiM (Simple Login Manager)SLiM (Simple Login Manager) SLiM est un acronyme pour Simple Login Manager. Si vous utilisez un des environnements de bureau légers comme Xfce, Fluxbox, Blackbox ou WindowMaker, SLiM peut vous intéresser. Slackware est livré avec deux gestionnaires de login qui peuvent faire le travail mais qui ont chacun des inconvénients :, , , ,
Menu Applications XFCEMenu Applications XFCE Comment gérer le menu Applications dans XFCE. Ajouter une appli dans le menu XFCE Pour ajouter une appli déjà installée au MENU APPLICATIONS XFCE, en tant que root: 1) Créer un fichier .desktop : vi /usr/share/applications/APPNAME.desktop, , , , , , ,
Install MariaDB On SlackwareInstall MariaDB On Slackware MariaDB is the drop-in replacement for MySQL. Installing MariaDB Install MariaDB from the official Slackware discs or using slackpkg. If you performed a full install of Slackware, then you already have MariaDB on your computer., , , , ,
Install MySQL On SlackwareInstall MySQL On Slackware Installing MySQL Install MySQL from the official Slackware discs or using slackpkg. If you performed a full install of Slackware, then you already have MySQL on your computer. Configuring MySQL * Create the needed database(s) and set their permissions properly, , , , ,
Connect to Microsoft SQL Server with ODBC and PHPConnect to Microsoft SQL Server with ODBC and PHP Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. This article will describe how to set up unixODBC and PHP drivers to connect to MS SQL server. Installing unixODBC unixODBC is an open source project that implements the ODBC, , , , , , , ,
PostgreSQLPostgreSQL PostgreSQL,or Postgres, is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) with an emphasis on extensibility and on standards-compliance. Installing Postgres is currently available from slackbuilds.org and can be installed via that. PHP / Apache Support, , ,
binfmt_miscbinfmt_misc The term binfmt_misc describes a capability of the Linux kernel which allows arbitrary executable file formats to be recognized and passed to certain user space applications, such as emulators and virtual machines. Explanation The executable formats are registered through a special purpose file system interface (similar to /proc). Your kernel must be configured with, , ,
PCSX2PCSX2 PCSX2 is PlayStation 2 emulator that runs on both Windows and Linux, though given it is 32bit only and depends on libraries not included in Slackware, binaries available for download on project's website will not run out of the box. Here is how to make PCSX2 run., , ,
TRS80 - Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 1, 3, & 4 Emulator for SlackwareTRS80 - Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 1, 3, & 4 Emulator for Slackware The following information will assist you in getting TRS80 by David Keil running on Slackware. PREWORK: 1. Purchase the EMULATOR, and have it in the mail before proceeding. The EMULATOR is provided by, and purchased for $10.00 from:, , , , , ,
Using vms command line tool to create and manage a qemu virtual machineUsing vms command line tool to create and manage a qemu virtual machine vms An example using vms for creating and managing a qemu virtual machine Installation You need to install vde2, tigervnc and qemu first Get the ready made package and install it, you should use the latest release, , , , ,
XTRS - Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 1, 3, & 4 Emulator for SlackwareXTRS - Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 1, 3, & 4 Emulator for Slackware The following information will assist you in getting XTRS by Tim Mann running on Slackware. PREWORK: 1. Install XTRS (Version 4.9D) from SlackBuilds.org <http://slackbuilds.org> 2. Read the XTRS Emulator Documentation., , , , , , ,
Z80 Emulator for SlackwareZ80 Emulator for Slackware The following information will assist you in getting MYZ80 by Simeon Cran running on Slackware 14 under DOSBox. PREWORK: 1. Locate the zipfile myz80.zip, and extract the contents to a folder named Z80-Sim. <http://www.z80.de/myz80.zip> 2. Install DOSBox from SlackBuilds.org, , , , , ,
program nameprogram name Prerequisites Installation program name is distributed with Slackware since <VERSION>. program name is available at SBo. Usage Documentation howtos software,
CLI constructs and useful infoCLI constructs and useful info The purpose of this article is not to be a CLI tutorial, but rather to be an exposition of common constructs used in shell scripting for efficiently achieving a goal. There are also sections which simply help one understand a certain topic., ,
Free your spaceFree your space Sometimes you can find yourself in a situation where you are suddenly faced with a message telling you that there’s no more free space on your system. There might be a few things you can do to free some of it. /tmp directory, , , ,
Install FontsInstall Fonts AS ROOT: * Copy your font files (.ttf and/or .otf) to their respective directories: /usr/share/fonts/TTF /usr/share/fonts/OTF * Run the following commands, with the directory where you copied the fonts as argument: mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/{TTF,OTF} mkfontscale /usr/share/fonts/{TTF,OTF} fc-cache -f -v, , , , ,
Todo Lists in TaskWarriorTodo Lists in TaskWarrior Taskwarrior is a powerful command-line todo list manager which can be installed from SlackBuilds.org. Please note that it depends on Lua. Managing Your Todo List You can use TaskWarrior in 2 ways: 1. By invoking the Task Shell and issuing TW commands:, , , , ,
(Handy) udev RULES(Handy) udev RULES chmod ttyUSB and ttyACM (handy for running things like Arduino IDE as a regular user) 1) Create the udev rules file: as root: vi /etc/udev/rules.d/50-usb.rules and add one of the following Allow access by everyone (kinda un-safe), , ,
Proprietary Graphics DriversProprietary Graphics Drivers The X.Org X11 graphical system provides many drivers, supplying at least 2D video acceleration for most video cards; however, if a system is equipped with a GPU from AMD (ATI) or nVIDIA, proprietary binary drivers can be downloaded from the web sites of both these vendors and installed., , ,
How to run OpenXenManager On SlackwareHow to run OpenXenManager On Slackware ( known to work with Slackware64 14.2) 1) Install Python from Slackware packages. 2) Install pygtk from Slackware packages (not needed for -current) 3) Install configobj from Slackbuilds. 4) Install gtk-vnc from Slackbuilds, use version 0.7.0, and get the corresponding slackbuild from git., , , , ,
How To Build A Slackware Mediacenter (HTPC) With Kodi (formerly: XBMC)How To Build A Slackware Mediacenter (HTPC) With Kodi (formerly: XBMC) My Situation I wanted a stand alone media center and everything pointed to XBMC. I tried the various LiveCD versions of XBMC but each had problems that either prevented the system from working or were too annoying. The solution turned out to be a S lackware 14 box that boots right into XBMC., , , , ,
DHCP Server via DNSMasqDHCP Server via DNSMasq To set up a DHCP server you can use the dhcp package (included with Slackware) or you can do it the easier way and use DNSMasq (also included with Slackware). Assuming that you do not have DNSMasq installed: * Install the official dnsmasq Slackware package either by, , , , ,
Home NFS Setup HOWTOHome NFS Setup HOWTO This is a quick guide to setting up NFS in Slackware for use in a home LAN. The example used is for connection of a laptop computer with a desktop computer that also has an NTFS partition mounted on /music. It assumes that basic network connectivity has been established. This guide is largely cut and pasted from other more definitive documents., , , , ,
NFS - Quick and Dirty SetupNFS - Quick and Dirty Setup Known to work on Slackware 14, 14.1 and 14.2 Assumptions 1) This HOWTO assumes that you are using a vanilla install of Slackware and have not changed the default HOSTS_ALLOW, HOSTS_DENY, or firewall rules. 2) For this example, the shared directory on the server will be /nfs_share, , , , , ,
Setting Up Your Own Mozilla Sync ServerSetting Up Your Own Mozilla Sync Server Mozilla Sync is a feature which is supported in Firefox since version 4. It allows you to store your bookmarks, browsing history, browser preferences, and saved passwords on a remote server. It even allows you to work on multiple computers and have the same Firefox configuration on all these computers. That’s a pretty cool feature. You can for instance setup sync on your Android phone’s Firefox browser and quickly configure it by entering your account-spe…, , , , ,
Installing Tor Using a SlackBuild ScriptInstalling Tor Using a SlackBuild Script Overview From torproject.org: Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. It also enables software developers to create new communication tools with built-in privacy features. Tor provides the foundation for a range of applications that allow organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy., , , ,
Building A PackageBuilding A Package This is a rough outline for building Slackware packages. Some steps may not be neccessary, some steps might be missing. Use the discussion page for side-notes such as using slacktrack (when DESTDIR fails) and other utilities like checkinstall., , , ,
Building and Installing Packages with sbopkgBuilding and Installing Packages with sbopkg Sbopkg is a command-line and dialog-based tool to synchronize with the SlackBuilds.org (“SBo”) repository, a collection of third-party SlackBuild scripts to build Slackware packages. The program has a curses based interface which lets you pick and assemble the programs which you want to compile from source into packages. It can also be used non-interactively in case you know beforehand what your goal is - in that case it is, , , ,
Building the Linux kernel using gitBuilding the Linux kernel using git Author's note: I am writing this in as impartial a way as I can, because I think the user should decide what is best for them. Where to build There are two common places to build the kernel. It is important that wherever you build the kernel, it must be a location that does not change nor risk deletion or corruption. For example do, , ,
Creating a Package Using a SlackBuild ScriptCreating a Package Using a SlackBuild Script Overview Occasionally, you will find that there is an application that you would really like to utilize, but it is not available in Slackware's repository. For times like this you have options, one of which is using a, , ,
Installing SoftwareInstalling Software Overview There are three basic ways to install software in Slackware: install a pre-build binary package, make your own package, or compile the sources and install the resulting binaries manually. If you need to compile a program from source code, making it into your own package is easy and useful. Here's how these methods work., , , ,
Building a Linux Kernel from SourceBuilding a Linux Kernel from Source This is how I build my 2.6 kernels. It will apply almost completely to the 3.x kernels in Slackware 14 and onwards. X and su I run the commands from an X terminal, and at some point start the X based kernel configurator. I run my desktop as, , ,
Querying Installed PackagesQuerying Installed Packages Sometimes you might want to check whether a particular package is installed or which version of a package is installed on your system. If the package is part of the Slackware installation you could use the slackpkg tool:, , , ,
cacticacti Cacti is an opensource monitoring application. Prerequisites * MySQL or Mariadb * Apache * rrd, install from SBo. Installation Cacti is available at SBo. 1) Enable httpd vi /etc/httpd/httpd.conf CHANGE: #Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf TO: Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf CHANGE: DirectoryIndex index.html TO: DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.pl, , , ,
FirefoxFirefox Firefox is an opensource web browser from Mozilla. Installation Firefox is distributed with Slackware. Tips Make firefox understand downloaded files It is quite annoying that Mozilla Firefox always forgets what application to use for “opening” a file which you just downloaded. Also, the context menu “Open containing folder” in the Downloads overview does not work., , , ,
Google Chrome Browser in SlackwareGoogle Chrome Browser in Slackware According to Google, the chrome browser is a web browser built for speed, simplicity, and security. Note that this package has little to do with chromium as this is a pre-compiled package by Google, instead of a package that a user can compile locally from the open-source, , ,
Java in SlackwareJava in Slackware Oracle Java Due to recent changes in Oracle's Java licensing, Slackware, or any other distribution, is no longer allowed to distribute Java binary packages with the operating system. What it means for us is that although we will still be able to install Java on our system, as of Slackware 14 we will be required to manually download the binary package., , , , ,
monitmonit monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring, processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations., , ,
How to use MPlayer on the Command-lineHow to use MPlayer on the Command-line As suggested by kikinovak as a slackdoc topic. What is mplayer? Basically, mplayer is a command-line movie player packaged into most slackware installations; It happens to work like a champ with music files in addition to watching movies. Because mplayer doesn't strictly require a desktop environment to be running while playing music, it is quite light and is ideal for wimpier machines such as netbooks., , ,
NagiosNagios Installation * Create the nagios group and user: groupadd -g 213 nagios useradd -u 213 -d /dev/null -s /bin/false -g nagios nagios * Add the 'apache' user to the 'nagios' group, so that it can write to the /var/nagios/rw directory ('a' option prevents the user to be removed from other groups, the member of which he is already):, , , ,
Install nfdump/nfsen on SlackwareInstall nfdump/nfsen on Slackware Concepts you should know: A device is setup to constantly send out netflow information, it is not polled. A receiver listens for the netflow information 'streams' from devices and processes them. How to install, , , , , ,
ntopntop Installation A) Enable httpd web server B) Install ntop dependencies 1) Install RRDTool via sbopkg 2) Install Graphviz via sbopkg 3) Install GeoIP via sbopkg C) Install and configure ntop 1) Add ntop user and group groupadd -g 212 ntop useradd -u 212 -g ntop ntop, , , , ,
Pale Moon Browser in SlackwarePale Moon Browser in Slackware From the Pale Moon website: Pale Moon is an Open Source, Goanna-based web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux (with other operating systems in development), focusing on efficiency and ease of use. Make sure to get the most out of your browser!, ,
Install snmptrapd on SlackwareInstall snmptrapd on Slackware NOTE: 'public' should be changed to your correct community string. 1) Install the official Slackware net-snmp package. 2) Create /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf authCommunity log,execute,net public WHERE: "log" & "execute" are the actions to take "net redrock" is to listen for any traps with redrock as the community string, , , , , ,
program nameprogram name Prerequisites Installation program name is distributed with Slackware since <VERSION> as <category/name>. program name is available at SBo. Usage Documentation howtos software,
Installing and using tmux in SlackwareInstalling and using tmux in Slackware tmux is a terminal multiplexer. It enables a number of terminals (or windows) to be accessed and controlled from a single terminal. It is intended to be a simple, modern, BSD-licensed alternative to programs such as GNU Screen., , ,
XPDFXPDF Print from xpdf (with CUPS) If you haven't set a default printer in cups, * 1. set a printer as default. In xpdf: * 2. hit print * 3. select PRINT WITH COMMAND * 4. enter “lpr” (no quotes) Your document should print. Sources * Originally written by, , , ,
ZabbixZabbix Zabbix is an open source network monitoring application capable of monitoring network devices, servers, databases and web services on a wide variety of operating systems. Website: www.zabbix.com Prerequisites * MySQL * httpd Installation Zabbix is available at, , , ,
ZoneMinderZoneMinder ZoneMinder is an opensource monitoring tool. Prerequisites * ffmpeg * mariadb Installation ZoneMinder is available at SBo. ONVIF cameras If you want to use ONVIF cameras * Install perl-Data-UUID (from Slackbuilds) * Install other Perl modules via CPan:, , , ,
Dual MonitorsDual Monitors Known to work on Slackware 14.1 and XFCE If you are running XFCE and your secondary monitor isn't working, check and make sure it's enabled in XFCE's SETTINGS: SETTINGS > SETTING MANAGER > DISPLAY > display name in column on left > USE THIS OUTPUT, , , , , , ,
dwm - dynamic window managerdwm - dynamic window manager dwm is a dynamic window manager made by suckless for the X11 windowing system that supports organization of windows in tiled, floating, and monocle layouts. Windows are grouped together on tags where they can be reorganized and modified., , , ,
i3 Tiling Window Manageri3 Tiling Window Manager i3 is a very lightweight, flexible and customisable tiling window manager with excellent multi-monitor support. Tiling window managers aim at maximising the screen space by tiling all opened windows in a non-overlapping mode. As all the bells and whistles of traditional desktops are virtually non-existent in tiling window managers, they have a very minimalist look and are mostly keyboard-focused. If the concept of tiling window managers is still puzzling, please check t…, , , , ,
Remote X: Linux to LinuxRemote X: Linux to Linux As X11 in its newer versions doesn't allow incoming tcp connections by default anymore (see the relative commit), since Slackware 14.2 you have to launch your X server (the one which has to display the remote application) explicitly enabling them, like, , , ,
Remote X: Windows to LinuxRemote X: Windows to Linux Plain Ol' Vanilla Remote X11 1) Install Xming and Xming-fonts * Download from <http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/files/> 2) Add the Linux machine's DNS name(s) and/or IP address to the C:\Program Files\xming\X0.hosts file. File should look something like:, , , ,
SLiM (Simple Login Manager)SLiM (Simple Login Manager) SLiM is an acronym for Simple Login Manager. If you use one of the lightweight desktop environements like Xfce, Fluxbox, Blackbox or WindowMaker, you might want to use SLiM. Slackware ships with two login managers who could theoretically do the job but each have their shortcomings:, , , ,
How To Take a Screenshot ?How To Take a Screenshot ? Taking a screenshot can be done in several ways. The easiest is to use a graphics program (for example KSnapshot, The GIMP, or xpaint) and choose the built-in screenshot or snapshot menu option. The method may be very different from one application to another, so I have chosen, ,
VNCVNC NOTE: for the following examples, will be the REMOTE machine (VNC server). Setup VNC Server (on Slackware) USING TigerVNC: On your remote machine, install fltk, then install TigerVNC via slackpkg slackpkg install fltk slackpkg install tigervnc, , , , , , ,
XFCE Applications MenuXFCE Applications Menu How to manipulate the XFCE Applications Menu. Add an app to the XFCE menu To add an installed app to the [system wide] XFCE APPLICATIONS MENU, as root: 1) Create the .desktop file: vi /usr/share/applications/APPNAME.desktop, , , , , ,
Laat firefox gedownloade bestanden herkennenLaat firefox gedownloade bestanden herkennen Het is heel irritant dat Mozilla Firefox nooit weet welk programma het moet gebruiken om een bestand te “openen” dat je zojuist hebt gedownload. Ook werkt het context menu “Open containing folder” in het Downloads overzicht niet., ,
Instale o MariaDB no SlackwareInstale o MariaDB no Slackware MariaDB é o substituto para o MySQL. Instalar MariaDB Instale o MariaDB a partir dos discos oficiais do Slackware ou usando slackpkg. Se você realizou uma instalação completa do Slackware, então você já tem o MariaDB no seu computador., , , , , , ,
Instalar MySQL no SlackwareInstalar MySQL no Slackware Instalar MySQL Instale o MySQL dos discos oficiais do Slackware ou use slackpkg. Se você realizou uma instalação completa do Slackware, então você já tem o MySQL no seu computador. Configurar MySQL * Crie os bancos de dados necessários e defina suas permissões corretamente, , , , , , ,
Conecte-se ao Microsoft SQL Server com ODBC e PHPConecte-se ao Microsoft SQL Server com ODBC e PHP Microsoft SQL Server é um sistema de gerenciamento de banco de dados relacional desenvolvido pela Microsoft. Este artigo descreverá como configurar drivers unixODBC e PHP para conectar-se ao servidor MSSQL. Instalar unixODBC, , , , , , , , , ,
PostgreSQLPostgreSQL PostgreSQL, ou Postgres, é um sistema de gerenciamento de banco de dados objeto-relacional (ORDBMS) com ênfase na extensibilidade e na conformidade com os padrões. Instalação O Postgres está atualmente disponível em slackbuilds.org e pode ser instalado através desse., , , , ,
binfmt_miscbinfmt_misc O termo binfmt_misc descreve uma capacidade do kernel Linux que permite que formatos de arquivos executáveis ​​arbitrários sejam reconhecidos e passados ​​para certos aplicativos de espaço do usuário, como emuladores e máquinas virtuais., , , , ,
PCSX2PCSX2 PCSX2 é um emulador de PlayStation 2 que roda tanto no Windows quanto no Linux, embora por ser apenas de 32bits e depender de bibliotecas não incluídas no Slackware, os binários disponíveis para download no site do projeto não funcionarão fora da caixa. Aqui está como fazer o PCSX2 funcionar., , ,
vmsvms Um exemplo de uso de vms para criar e gerenciar uma máquina virtual qemu. Instalação Você precisa instalar vde2, tigervnc e qemu primeiro. Pegue o pacote pronto e instale-o, você deve usar a versão mais recente wget https://bitbucket.org/yotis/vms/vms-0.2.1-noarch-1did.tgz upgradepkg --install-new vms-0.2.1-noarch-1did.tgz, , , , , , ,
Emulador Z80 Emulator no SlackwareEmulador Z80 Emulator no Slackware As informações a seguir irão ajudá-lo a fazer o MYZ80 do Simeon Cran rodar no Slackware 14 no DOSBox. Preparação: 1. Localize o arquivo zipadp myz80.zip, e extraia o conteúdo para uma pasta chamada Z80-Sim., , , , , , , ,
Instalar FontesInstalar Fontes COMO ROOT: * Copie seus arquivos de fonte (.ttf and/or .otf) para seus respectivos diretórios: /usr/share/fonts/TTF /usr/share/fonts/OTF * Execute os seguintes comandos, com o diretório em que você copiou as fontes como argumento:, , , , , , ,
Listas de tarefas no TaskWarriorListas de tarefas no TaskWarrior Taskwarrior é um poderoso gerenciador de listas de tarefas da linha de comando que pode ser instalado a partir de SlackBuilds.org. Observe que depende Lua. Gerenciando sua lista de tarefas Você pode usar o TaskWarrior de 2 maneiras: 1. Invocando o, , , , ,
Instalando Tor utilizando um script do SlackBuildInstalando Tor utilizando um script do SlackBuild Visão Geral De torproject.org: Tor é uma rede de túneis virtuais que permite pessoas e grupos melhorarem sua privacidade e segurança na Internet. Ele também permite que os desenvolvedores de softwares criem novas ferramentas de comunicação com recursos de privacidade integrados. O Tor fornece a base para uma variedade de aplicativos que permitem que organizações e indivíduos compartilhem informações em redes públicas sem comprometer sua privac…, , ,
Construindo um pacoteConstruindo um pacote Este é um esboço para a criação de pacotes do Slackware. Algumas etapas podem não ser necessárias, algumas etapas podem estar ausentes. Use a página de discussão para notas secundárias, como usar slacktrack (quando o DESTDIR falha) e outros utilitários como o checkinstall., , , ,
Criar e Instalar Pacotes com SbopkgCriar e Instalar Pacotes com Sbopkg Sbopkg é uma ferramenta de linha de comando e de GUI para sincronizar com o SlackBuilds.org (“SBo”), uma coleção de scripts de terceiros do SlackBuild para construir pacotes do Slackware. O programa tem uma interface baseada em curses que lhe permite escolher e montar os programas que você quer compilar a partir do código fonte dos pacotes. Ele também pode ser usado de forma não interativa, caso você saiba de antemão qual é o seu objetivo - nesse caso, é…, , , , , ,
Consultando pacotes instaladosConsultando pacotes instalados Às vezes, você pode querer verificar se um pacote específico está instalado ou qual versão de um pacote está instalada no seu sistema. Se o pacote fizer parte da instalação do Slackware, você poderá usar a ferramenta, , , ,
Java no SlackwareJava no Slackware Oracle Java Devido a mudanças recentes no licenciamento Java da Oracle, o Slackware ou qualquer outra distribuição não tem mais permissão para distribuir pacotes binários Java com o sistema operacional. Isso significa que, embora ainda possamos instalar o Java em nosso sistema, a partir do Slackware 14 seremos obrigados a baixar manualmente o pacote binário., , , , , , ,
SLiM (Gerenciador de login simples)SLiM (Gerenciador de login simples) SLiM é um acrônimo para Simple Login Manager. Se você usa um dos ambientes de área de trabalho leves como Xfce, Fluxbox, Blackbox ou WindowMaker, você pode querer usar SLiM. O Slackware vem com dois gerenciadores de login que teoricamente poderiam fazer o trabalho, mas cada um tem suas deficiências:, , , ,
Установка MySQL на SlackwareУстановка MySQL на Slackware Установка MySQL Установите MySQL c официальных дисков Slackware или используя slackpkg. Если выполнена полная установка Slackware, то он уже установлен на компьютер., , , , ,
Собственнические графические драйверыСобственнические графические драйверы Графическая система X.Org X11 обеспечивает большое количество драйверов и по крайней мере 2D видеоускорение для большинства видеокарт, однако, если система оснащена графическим процессором (видеокартой) от AMD (ATI) или NVIDIA, собственнические драйверы можно загрузить с веб-сайтов обоих этих производителей и установить.…, , ,
Сборка ядра Linux из исходного кодаСборка ядра Linux из исходного кода О том, как я собираю свои ядра версий 2.6. Почти полностью применимо к ядрам 3.х в Slackware 14 и последующих. X и su, , , ,
Java в SlackwareJava в Slackware Oracle Java В связи с недавними изменениями Oracle в лицензировании Java, Slackware как и любому другому дистрибутиву больше не разрешается распространять двоичные пакеты Java в составе операционной системы. Это означает, что мы всё ещё можем устанавливать Java в систему, но начиная со Slackware 14 потребуется загружать двоичный пакет вручную.…, , , , ,
Flash PlayerFlash Player Flash Player is, in most forms, a web browser plugin used primarily to play videos, games, advertisements and particularly gaudy websites. It is owned by Adobe, and is proprietary software. Because of some parts of it's nature (it can be unstable, it is updated frequently, and these updates often are to fix security holes), it is not included in a default installation of Slackware. A,
SnownewsSnownews Downloading and Reading RSS feeds Snownews is a lightweight RSS newsreader for console lovers. It lets you aggregate news from a variety of sources in one place in a very easy and quick way. Additionally, it comes with Slackware so there is a big chance that it is already installed on your system., , , , , ,
Власнички Драјвери Графичких картицаВласнички Драјвери Графичких картица X.Org X11 графички систем обезбеђује много драјвера, снабдевајући их са најмање 2Д видео убрзањем за већину графичких картица; ипак, ако је систем опремљен са AMD (ATI) или nVIDIA, , ,
Како кориситити Мплејер у конзолиКако кориситити Мплејер у конзоли За СлекДок тему предложио kikinovak. Шта је Мплејер У суштини, мплејер је конзоларни плејер за гледање филмова и долази уз већину инсталација слеквера; дешава се да ради феноменално и са музичким фајловима и ако је намењен гледању филмова. Јер мплејер не захтева стриктно графичко окружење док пушта музику, веома је лаган и идеалан за слабашне рачунаре као што су нетбукови.…, , ,
СЛиМ (Једноставни Mенаџер Пријављивања)СЛиМ (Једноставни Mенаџер Пријављивања) СЛиМ је скраћеница од Једноставни Mенаџер Пријављивања. Ако користите неки од лаких графичких окружења као ИксФЦЕ, Флуксбокс, Блекбокс или ВиндоусМејкер, можда бисте користили и СЛиМ., , , ,
Како да снимим екран?Како да снимим екран? Сликање или снимање екрана се може извршити на више начина. Најлакши начин је коришћење GUI софтвера (ГИМП или Икс-сликање,, ,
Флеш ПлејерФлеш Плејер Флеш Плејер је, у већини случајева, додатак прегледача интернета претежно за гледање видеа, играње игара, рекламе, а посебно за фенси сајтове. У власништву је,
Пропрієтарні графічні драйвериПропрієтарні графічні драйвери Графічна підсистема X.Org X11, надає велику кількість драйверів, принаймні прискорювачі 2D для більшості відео карт, якщо система поставляється з, , ,

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