[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

Welcome to the Slackware Documentation Project

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Bine aţi venit la Slackware Documentation Project

Dorim să devenim prima sursă de documentaţie pentru Slackware Linux de pe web.

Noţiuni de bază despre Slackware

  • Cum să te implici: descrierea metodelor prin care utilizatorii de Slackware (atât noi cât şi vechi) pot contribui la comunitatea Slackware.
  • Referinţe: alte pagini web care oferă informaţii despre Slackware.

The Slackware Linux Distribution

  • FAQ: a list of common and frequently asked questions.

Read a HOWTO

Write a HOWTO

  • Translation Guidelines: how to handle the translations of existing articles as well as how to create new articles in your native language.
  • Style Guide a few basic rules should be kept in mind when editing pages in this Wiki.

More About the SlackDocs Project

If you just want to talk about the content of any of our Wiki pages, or if you want to propose improvements to a page, you can use the „discussion“ tab which shows up at the top of every page, and leave your thoughts/comments/ideas there. Alternatively, SlackDocs also has a mailing list which can be used for content discussion and brainstorming at http://lists.alienbase.nl/mailman/listinfo/slackdocs (we keep the discussion archives).

If you are willing and able to contribute to the wiki, please see this list for ideas. Perhaps you already have an idea for a new article!
We understand that you may be uncertain about your writing skills or unsure about how to start contributing. If that is the case, we encourage you to subscribe to the mailing list and ask for help. The people on that list will certainly offer assistance.
If you think that a mailing list is difficult to use, we wrote helpful instructions for you.

  • The Wiki News page is where you look for news from the Wiki admins.
  • We keep some statistics of the activities in our Wiki.
  • If you want to know who are part of the team that is keeping the site structured and focused, visit our contact page.


Search This Wiki

  • If looking for specific information, try using the search box to the left.
  • Alternatively, use Google's „site“ search feature by appending „site:docs.slackware.com“ to search terms.
  • An even easier way of searching for information in SlackDocs: the Wiki is OpenSearch 1) enabled. This is supported by all modern browsers.
    Here is how to add SlackDocs search to Firefox (other browsers probably handle it in a similar way):
    • open the wiki start page in the browser
    • click the little arrow on the left of your search field
    • choose „Add SlackDocs“

Edit This Wiki

You must create an account to edit this wiki (even if you only want to write something on a „discussion“ page). Once done, you can play around in the Playground or your own user page to familiarize yourself with the Dokuwiki markup. The available syntax is listed in wiki:syntax where you will also find pointers to the plugins which have been installed, providing additional functionality.

Internaţionalizare / Localizare

Te-ai simţi mai bine citind articolele noastre în limba ta maternă? Te rugăm să dai click aici pentru a-ţi prezentata o listă a tuturor limbilor suportate precum şi pentru alte informaţii internaţionale. Sau poţi selecta limba direct din bara prezentă în stânga paginii!

OpenSearch is a standard to make it easy to integrate a website's search into your browser.
 ro:start ()
This translation is older than the original page and might be outdated. See what has changed.