[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

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Setting up a WiFi Access Point on your Slackware Box

You should read this, regardless of whether you are a Slackware enthusiast or not, because you will find most of it applicable to other distributions too.

1 Preamble

There are endless reasons for wanting to run an AP from a standard Linux environment as opposed to the crippled ones that come in most AP appliances, we're not here to discuss them all but if you're reading this you've found your own motivation for doing it.

Out of the box Slackware can't be used to create a Wireless Access Point, but don't panic it's got almost everything you need, with just one thing that needs to be gotten from outside the official Slackware packages and a bit of configuration you can achieve what most low end AP offer. After all most of the home/small office AP in commerce run a really crippled Linux on top of ridiculously underpowered hardware it's just a matter of getting the necessary software and configuring it ! Let's take a look at how you could go about it.

2 Hardware Requirements

I'm assuming that almost any Linux capable hardware has the ability to deal with wired and wireless NICs, since that's what we'll need in terms of hardware for making an AP and because it doesn't really matter to what bus the NICs are attached to (pci,pcie,pcix or even usb), almost any Linux capable hardware will be ok. You will choose hardware that can handle the traffic load you want to target. One thing you need to check is that your wireless supports software AP by looking at the output of

iw list

Look at the section

 software interface modes:
               * AP/VLAN
               * monitor

AP need to be amongst the software interface modes.

3 Software Requirements

Here your mileage may vary depending on the type of setup you want but let's keep things simple to get started by offering similar things to what most low end Access points have: dhcp, dns forwarder, WPA PSK, firewalling and bridging wired and wireless interfaces. Even at that there are several possibilities with the shipped Slackware packages: you could run bind and full dhcp server but for the sake of simplicity let's combine those 2 in one software that handles both (dnsmasq). If you already run bind or dhcp server you probably know how to get them working for the AP anyway.

Low end AP's also support WEP, but there's an issue with it's implementation that makes it very vulnerable (search wep vulnerability and read more about it or just believe me that even with an extremely low performance machine you can crack WEP keys). Using a WEP protected Wifi is basically the same as not having any protection at all so I'm not going to consider that option. Later on I might talk mention how to go about not having any protection at all but it's something you should really avoid so for the moment let's do things with WPA-PSK security which is the WiFi entry level security.

Another common mistake is to make hidden SSID WiFi networks: in terms of security it's actually less secure because making it harder for the clients to find the AP actually makes it easier for a malicious user to hack into the Wireless Lan. Let's not make our WiFi with a hidden ssid.

3.1 Required Kernel Options

The kernel shipped with Slackware has all you need but just in case you build your own you will need to have these options checked along with whatever is required for your hardware to work properly:

  • 802.1d Ethernet Bridging
  • Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter) [and a lot of sub options in there] (*)
  • cfg80211 - wireless configuration API
  • cfg80211 wireless extensions compatibility
  • Common routines for IEEE802.11 drivers
  • Generic IEEE 802.11 Networking Stack (mac80211)

(*) If you're not familiar with iptables your best bet is to check all sub options that are not experimental

3.1.1 Runtime Kernel Parameters

Here are the runtime kernel parameters I've grouped together in one place, like some other distros, in /etc/sysctl.conf

#use this if you get odd behavior vaguely resembling failing to find pmtu 
#use this if icmp black holes become an issue for you

3.2 Slackware Packages

  • dnsmasq
  • bridge-utils
  • iptables
  • wireless-tools
  • iw
  • libnl
  • openssl
  • ppp (*)
  • rp-pppoe (*)

(*) only if you want your AP to actually manage your internet connection.

3.3 Other Software

  • hostapd

Hostapd is not shipped with Slackware packages and is the only extra software you need for a basic setup. To obtain hostapd you could either download a binary version from some reliable source or compile it from sources. You might be slightly better off compiling from sources, so that you get e fairly recent version, but it's up to you. Just don't try using really old hostapd versions like 0.6.7 on 2.6+ kernels: hostapd has followed the kernel wireless stack drivers and transitioned from only supporting FullMAC devices to supporting SoftMAC on almost all devices trough nl80211. Nowadays the combination of both hardware and driver supporting FullMAC is hard to come by (Prism2/2.5/3, and Atheros ar521x) all the others need to go the SoftMAC way so I suggest ignoring the 2 that could still go the FullMAC way and just go for SoftMAC for all, allowing you to use almost any WiFi card for creating an AP. If you like you can read more about mac80211 here.

Hostapd sources can be downloaded from here, you should be looking at recent stable version (2.5 last time this article was edited) and avoid the development/old branches. Compiling hostapd is really simple:

  1. extract the sources
  2. enter the source tree (you should see something like this: CONTRIBUTIONS COPYING README hostapd/ patches/ src/)
  3. enter the hostapd sub-directory (we shall refer to this folder as HOSTAPD_SOURCE_TREE from here on)
  4. edit the defconfig file and enable any optional features you need (default is fine for a simple setup)
  5. copy the defconfig file to .config
  6. make
  7. make install (or optionally just put in /usr/local/bin just the hostapd binary)

If you are using a cross compiler to target non x86 hardware make sure you have set it up to right: if you have trouble with that you can try a native build as building hostapd is really simple and not demanding on the hardware.

3.3.1 File Integrity

If your AP also acts a router it's probably going to be exposed to malware and even if you do your best to keep malicious users out of your work they might still find a way in. If your router is exposed to internet you might want to consider some sort of file integrity tool that would alert you if files have been tampered with. File integrity checking could be a whole article so I'm not going to go into any detail beyond advising to read more about it on security oriented communities like security focus or maybe just do a google search on “file integrity tool”.

4 Configuring

Now let's have a look at how to configure everything to that it will work right.

4.1 Hostapd

Create hostapd folder inside /etc and copy into it a few files:

mkdir /etc/hostapd
cp HOSTAPD_SOURCE_TREE/hostapd.conf /etc/hostapd/hostapd.template
cp HOSTAPD_SOURCE_TREE/hostapd.wpa_psk /etc/hostapd/

Now supposing that wlan0 is the interface you will be using for creating the AP I suggest that you copy hostapd.template to wlan0.conf or br0.conf if it's bridged.

cd /etc/hostapd
cp hostapd.template wlan0.conf

alternatively just copy it to hostapd.conf … but if you like to run several AP you might prefer to differentiate their config files.

These are the things you have-to edit in wlan0.conf

  • interface=wlan0
  • driver=nl80211
  • ssid=your_ssid
  • hw_mode=g #to keep it simple don't attempt n mode right away even if your hardware supports it
  • channel=6 #or whatever other channel you prefer
  • macaddr_acl=1 # see notes below
  • # 0 = accept unless in deny list (iptables mac filtering and optionally have a ban list)
  • # 1 = deny unless in accept list (mandatory to have a mac address ACL)
  • accept_mac_file=/etc/hostapd/wlan0.accept
  • # deny_mac_file=/etc/hostapd/wlan0.deny
  • wpa=2
  • wpa_psk_file=/etc/hostapd/wlan0.wpa_psk
  • wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK WPA-PSK-SHA256
  • wpa_pairwise=TKIP
  • rsn_pairwise=CCMP
  • wpa_group_rekey=600
  • wpa_gmk_rekey=86400
  • wpa_ptk_rekey=600

This will use WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK authentication. Have a look here in the section “A good starting point for a wpa & wpa2 enabled access point is:” for more details on authentication.

There are pros and cons for dealing with mac address filtering either with iptables or with mac ACL, to put it in really short terms the main difference is that doing it with iptables allows you to keep all filtering stuff in one place but has a tendency to get lengthy if your network has many clients while doing it with mac ACL will require editing of separate file (containing just a newline separated list of mac addresses) but can really simplify things if you have several wired and wireless clinets.

The above hostapd configuration has mac ACL so if you followed it closely you should now create your /etc/hostapd/wlan0.accept containing a new line separated list of macs you wish to allow into your wireless network. Failing to do so will not allow any of your wireless clients to authenticate even with the correct credentials.

There is also an option for telling hostapd about bridging but the comment in hostapd.conf states: “If the bridge parameter is not set, the drivers will automatically figure out the bridge interface (assuming sysfs is enabled and mounted to /sys) and this parameter may not be needed”. I followed that to the letter and ignored altogether


and besides that we'll be brigding the interfaces after having setup the AP. I've not played with this option but I suspect that enabling it and/or brigding before starting up hostapd may result in having the wired clients mandated to using WPA too.

Now it's time to deal with the passphrase for associating: there is more then one way of dealing with the passwords but I like to use wpa_psk_file as it allows per NIC passwords, and even have different passwords for your different Wifi staions. If you want to keep things simple just use the special MAC “00:00:00:00:00:00” that will match with every MAC thus having the same passphrase for all the clients. Here's an example:

00:00:00:00:00:00 your_psk_for_all_stations

Now you should be ready to fire up hostapd

/usr/local/bin/hostapd -B /etc/hostapd/wlan0.conf
iwconfig  wlan0
wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  Mode:Master  Tx-Power=20 dBm   
        Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
        Power Management:on

and iwconfig should report that the interface is in master mode. If this fails you either got an old version of hostapd that does not support nl80211 of your kernel lacks the necessary options for supporting nl80211.

If you prefer to use iw instead this is the sort of output you should have:

iw dev wlan0 info
Interface wlan0
      ifindex 4
      type AP
      wiphy 0
      channel 6 (2437 MHz) NO HT

4.2 Bridging

Now it's time to bridge together wired and Wireless NICs. It's possible to use the native bridge setup from rc.inet1.conf but you may need to restart bridge after starting hostapd so here are the commands necessary to set it up manually.

/usr/sbin/brctl addbr br0
/usr/sbin/brctl stp br0 off #turn off spanning tree unless you know you're going to make loops
/usr/sbin/brctl addif br0 wlan0 #add the wireless nic in the bridge
/usr/sbin/brctl addif br0 eth0  #add the wired nic in the bridge
/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 up #bring up the interfaces
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 up
/sbin/ifconfig br0 up #give the bridge an ip address or dnsmasq will not work right

4.3 DNS and DHCP Servers

Now it's time to start dnsmasq. You can actually leave it running from boot if you like or even run specific servers at your choice. I now run separate dnsmasq instances for each AP so I've abandoned Slackware's rc.dnsmasq and start it from my custom network scripts which requires separate config files for each interface (like /etc/dnsmasq/br0.conf and /etc/dnsmasw/wlan1.conf). Configuring it is something you should look into to suit best your networking needs … let's just look at some of the most common tings. Supposing that you want to assign ip addresses belonging to and this are the options you will need:

  • interface=br0
  • except-interface=lo
  • bind-interfaces
  • listen-address=
  • dhcp-range=,,24h
  • dhcp-leasefile=/run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.leases
  • conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d

The options except-interface bind-interfaces and listen-address are particularly useful if you want to run more then one instance of dnsmasq. For the bridge to work correctly don't forget to allow forwarding either by using rc.ip_forward or by executing

/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

See section 3.1.1 for the other useful run-time kernel parameters.

4.4 Firewalling

Now is a good time to configure your firwall protection. Supposing that the box will be routing packages thought it I'll show some rules that you might find helpfull. This is the output of iptables-save, you can edit it to make the changes you require and then pipe your edited file to iptables-restore. The iptables-save/iptables-restore is a handy way of keeping configuration for easy firewall activation and editing.

:PREROUTING ACCEPT [16570:1916193]
:INPUT ACCEPT [16553:1912438]
-A POSTROUTING -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu -m comment --comment "fix packet size for stuff that's being routed through this box (SEE NOTE *)"
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [1906:207422]
:INPUT DROP [1906:207422]
-A INPUT -p all -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED  -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p icmp -s -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -s -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "allow dns from LAN"
-A INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -s -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "allow dns from LAN"
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 67 -i br0 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "allow dhcp from LAN"
-A INPUT -p udp --dport 67 -i br0 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "allow dhcp from LAN"
-A INPUT -m mac --mac-source 0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "this one can acces the AP "
-A FORWARD -p all -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED  -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -m mac --mac-source 00:01:02:03:04:05 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "this one can route trough the AP"

NOTE *: Clamping MSS to PMTU can get internet browsing from your LAN working but can brake VPN packets. The proposed workaround has been made necessary by the increasing tendency of failing to find PMTU. It is not always necessary for you to activate the workaround but be warned that it can equally inadvertently stop working leaving you with an intermittent problem that is difficult to debug. It can be intermittent because the path your packets take to arrive to any destination on internet is not always the same dew to the necessity of fault tolerance. This note could become a whole article on it's own so here's an intresting read on the issue.

I generally put the content above in /ect/firewall.cf and add “/usr/sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/firewall.cf” to rc.local.

If you want to manage your AP via ssh now is a good time to restart sshd that did not appreciate taking down the interfaces it was binding on (back in section 4.2).

/etc/rc.d/rc.sshd restart

If you're going to share internet connection you might want to stop ssh access from internet by adding a firewall rule to regulate it or making sshd bind only to the address assigned to br0. The config shown above will not allow incoming ssh traffic from the internet link (by the connection tracking rule) but you may want to back that up with further safety. Longer iptabls chains generally have bad impact on firewall performance so you might want to add something like this to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:


At this point you should be able to associate clients to the AP. With the above iptables rules client with MAC 0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f can associate and access the AP itself but not route trough the AP (with the exception of dns querys that get forwarded by dnsmasq), client with MAC 00:01:02:03:04:05 can route thought the AP but not access the AP itself. The example was just to show clearly the difference of having packets go into the box and routing packets trough the box as this behavior was radically different in the ip_chains. An other way to implement even more complex MAC ACL to decide who manages AP, who can only route trough and who can do both can be done by using ebtables (nee to add that to the software list not present in Slackware) and fiddle with the broute chain. In all cases you might find interesting the netfilter flow diagram.

If you don't want MAC address ACL or you only implement MAC ACL for the AP you could replace

-A INPUT -p icmp -s -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -s -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "allow dns from LAN"
-A INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -s -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "allow dns from LAN"
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 67 -i br0 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "allow dhcp from LAN"
-A INPUT -p udp --dport 67 -i br0 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "allow dhcp from LAN"
-A INPUT -m mac --mac-source 00:01:02:03:04:05 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "some comment"
-A FORWARD -m mac --mac-source 00:01:02:03:04:05 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "some other comment"

With something like this

-A INPUT -p all -i br0 -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -p all -i br0 -j ACCEPT

Most off the shelf AP also let you do a number of port forwarding, this is also an iptables job. Remember that we are masquerading all outgoing traffic to look like it's coming from the AP itself so we only need to create rules of the incoming traffic. Supposing you want to run a web server on you might want to add a rule like this in the FORWARD chain of the filter table:

-A FORWARD -p tcp -d -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "allow http traffic to be routed thought the box only to the correct server"

and a rule like this in the PREROUTING chain of the nat table:

-A PREROUTING -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j DNAT --to-destination -m comment --comment "nat incomming http requests to local destination before routing"

To understand how this works you need to look at the netfilter flow diagram: As a http request arrives to the AP from the internet link it will first have the DNAT changed in the nat prerouting stage, but it would get dropped by the filter policy if we don't find a way to let it in, that's where the forward filter rule comes in to play.

If you start going crazy over transferring large files over fast networks for a problem that seems like mtu related but is not you might want to consider turning net.ipv4.tcp_sack off.

If your ISP gives you some sort of traffic quota you may want to add some quotas to your firewall configuration. You may fully understand the consequences of streaming on your ISP quota but maybe the rest of the family may not: giving them a quota might save you a fit when you need to do an urgent job that requires internet connection. There a re various ways you could go about putting quotas on specific clients on your LAN just keep in mind a few things:

  • rules with quotas stop matching once quota is exceeded
  • flushing your tables will reset all quota counters
  • quota counters do not reset themselves whenever your ISP resets your internet quota

Here's an example of how you could go about putting a quota on the FORWARD chain to stop a client using more then 300Mb daily:

-A FORWARD -p all -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED ! -d -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment "allow related traffic but not for that has a quota"
-A FORWARD -p all -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -d -j ACCEPT -m quota --quota 314572800 -m comment --comment "allow quota related traffic for"
-A FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT -m quota --quota 314572800 -m comment --comment "outgoing quota for"
-A FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT -m quota --quota 314572800 -m comment --comment "incoming quotafor"
-A FORWARD -s -d -j ACCEPT -m quota --quota 314572800 -m comment --comment "allow LAN traffic anyway for"

Or you could use a user-defined chain to group all your quoted traffic into a single quota like this:

-A FORWARD -d -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -m comment --comment "allow quota related traff. to quoted LAN" -j QUOTA
-A FORWARD -s -m comment --comment "allow quoted traff. from quoted LAN" -j QUOTA
-A QUOTA -m quota --quota 314572800 -m comment --comment "accept traffic within quota in this userdefined chain" -j ACCEPT
-A QUOTA -m comment --comment "when quota is exceeded start rejecting" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

Along with this you need to flush the iptables counters every day (or every how often you wnat the quota counters to reset) with something like this

iptables -Z

I generally do this with an AT job because AT has less adverse effects then CRON on readonly systems. Here's one possible way of making an AT job re schedule itself every day at 00:30:

# cat /usr/local/bin/flush_iptables_counters 
/usr/sbin/iptables -Z
/usr/bin/at -f /usr/local/bin/flush_iptables_counters "0030 tomorrow"

Just run it once and it should then re schedule itself. On a readonly system you will need to have atjobs directory on tmpfs and run it the first time from rc.local.

4.5 PPP

Tectonically you're not going to need this on a pure access point (AP) but it's common that the AP also acts as router for your internet access, in this case you will need to configure your PPP link from your AP. Depending on how your ISP provides your internet access you might or might not have an external modem which may or may not understand pppoe protocol. Nowadays it seems to have become less common to have internal *DSL modem wile external modems have become more popular. Most of them use pppoe protocol. Technically there's not much difference between configuring an internal modem with just the use of pppd on an external modem that uses pppoe, the former will require an extra package (rp-pppoe) and just a few extra options in the configuration file. I'll show how to configure with the use of pppoe, if that's not your case just strip off a few options.

If you have installed both ppp and rp-pppoe you will find a that most of the configuration has already been done with most commonly usefull options in /etc/ppp, still there is a limited amount of work that needs to be done and I also advise to detour from the use of pppoe-start to initiate the connection to stick to something that remains the same regardless of whether you're using pppoe or not. To do this I configure a peer for my ISP and add in there a few options instructing pppd to use pppoe plugin.

To do this you need to create a file in /etc/ppp/peers, call it something that will make it obvious to you what the peer will connect to: for instance if your ISM is called “Telco” you might want to create a file called something like /etc/ppp/peers/telco and here's what needs to go in there typically:

plugin rp-pppoe.so
eth1 #or whatever nic your modem is connected to
unit 0
user "username your ISM gave you"
mtu 1492 
mru 1492 
lcp-echo-interval 20 
lcp-echo-failure 3 
maxfail 0           #these 3 options are particularly important if your connection is prone to braking as the default is just 10
lcp-max-failure 0   #and after that the peer will not be able to persists any more
lcp-max-configure 0 #so your internet connection will fail with no apparent reason
holdoff 20
#idle 900

If your ISM charges you based on time rather than band usage you might want to uncomment the idle and demand options so that the PPP connection will not stay alive when it's not actually in use. Pot as much as you can here in the peer and as little as possible in the /etc/ppp/options file so that you can possibly have one or more backup peres that are functional without editing any configuration. If these options do not work for you I suggest you read the /usr/doc/rp-pppoe-3.11/HOW-TO-CONNECT documentation and use pppoe-setup for a guided configuration, fire up the connection with pppoe-start and take not of the options used, then edit accordingly your peer and revert back to using pppd call <peer>.

We're not done yet we need to edit pap-secrets or chap-secrets so that pppd can complete authentication. Which file needs to be addressed may depend on your isp but if you put the same content in both then you should be ok whatever your ISP requires.

# Secrets for authentication using PAP
# client        server  secret                  IP addresses
"username your ISM gave you"  *       "password your ISM gave you"

You can now fire up your internet connection with

pppd call telco

4.6 Dynamic DNS

If you are going to do the port forwarding thing and if you ISP is not giving you a static IP you might want to use some sort of dynamic DNS service so that people can reach whatever service you are forwarding. There are many free dynamic DNS service providers … google is your friend if you don't like any of the ones I'm suggesting:

Most give you a client for managing the update … all you need do is arrange for that client to run either from the router or from any other pc in your LAN with internet access.

4.7 Configuring Clients

For the client side configurations there are many ways too, to keep things simple let's just go about it by using wpa_supplicant. Remember that regardless of whether it's a wired or wireless client: if you're using managing MAC ACL from iptables your client's MAC address needs to be added to the firewall configuration while ff you're doing MAC ACL just with hostapd then you only need to make sure your wireless clients are in the ACL.

4.7.1 Wired Clients

In most cases the modules for your wireless NIC get automatically loaded so that should not be an issue. Keep an eye out on kernel ring buffer and messages to see if your device is requesting firmware that is not available. If all is fine and the configuration is OK it's really simple: just uplink the client to the AP and start your favorite dhcp client. I

4.7.2 Slackware Wireless Clients

Configuring a client to access the newly crated AP is best done with a tool like wpa_gui, as it can create the correct settings in wpa_supplicant.conf based on what's detected. So fire up wpa_gui and activate scanning until you find the newly created AP then double click it. On the window that pops up just add the password without changing any of the detected settings and click add.

If, for any reason, you don't want to use a tool like wpa_gui, and if you followed all the AP side setup to the letter you could just simply put this in /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf



Make sure rc.inet1.conf is configured for using wpa_supplicant


It should then be possible to restart rc.inet1 (or just rc.inet1 wlan0_down and rc.inet1 wlan0_up) and the client should associate.

4.7.3 Other Linux Distributions Wireless Clients

I've tried various other flavor distributions … most don't use wpa_gui for associating to AP but some sort of other tool that generally pops up when you click on the icon that notifies the presence of an Access Point. After a few headaches I found that best association success is achieved by forcing setup for hidden AP even if the AP I'm configuring has not the hidden essid.

5 The AP's Components Status

It might be interesting to query the AP status at any time to see how it's doing. There are several ways to go about this, I'll try to show the simplest way that possibly works on any Linux system.

5.1 Associated Stations

The associated stations can be shown by using either hostapd_cli or iw:

root@router:~# hostapd_cli -p /run/hostapd all_sta           
Selected interface 'wlan0'
supported_rates=02 04 0b 16 0c 12 18 24 30 48 60 6c
timeout_next=NULLFUNC POLL
root@router:~# iw wlan0 station dump
Station 00:01:02:03:04:05 (on wlan0)
      inactive time:  0 ms
      rx bytes:       1956931
      rx packets:     16009
      tx bytes:       23105532
      tx packets:     20352
      tx retries:     1484
      tx failed:      1
      signal:         -63 dBm
      signal avg:     -62 dBm
      tx bitrate:     48.0 MBit/s
      authorized:     yes
      authenticated:  yes
      preamble:       short
      WMM/WME:        yes
      MFP:            no
      TDLS peer:              no

5.2 DHCP Leases

You can dump dnsmasq's lease file to see the dhcp leases

root@router:~# cat /run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.leases 
1411875361 00:01:02:03:04:05 b3bo *
1411874427 0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f printsrv *

5.3 ARP Table

The system arp cache cache can be inspected by using the arp command

root@router:~# arp -an
? ( at 00:01:02:03:03:05 [ether] on br0
? ( at 0a:0b:0c:0d:0e:0f [ether] on br0

5.4 Socket Status

To get a list of the open sockets on your system you can use socklist if you have it installed. If you don't have it installed you can use a somewhat simpler script like the one shown blow (a little less information rich and careless formatting but still useful and much faster then doing it manually):


ahex2i ()
{ echo "0x$1" |awk '{printf("%i",strtonum($1))}'

hex2ip ()
{ ahex2i ${1:6:2} 
  echo -n "."
  ahex2i ${1:4:2}
  echo -n "."
  ahex2i ${1:2:2}
  echo -n "."
  ahex2i ${1:0:2}

getpidofsocket ()
{ find /proc/*/fd -type l -printf "%h %l\n" 2>/dev/null| grep "socket:\[$1\]" |awk -F/ '{print $3}'

echo "          local                   forein  pid/cmd"
grep -v "^ *sl " /proc/net/tcp |awk '{printf("%s %s %s\n",$2,$3,$10)}' |sed -e "s/:/ /g" | while read LINE
  PID=$(getpidofsocket ${LA[4]})
  echo "tcp     $(hex2ip ${LA[0]}):$(ahex2i ${LA[1]})   $(hex2ip ${LA[2]}):$(ahex2i ${LA[3]})  ${PID}/$(cat /proc/$PID/comm)"

grep -v "^ *sl " /proc/net/udp |awk '{printf("%s %s %s\n",$2,$3,$10)}' |sed -e "s/:/ /g" | while read LINE
  PID=$(getpidofsocket ${LA[4]})
  echo "udp     $(hex2ip ${LA[0]}):$(ahex2i ${LA[1]})   $(hex2ip ${LA[2]}):$(ahex2i ${LA[3]})  ${PID}/$(cat /proc/$PID/comm)"

Please note the above script only works on 2.6 kernels or above. This probably also applies to socklist.

6 Wrapping It Up

Now that you've done the configuration maybe next time you want to start the AP you want to do it surely more efficiently.

6.1 Simple Starter Script

Just put a few commands in a script to start it up really quickly:

/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward #you don't need this if you use rc.ip_forward
#. /etc/rc.d/rc.dnsmasq restart #only if it's not started at boot time
/usr/local/bin/hostapd -B /etc/hostapd/wlan0.conf
/usr/sbin/brctl addbr br0
/usr/sbin/brctl stp br0 off 
/usr/sbin/brctl addif br0 wlan0
/usr/sbin/brctl addif br0 eth0
/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 up
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 up
/sbin/ifconfig br0 up
/usr/sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/firewall.cf
/etc/rc.d/rc.sshd start

If you want it to come up at boot time you could run the script from rc.local or even just put those commands directly in there. If you want a neater solution totally integrated in the init scripts read on.

6.2 Modifying Slackware Init Scripts

I've not yet done this but I can suggest a possible way of doing it.

Edit rc.inet1.conf and put in the following things: (that will later be managed by rc.wireless)


BRNICS[0]="wlan0 eth0"

WLAN_IWPRIV[4]="set AuthMode=WPA-PSK | set EncrypType=TKIP | set WPAPSK=your_psk_for_all_AP"

Some of this will be picked up by rc.inet1 (the bridge stuff) and some by rc.wireless but the stock one knows nothing about Master mode. We need to modify rc.wireless to do some extra stuff: pick up values from WLAN_ESSID[4], WLAN_MODE[4], WLAN_CHANNEL[4], WLAN_IWPRIV[4] and sed inline the values in /etc/hostapd/wlan0.conf and /etc/hostapd/hostapd.wpa_psk. Also WLAN_RATE[4]=“g” will be indigestible for the stock rc.wireless if you like you could leave that as 54 and only convert it for Master mode. A special attention needs to go to WLAN_MODE[4]=Master as the stock rc.wireless knows nothing about master mode. Alternatively one could just have IFNAME[4]=“wlan0” and WLAN_MODE[4]=Master and just manually put all the other stuff in etc/hostapd/wlan0.conf.

I had a quick look at rc.inet1 and apparently it starts bridge after wireless so it should be ok without having to restart br0 after AP is initiated.

The sshd server is started after networking so no need to restart that now.

You can write your own rc.firewall or just leave

usr/sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/firewall.cf

in rc.local.

6.3 Automating AP Startup For USB WiFi Dongles

Udev is very powerful and can do a variety of actions upon detecting certain events, like the appearance of a NIC. In fact it already does that and renames interfaces according to MAC address (have a look at /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and see how your interfaces get the same name even if you remove the modules and reinsert them in the wrong order). Apart from renaming NICs and creating device files it can also execute commands or external helper scripts … this is particularly handy if, for example, you wish that upon plugging a USB Ethernet dongle it automatically assigns an address via DHCP. A few years ago I wrote a nethelper.sh script for my ClashNG that upon detecting LAN devices would run rc.inet1 to start the NIC according to what was configured in rc.inet1.conf. Ok ClashNG is a minimalistic thing that uses busybox to replace most of the binaries but still it might be a useful example. Ignore the part that writes stuff to debug what was going on … I'm not udev expert.


case $DEVNAME in
    case $COMMAND in
        if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 ]; then
          if ! /sbin/ifconfig | /bin/grep -q "^${DEVNAME} "; then
            /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 ${DEVNAME}_start
         if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 ]; then
           if /sbin/ifconfig | /bin/grep -q "^${DEVNAME} "; then
             /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 ${DEVNAME}_stop
         # Does dhcpcd appear to still be running on the
         # interface?  If so, try to stop it.
         if [ -r /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-$DEVNAME.pid -o -r /var/run/dhcpcd-$DEVNAME.pid ]; then
           /sbin/dhcpcd -k $DEVNAME
           # Force garbage removal, if needed:
           if [ -r /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-$DEVNAME.pid ]; then
             /bin/rm -f /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-$DEVNAME.pid
           elif [ -r /var/run/dhcpcd-$DEVNAME.pid ]; then
             /bin/rm -f /var/run/dhcpcd-$DEVNAME.pid
         # If the interface is now down, exit with a status of 0:
         if /sbin/ifconfig | /bin/grep -q "^${DEVNAME} " ; then
           exit 0
         logger "usage $0 interface start|stop"
         exit 1
     logger "Interface $DEVNAME not supported."
     exit 1
exit 0

Although this was written for ClashNG in 2011 it still works right with Slackware 14.1, just modify udev rules to correctly use the helper script like shown below and it's done.

root@r2d2:/tmp/clashng/lib/udev/rules.d# grep  "nethelper\.sh" * 
90-network.rules:SUBSYSTEM=="net", NAME=="?*", ACTION=="add", RUN+="nethelper.sh $env{INTERFACE} start"
90-network.rules:SUBSYSTEM=="net", NAME=="?*", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="nethelper.sh $env{INTERFACE} stop"

These udev rules were in 90-network.rules which no longer exists so I suggest you put these rules in 90-local.rules in current Slackware versions. Without further modification (as long as the rc.inet1.conf has USE_DHCP[?]=“yes” for the interface that will be assigned to your dongle) this will allow for USB Ethernat dongles to be configured via DHCP automatically when you plug them in to your box. Remember to do a “/etc/rc.d.rc.udev reload” after changing udev rules.

At the time I also had a modified rc.wireless that would also start up AP … but I was using a different configuration scheme dew to busybox ash limitations (arrays were a problem) and other requirements I had in mind at the time … but never the less here's the section relevant to AP and it was heavily based on Slackware's rc.wireless anyway. Have a look at the code script fragments below to get ideas non how you might want to go about it:

# If we stop a wireless interface using wpa_supplicant,
# we'll kill its wpa_supplicant daemon too and exit this script:
if [ "$2" = "stop" ] 
  if [ "${WLAN_MODE}" = "Master" ] 
    echo "$0: $2 $1 AP mode" |$LOGGER
    /bin/kill $(/usr/bin/fuser /var/run/hostapd/$1 2>&1 |/usr/bin/awk '{print $NF}')
  WPAPID=`echo \`ps axww|grep wpa_supplicant |grep i${INTERFACE}\` |cut -f1 -d' '`
  [ ${WPAPID} ] &&  kill ${WPAPID}
  return 0
  if [ "$MODE" = "Master" ] 
    echo "$0: $2 $1 AP mode" |$LOGGER
    if [ -r /etc/hostapd/${1}.conf -a "$2" = "start" ] 
      [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && \
        /usr/bin/hostapd -B -d /etc/hostapd/${1}.conf >/tmp/hostapd.log 2>&1 || \
        /usr/bin/hostapd -B /etc/hostapd/${1}.conf
      /bin/kill $(/usr/bin/fuser /var/run/hostapd/$1 2>&1 |/usr/bin/tr -d [a-z])
  echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND mode $MODE" | $LOGGER
# if $IWCOMMAND fails, try taking the interface down to run it.
# Some drivers require this.
    if ! $IWCOMMAND mode $MODE 2> /dev/null
      $IFCOMMAND down
      $IWCOMMAND mode $MODE
      $IFCOMMAND up
      sleep 3

# This is a bit hackish, but should do the job right...
[ ! -n "$NICKNAME" ] && NICKNAME=`/bin/hostname`
if [ -n "$ESSID" -a "$MODE" != "Master"] 
  echo "$0:  $IWCOMMAND nick $NICKNAME" | $LOGGER

If you do all this stuff right you can get your AP to be automatically initiated when you plug in the USB gongle devoted to doing that.

I used to devote 2 usb dongle for this: one that would be left inserted most of the time and has random generated WAP-PSK (only for family use) and one that would get temporarily plugged in for guests with a much simple WPA-PSK to aid them accessing my home network.

6.3.1 Automation With Custom Scripts

Over the years trying to maintain modified rc scripts functional across updates that involved the rc scripts themselves became cumbersome so I started moving away from modifying the stock scripts and started developing my own stuff. Don't get me wrong I still use and appreciate the stock stuff for my desktop systems. The idea behind my own scripts is based on udev detecting the interfaces (even at boot time). The basic idea is still the same: upon detection udev executes nethelper.sh script that looks for and executes /etc/rc.d/network/<NIC> start. This is not for everyone because it requires manually writing the /etc/rc.d/network/<NIC> script but I think most have the basic knowledge and maybe with a little help most can manage.

Here's is what my latest nethelper.sh looks like:


case $DEVNAME in
    case $COMMAND in
      'start') logger -p local3.info "start: $DEVNAME $COMMAND" 
        [ -x /etc/rc.d/network/$DEVNAME ] && /etc/rc.d/network/$DEVNAME start
      'stop') logger -p local3.info "stop: $DEVNAME $COMMAND" 
        [ -x /etc/rc.d/network/$DEVNAME ] && /etc/rc.d/network/$DEVNAME stop
       *) logger -p local3.info "unsupported command: $DEVNAME $COMMAND" ;;
  *) logger -p local3.info "unsupported interface: $DEVNAME $COMMAND" ;;
exit 0

Be warned that the logger facility is not yet functional in the early boot stages so it may not log the interface startup at boot time.

Here's an example of /etc/rc.d/network/wlan0 configured in master mode:

set -o pipefail

INAME=$(basename $0 |awk -F. '{print $NF}')

do_start ()
{ echo "Start $INAME : $(date "+%F %H:%M:%S") $$"
  ifconfig ${INAME} up
  sleep 1
  iwconfig ${INAME}
  sleep 1
  ifconfig ${INAME} down
  sleep 1
  hostapd -B /etc/hostapd/${INAME}.conf -e /dev/hwrng
  sleep 1
  ifconfig ${INAME} up

do_stop ()
{ echo "Stop $INAME : $(date "+%F %H:%M:%S") $$"
  ifconfig ${INAME} down
  PID=$(ps -eo pid,cmd |grep hostapd |grep  -w "${INAME}\.conf" |awk '{print $1}')
  [ "$PID" != "" ] && kill -9 $PID

case $1 in
  start) [ $(grep -wc "${INAME}:" /proc/net/dev) -gt 0 -a $(ps -ef |grep -v grep |grep -c "/etc/hostapd/${INAME}.conf") -lt 1 ] && do_start |tee -a /run/${INAME}.log || exit 1 ;;
  stop) [ $(grep -wc "${INAME}:" /proc/net/dev) -gt 0 ] && do_stop |tee -a /run/${INAME}.log || exit 1 ;;
    if [ $(grep -wc "${INAME}:" /proc/net/dev) -gt 0 ] 
      do_stop |tee -a /run/${INAME}.log
      do_start |tee -a /run/${INAME}.log
      exit 1
    if [ $(grep -wc "${INAME}:" /proc/net/dev) -gt 0 ]
      ip link list $INAME |sed -e "s/^[0-9]*: *//"
      iw dev $INAME info
      echo "Associated stations:"
      iw $INAME station dump | grep -w "^Station"
      echo "$INAME: no sich interface found on system"
      exit 1

Logical devices like bridges would need to be initiated either by telling all the physical device starter scripts which is the parent logical device or by adding them to rc.local. In fact wlan0 is bridged with eth0 … for simplicity I chose not to have daughter devices call parent device init scripts so I start br0 from rc.local but care has to be taken not to start daughter devices if they have already been brought up by udev (note how nothing is done in wlan0 if hostapd is already started).

Here's my br0 script:

set -o pipefail

INAME=$(basename $0 |awk -F. '{print $NF}')
BR_NICS="eth0 wlan0"

do_start ()
{ echo "Start $INAME : $(date "+%F %H:%M:%S") $$"
  brctl addbr $INAME
  brctl stp $INAME off #turn off spanning tree
  for NIC in $BR_NICS
    [ -x /etc/rc.d/network/$NIC ] && /etc/rc.d/network/$NIC start 2>&1 
    sleep 1
    brctl addif $INAME $NIC
  ifconfig $INAME netmask up
  dnsmasq -C /etc/dnsmasq/${INAME}.conf

do_stop ()
{ echo "Stop $INAME : $(date "+%F %H:%M:%S") $$"
  PID=$(ps -eo pid,cmd |grep dnsmasq | grep  -w "${INAME}\.conf" |awk '{print $1}')
  [ "$PID" != "" ] && kill -9 $PID
  ifconfig $INAME down
  for NIC in $BR_NICS
    brctl delif $INAME $NIC
    [ -x /etc/rc.d/network/$NIC ] && /etc/rc.d/network/$NIC stop
  brctl delbr $INAME

case $1 in
  start) do_start |tee -a /run/${INAME}.log ;;
  stop) do_stop |tee -a /run/${INAME}.log ;;
  restart) do_stop |tee -a /run/${INAME}.log ; do_start |tee -a /run/${INAME}.log ;;
  status) brctl show 
    for NIC in $BR_NICS
      [ $(grep -wc "${NIC}:" /proc/net/dev) -gt 0 ] && ifconfig $NIC |grep -Ew "^${NIC}|ether" || echo "${NIC}: not found"
    ifconfig $INAME
    ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep "dnsmasq/${INAME}.conf"

If you've gone so far you might want a neater way to deal with unplugging dongles as anything udev could possibly do would be too late. One possible approach is to use gpio pins with buttons attached to them and a script that monitors the button status and takes appropriate action when each button is pressed. I've done this on mi RPi2 with 5 buttons and 5 leds indicating whether the button press has been caught by the monitor script: one shuts down the RPI2 while the other 4 are for deactivating whatever is in the respective usb port to prepare it for unplugging. Here's a picture of such a setup while the script for handling it is here.

7 Setting up on an Embedded Device

Supposing you want all this but you don't want to leave a laptop or desktop on all the time you might want to put in on an embedded ARM system that will only use a fraction of the power required to run an X86 laptop/desktop of any sort. (intel Curie might kick in with a 2.2W x86 SOC when the segfault bug is sorted out). Well the official ARM Slackware port userland runs on almost any ARM device out in the market today. There is a number of machines that are officially supported from the ARM port and a god deal of community supported efforts for the platforms that are not officially supported.

In terms of space you can fit all that's required in 151 Mb with a little careful stripping of unnecessary locales and documents. The best way to go about that is to add to the miniroot all the packages you need and then strip unnecessary stuff. Starting from a full install and the stripping unnecessary stuff will take a bigger effort.

Al the configuration so far will be exactly the same even if you're running the Slackware ARM port (actually since I did most of my testing on an ARM device it's more likely that there be an issue on the x86 platform).

On an embedded device there are however some issues that you need to address:

  1. preserving the life of the flash mass storage
  2. secure the system against unexpected reboots

1) By default the access time of any file gets automatically updated upon access of any file, this is a bad thing to do on flash that only has a limited number of rewrite cycles (typically 10,000 for MLC and 100,000 for SLC devices). Make sure you mount any filesystems on flash devices with the “noatime” option to prevent the access time modification. This is what the root entry in fstab could look like if you mount it with the noatime option (I use labels buy you can also use UUID or just plainly the device file)

LABEL=root      /                ext4        defaults,noatime         1   1

There are some generic filesystem type that may do better then other at handling flash devices and some that were specifically designed for that purpose but only run on native flash layer (not an option on usb flash sticks) like cffs2 and ubifs. There are also other options I've just shown 2 common options that allow mounting rw if required.

2) Being on all the time your embedded device will crash every time uncontrollable power failures occur (whether it be a general powe failure, wife using too much power and causing the general switch to trip, your kids play unplug dad's stuff or a hard reset required because your AP crashed). Although journal-ed filesystems are robust with regards to that on the long run bad things may occour. What you really want to eliminate the problem altogether is leave your filesystems on flash read only (ro): Slackware was not conceived to run with root mounted ro but with a little tinkering in the init scripts you can work around that problem. Also having the filesystems ro will be even better then avoiding access time updating. You can remount temporarily with Read Write (rw) any time you need to make permanent changes then remount ro once you've finished. With the system running ro and only temporary files in ram filesystems all that can get lost across reboots are logs and temporary files … but your system will never suffer catastrophic filesystem failures or prompt for interactive fsck during boot.

Here are some changes I frequently make to /etc/rc.d/rc.S to leave root mounter ro:

  • reconfigure all I can to use /run instead of /var
  • move /etc/{mtab,resolv.conf,ld.so.cache} in /run/etc/ and make links that point to where I moved them
  • move /var/log/{messages,syslog,lastlog,wtmp,btmp,secure,dmesg} in /run/log/ and make links that point to where I moved them
  • change the line that mounts root rw “/sbin/mount -w -v -n -o remount /” to something like this “/sbin/mount -v -n -o remount /”
  • save the random-seed to unused sector on flash when shutting down (rc.0 … well it's a link to rc.6) and load it back to /dev/urandom from rc.S when system comes up again

You could optionally have fstab specify that root should be mounted ro like this:

/dev/ubi0_0 / ubifs ro 0 1

You will also haveto make some links in various places so that they end up writing in /run that has been mounted tmpfs. I do that manually just once with / mounted rw and then remount it ro.

If you're interested in actually making such changes to the init scripts I've shared how I go about it on Linux Questions.

8 Unexpected Trouble Sources

When you start doing your own stuff you may run into problems that are hard to debug because the cause is pretty much unexpected.

Here's an example of one that recently gave me a headache over a long weekend after migrating from the seagate dockstar to RPi2. I had previously tested rigorously the functionality of everything I had changed in the setup and even back-ported some stuff to the dockstar to make sure it was stable. All seemed fine but when I finally switched to the Pi I started getting plagued with unstable internet connection. I fiddled endlessly with the peer setup without any improvement. I called a friend that uses the same ISP and he told me he had no issues so whatever I was experiencing I was the cause of my own problems. During all my tests on both RPi and RPi2 I had never run into issues and nothing had changed that had not been previously tested, what on earth was going on ? It then dawned on me that I had done all my testing on the new hardware running from a USB power bank and that maybe there was some sort of parasitic coupling between the power supply I was now using and the modem itself. Sure enough the problems dissipated as I powered the PRi2 off the power bank again. I then pulled out a better quality power supply for the Pi and everything still worked fine.

It was that lousy wall charger, that I took off a really low end tablet my son broke, that was making enough noise to bother my modem. Had it been a FCC or CE certified power supply that would probably not have happened.

Obviously there may be innumerable other trouble source you may run into (some of which you have no control … like when your ISP makes clumsy NAT for you) but if you're doing your own stuff be prepared to put up and debug them.

9 Conclusions

You have set up an AP with entry level security and the most common options available in the low end appliances but you have gained:

  • ability to easily keep your AP software up-to date
  • ability to run several AP at the same time (and even mesh into other WiFis … not covered in this howto)
  • plug and network capability for the usb dongles
  • full control over the way interfaces are bridged and/or the way traffic is routed trough the AP
  • full control on the way dhcp works (limitless subnets and address reservation)
  • full control over fire-waling (no limits in port forwarding, MAC acl, DMZ ot subnets with specific set of permissions and quotas)
  • ability to re-share ANY type of connection the AP has
  • ability to choose what and how to backup in the AP
  • ssh access for management with a standard Linux environment for easy debugging issues
  • scale up/down the hardware that runs the AP without having to change the way you setup things
  • update components for which new vulnerabilities have been found without having to wait the the manufacturer does something about it
  • whatever the flexibility of a standard Linux environment can give you that a custom crippled embedded environment cannot.

I'm not going to miss my old low end AP, are you ? I replaced it with home-brew stuff from which this article is derived. Over the years I've done several remakes adding some new features. The last upgrade was 8 programmable buttons with indicator leds to carry out arbitrary functions.

i246.photobucket.com_albums_gg113_louigi600_arm_piwrap_zpshjjyflm8.jpg i246.photobucket.com_albums_gg113_louigi600_arm_rpi2_2_zpsytug1dvq.jpg i246.photobucket.com_albums_gg113_louigi600_arm_seagate_wrapstar_zpsf6047f16.jpg

If anyone is interested in a nearly ready to go Raspberry Pi 1/2 image of what has been discussed in this article you cab get if from here. Just extract tar and do “cat rpi_wrap_512mb.img > <your SD device>” into an SD at least 512Mb, boot it and longin via the console, read readme.txt and complete the setup manually. The readme.txt is also in the tarball so you can read it before even logging into the Pi.


 howtos:network_services:running_an_access_point_from_a_slackware_box ()