[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

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Work in progress by Jordi Garcia Soler


La hibernació (també coneguda com suspensió-a-disc) és un mètode utilitzat per a apagar un ordinador mentre es preserva l'estat del sistema operatiu. Una vegada encés, el sistema operatiu estarà en l'estat exacte en el que es trobava en el moment de la hibernació.

A Slackware, la hibernació funciona des del primer moment. Tanmateix, per a retornar amb èxit d'un estat d'hibernació, caldrà que configures el carregador de l'arrencada per a que aquest sàpiga on localitzar les dades de represa.


Desktop Environments

KDE, XFCE i altres entorns d'escriptori ofereixen l'hibernació des de la pantalla/menú de tancament de sessió.

Gestors de Finestres Lleugers

Pots hibernar el teu sistema des de la consola. Bé com a root via pm-utils o mitjançant D-Bus amb programes addicionals com a un usuari normal.


La hibernació es fa via l'ordre pm-hibernate.


Slackware ofereix dos serveis per a controlar la gestió de la energia en els seus alliberament recents. UPower i HAL. Com HAL està deprecated a Slackware 14.0, utilitza HAL en alliberaments més antics d'Slackware (de la 12.0 a la 13.37), en qualsevol altre cas utilitza UPower.

Utilitza una de les ordres següents per a hibernar el teu sistema.

 $ dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.UPower" \
 /org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.UPower.Hibernate
$ dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.Hal" \
 /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.Hibernate

Configuració del carregador de l'arrancada

Arrancant des de LVM

LILO no suporta l'arranc des de LVM, per tant, has de crear un disc ram inicial (initrd). En necessites un encara que el teu nucli tinga suport integrat per a LVM.

No has d'ajustar de manera especial el lilo.conf perquè pots establir tot allò relatiu a la represa a initrd.

mkinitrd -c -k <kernel-version> -f <fs_type> -m <modules_required_to_boot> -r <root_partition> -h /dev/volumegroup/swap -L
  • -h set your hibernation/swap logical volume
  • -L activate LVM

LILO configuration

El següent pas és assegurar-te de que el teu lilo.conf conté el següent fragment

image = /boot/vmlinuz
  root = /dev/sdaX
  initrd = /boot/initrd.gz
  label = Slackware
  read-only # Partitions should be mounted read-only

Si no utilitzes LVM, pots simplement dir-li al nucli des d'on reprendre afegint una línia append:


Reemplaça /dev/sdaX amb la teua partició d'intercanvi actual.

Després d'això, executa lilo per a salvar els canvis.

$ lilo

Lock your computer upon resuming

You may have noticed that when your computer resumes, there is no protection to ensure no one can use your computer. As pm-hibernate must be run as root, any user that powers up your computer will be granted a root terminal! I'll show you some tricks to ensure a proper lock of the system.

Security warning: whether you are using the trick from the command-line or from an X session, don't forget to logout from all other ttys! None of them will get locked, so people issuing CTRL+ALT+F1 (ar any Fx key) upon resuming will be able to access them, rendering the lock trick totally useless!

With pm-utils

From the command line

If you dont have an X session open, the only way to lock your computer is to logout from your session before hibernation. You can use the following command:

pm-hibernate & logout (OR pm-hibernate & exit)

It's important to logout from every tty prior to hibernation! logout will only log you out from the terminal from where you launched the command. Please read the warning in the following section.

This trick may not work on fast systems, as logout may not have enough time to complete. You may think that using ; instead of & could do the trick (as it will log out the user after resuming), but it allows the user doing a CTRL+Ctrl upon resuming, killing the logout command.

From an X session

If you want to lock the computer prior hibernation, you can issue the following command (as root of course):

# xlock & sleep 5 ; pm-hibernate

You can also create the following script:

echo 'Hibernating in 5 seconds'
xlock &
sleep 5

xlock is a command that locks your X session. Upon rebooting, you will be asked for the root password. The sleep command may be omitted, but I think it's safer to leave it, so you are sure that xlock has enough time to run properly. You don't have to use exit (or logout) at the end of the command or the script, as it has no use concerning security. You may want to use it though to automatically close the xterm on resuming.

Security warning: this “trick” will only lock the X system! If you are logged on as root in any of the other ttys, xlock can be killed, leaving full access to the X session.
For people using init3 (no automatic X startup), remember to also logout from the tty from where you launched the X system with startx: hit CTRL+Z (to suspend the task), then bg (to resume the task in the background), then CTRL+D (or logout) to logout.

An alternate

If one is a sudoer, ie, can use sudo, then the following can also be used:

sudo /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate

Further reading


 ca-valencia:howtos:slackware_admin:hibernation ()
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