[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

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CLI constructs and useful info

The purpose of this article is not to be a CLI tutorial, but rather to be an exposition of common constructs used in shell scripting for efficiently achieving a goal. There are also sections which simply help one understand a certain topic.


rev | cut | rev

It is often useful to reverse a string and then use cut. For example, take a Slackware package and get its name:

echo dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.33-noarch-1 | rev | cut -d - -f 1-3 --complement | rev
ls -1 /var/log/packages | rev | cut -d - -f 1-3 --complement | rev

Or if you wanted to get the full patch of a file, minus the suffix.

echo /proc/config.gz | rev | cut -d. -f1 --complement | rev

replace a suffix

Say you wanted to make a video conversion script, and you needed to change the suffix.

output="$(basename "$input" .mkv).avi"

find | xargs

This is a special interaction between find and xargs that allows one to deal with spaces in file names. It is very fast because many commands like rm, rmdir, and shred take multiple file inputs on the command line. A generic construct is something like:

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 "$command"

You can replace $command with whatever command you need to run on the files as long as it supports multiple file input. If you have a list of files you can still preserve spaces:

tr '\n' '\0' < "$file" | xargs -0 "$command"

comm before and after

This construct is useful for package management applications. From the comm man page:

With  no  options,  produce  three-column  output.
Column one contains lines unique to FILE1, 
column two contains lines unique to FILE2, and
column three contains lines common to both files.

The options -1 -2 -3 suppress the respective columns. Say you wanted to log files that were added to /usr after running command $1:

# before, make install, after
find /usr > "$tmp/before"
find /usr > "$tmp/after"
# sort
sort "$tmp/before" > "$tmp/before-sorted"
sort "$tmp/after" > "$tmp/after-sorted"
# create log
comm -13 "$tmp/before-sorted" "$tmp/after-sorted" > "$log/$name"

Note that comm requires sorted files. Here -1 suppresses lines unique to before, -3 suppresses lines present in both files, so you are left with column 2 which contains files unique to after i.e. the files added. Many people would like to use diff to compare files, but it's mostly for creating patches.

while read line

This construct is common and is useful for reading files or stdin one line at a time. Here is an example that can be used to concatenate split files in order:

base="$(echo "$@" | rev | cut -d. -f1 --complement | rev)"
ls -1 "$base".* | sort -V | while read line
	cat "$line" >> "$base"

Also note that sort -V is a version sort and is useful in cases where ls sorts suffixes incorrectly. The usual way to prevent this is to name numbered suffixes with 0 padding like file.001, but it may overflow and this is why sort -V is useful.

for i in

Here is an example for extracting all rpms in a directory:

for i in *.rpm
	rpm2cpio "$i" | cpio -id --quiet

You can also use seq to make i a loop counter:

for i in $(seq 1 100)
	echo "$i"

Note that there are no quotes around $(seq) because otherwise it would quote the entire expanded number sequence and that wouldn't work right.


Quoting may seem complicated, and reasons for it obscure, but there is a purpose to it and it is not that complicated.

Double quoting

The reason for double quoting is to preserve spaces, like spaces in file names. Double quoting a variable or command substitution makes it into a single argument. An example:

bash-4.2$ ls
file with spaces.txt  filewithoutspaces.txt
bash-4.2$ rm -f file with spaces.txt
bash-4.2$ ls
file with spaces.txt  filewithoutspaces.txt
bash-4.2$ rm -f "file with spaces.txt"
bash-4.2$ ls
bash-4.2$ rm -f filewithoutspaces.txt 
bash-4.2$ ls

Clearly you need to quote a file with spaces. You could use single quotes here, because no variable were inside the quotes. You should not quote in this case:

bash-4.2$ for i in $(seq 1 10); do printf "$i "; done; echo;  
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
bash-4.2$ for i in "$(seq 1 10)"; do printf "$i "; done; echo;

Nor should you quote in any case where a command requires multiple variables and you give them to it inside one quoted variable. A quoted variable is then taken as the only argument, rather than multiple arguments. An example:

bash-4.2$ ls
file with spaces.txt  filewithoutspaces.txt
bash-4.2$ file1="file with spaces.txt"
bash-4.2$ file2="filewithoutspaces.txt"
bash-4.2$ rm -f "$file1 $file2"
bash-4.2$ ls
file with spaces.txt  filewithoutspaces.txt
bash-4.2$ rm -f "$file1" "$file2"
bash-4.2$ ls

Also note that you can and should quote within command substitutions, as shown by the replace a suffix example above and:

mkdir "$(basename "$(pwd)")"

This makes a directory within the current directory called the same name as the current directory. If pwd expands into something with spaces, the command will work.

Single quoting

The reason for single quoting is to escape special characters from the shell, while passing them to a command so it can use them. You should use single quotes for every argument passed to another program that contains shell characters to be interpreted by that program and NOT by the shell. Example:

bash-4.2$ find -name *.txt
bash-4.2$ find -name '*.txt'

Here the shell expands * before find sees it. You should single quote input to awk, find, sed, and grep, as each of these uses special characters that overlap with the shells', and thus they must be protected from shell expansion.


Remember to escape the . using \.:

bash-4.2$ cat test.txt 
bash-4.2$ sed 's/.txt//g' test.txt 
bash-4.2$ sed 's/\.txt//g' test.txt 


 howtos:general_admin:cli_constructs_and_useful_info ()