[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

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UEFI arranque dual o más usando rEFInd

Las nuevas maquinas estan llegando con el estandar UEFI. Esto presenta algunas ventajas como la capacidad de inicio desde discos sobre los 2TiB y los componentes modulares Pre-OS como drivers pueden ser cargados en el firmware UEFI. Pero los usuarios Linux encontraron que, de repente, era más difícil el multi-boot que en el pasado. Sin embargo, ellos tienen una variedad de recursos y encontraron un camino para trabajar con el nuevo estandar. No es tan sencillo como en el pasado, pero no es demasiado difícil.

rEFInd es principalmente una herramienta para administrar los bootloaders, es decir, un administrador de arranque.

Algunas advertencias para el uso de rEFInd son:

  1. Gestiona y arranca varios binarios diferentes de EFI(.efi files),
  2. Arranca el kernel Linux ubicados en la partición EFI; así que rEFInd puede además ser un bootloader en si mismo,
  3. Puede que no haya necesidad de instalar GRUB o ELILO en la partición EFI,
  4. Un menú en pantalla con múltiples opciones predefinidas para arrancar binarios o kernel de EFI en el arranque.
  5. ;-) Podemos potencialmente tener un ambicioso multiboot por ejemplo con Windows o Mac OS X, Slackware con ELILO y Ubuntu con GRUB2.

En este articulo, encontrara un pequeño sumario de arranque multipl en maquinas UEFI, descripción de los pasos para asegurar que la instalación se realice correctamente y como podemos acceder a nuestra(s) distribución(es) Linux; a continuación vamos a describir la instalación de rEFInd y como usarlo. Explicaremos la configuración de rEFInd cuidadosamente, ya que esto definirá las opciones y el comportamiento de nuestro gestor de arranque.

Instalación de ditribuciones linux

A partir de ahora, asumiremos que tenemos un disco duro que utiliza GPT con la siguiente configuración

  • sda1 (FAT) - OEM software de seguridad o cualquier tipo de software de mantenimiento.
  • sda2 (FAT) - partición EFI
  • sda3 (NTFS) - Windows 10
  • espacio suficiente sin asignar.

Usualmente, compramos una máquina y esta viene con una gran partición con Windows u otro SO en él. Es una mala práctica mantener un disco duro con éste tipo de configuración. Así que, aconsejamos a las personas particionar su disco duro (PC or laptops) cuando se use por primera vez, ya sea que usen arranque dual o no. Podemos reducir nuestra partición principal del sistema operativo a un tamaño adecuado y el resto de espacio sin asignar pueden tener particiones para nuestros datos.

De esta manera, el sistema operativo no es obstaculizado cuando el disco se llena con nuestros archivos personales, por lo que continúa en ejecución y leyendo el disco a una velocidad bastante alta. También de esta manera se evita el riesgo de pérdida de datos si el sistema operativo se bloquea.

Es recomendable reducir la partición desde el propio Windows usando su administrador de discos y luego hacer otra partición con GPartEd o gdisk/cgdisk usando algún disco/usb de arranque. Windows es conocido por archivar en cualquier lugar en una partición; así que si necesita reducirlo a un espacio mas pequeño que lo permitido, use un programa de terceros, o Windows puede bloquearse debido a la falta de archivos y luego tendrás que reparar la instalación de Windows con un disco de reparación.

Procedemos con nuestro ejemplo. Asumimos que usamos gdisk e hicimo las siguientes particiones:

  • sda4 - swap
  • sda5 (Linux) - para instalar Slackware
  • sda6 (Linux) - para instalar Ubuntu

Consideramos primero la instalación de Slackware y luego la de Ubuntu.

Instalación de Slackware con UEFI

En la versión 14.1 y en adelante, Slackware64 soporta EFI. Incorpora tanto ELILO como GRUB EFI-compatible; puede elegir entre los dos, ELILO es la opción predeterminada.


Durante la instalación, Slackware le pregunta acerca de la instalación de ELILO en la partición EFI. Si usted elige instalarlo, un directorio se creará en la partición EFI (EFI/Slackware) y el binario ELILO EFI (elilo.efi) será colocado allí.El directorio también contendrá un archivo elilo.conf y una copia de la imagen del kernel (vmlinuz). Debería poder iniciar su sistema Linux de inmediato.


Si ELILO no fue instalado, necesitaremos inicializar GRUB para tener un systema de arranque. Así que, justo después del proceso de instalación, no reinicie. en nuestro sistema recien instalado. Vamos a chrootear en nuestro sistema recién instalado de inmediato.

Normalmente, el sistema recién instalado se monta en /mnt. Use el comando df para ver que más se monta y dónde.

→ Montar algunos sistemas de archivos útiles (if they are not already present):(si no están ya presentes):

# mount -t vfat /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot/efi

# mount -t proc /proc /mnt/proc
# mount --rbind /sys /mnt/sys
# mount --rbind /dev /mnt/dev
# mount --rbind /run /mnt/run

→ chroot en el sistema recientemente instalado:

# chroot /mnt env -i HOME=/root TERM=$TERM PS1='\u@\h:\w# ' PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin bash --login +h

→ Luego instalamos el gestor de arranque GRUB en la partición EFI.

# modprobe efivars
# modprobe efivarfs

# modprobe dm-mod
# grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=GRUB --recheck --debug

# mkdir -p /boot/grub/locale
# cp /usr/share/locale/en\@quot/LC_MESSAGES/grub.mo /boot/grub/locale/en.mo
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Los módulos efivars y efivarfs deben cargarse cada vez que usamos el comando efibootmgr, aquí llamado grub-install. En realidad, grub-install lo habría cargado automáticamente, pero lo mencionamos explícitamente para que esté completo.
El comando grub-install anterior genera muchos resultados. Puede redirigirlo a un archivo de registro para verlo más tarde. Entre las últimas líneas de la salida, debemos observar el uso del comando efibootmgr para registrar el binario EFI en la configuración del firmware UEFI. Recomiendo leer las páginas del manual para efibootmgr para entender el comando.
Una cosa interesante aquí es que, en caso de que Windows esté instalado, grub-mkconfig dice que detecta el cargador de arranque de Windows (bootmgfw.efi) pero no lo admite. Por lo tanto, no podrá generar una entrada para él en grub.cfg.Entonces deberíamos poner una entrada manualmente en grub.cfg. Esto es algo que podemos trabajar con rEFInd.

En este punto tendremos el archivo EFI/GRUB/grubx64.efi y el arbol /boot/grub. El grubx64.efi está registrado en la configuración del firmware, por lo que podemos arrancarlo.Puedes usar la opción '-v' con efibootmgr para ver si todo está bien.Si necesita cambiar el orden de algunos cargadores de arranque, puede usar la opción '-o'. A continuación se muestra un ejemplo:

# efibootmgr -v
BootCurrent: 0000
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0001,3002,0000,2001,2002
Boot0000* Slackware     HD(2,145800,82000,366fa6fd-9e79-4904-a879-fe0ef1ee349c)File(\EFI\Slackware\elilo.efi)
Boot0001* Windows Boot Manager  HD(2,145800,82000,366fa6fd-9e79-4904-a879-fe0ef1ee349c)File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)
Boot2001* EFI USB Device        RC
Boot3002* Internal Hard Disk or Solid State Disk        RC

# efibootmgr -o 0000,0001,2001,2002,3002
# efibootmgr -v
BootCurrent: 0000
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,0001,2001,2002,3002
Boot0000* Slackware     HD(2,145800,82000,366fa6fd-9e79-4904-a879-fe0ef1ee349c)File(\EFI\Slackware\elilo.efi)
Boot0001* Windows Boot Manager  HD(2,145800,82000,366fa6fd-9e79-4904-a879-fe0ef1ee349c)File(\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi)
Boot2001* EFI USB Device        RC
Boot3002* Internal Hard Disk or Solid State Disk        RC
Two more tips, in case you mess up anything ;-)

If you need to remove an entry from the list of EFI binaries, you can use the “-B” option. Let's say you want to remove EFI binary 0001:

efibootmgr -b 0001 -B

And if you need to add an EFI binary (let's say EFI/Slackware/elilo.efi) into the firmware settings:

efibootmgr -c -g -d /dev/sda -p 2 -w -L "ELILO" -l '\EFI\Slackware\elilo.efi'

Just observe that our EFI partition is /dev/sda2; that is why there are “-d /dev/sda” and “-p 2”. These two arguments tell efibootmgr that our EFI partition is the 2nd partition on the device /dev/sda.


Installation of Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. We boot into the DVD/USB and proceed with installation, since partitioning has already been done. Just be careful with Ubuntu where it asks where to install it. Ubuntu will detect Windows and will ask whether we want Ubuntu alongside, thus erasing the rest. So, be sure to stay in manual mode as much as possible. Choose “Something else” when prompted about the partitions. Also, make sure it detected the EFI partition.

At the end of installation, Ubuntu will have installed its GRUB on the EFI partition in directory EFI/ubuntu and it would have run grub-mkconfig and efibootmgr.

Installing rEFInd

For Slackware users, the easiest way to get rEFInd is to look at https://slackbuilds.org/. The SlackBuilds script repackages the pre-compiled binary for Slackware. After installing the package, we must go through a last step to have refind placed on the EFI partition. As root,

# /usr/share/refind-${VERSION}/install.sh

${VERSION} should be replaced with the version. This command will normally detect the EFI partition and system architecture, and copy the necessary files. It might prompt if it did not get some information automatically.

As for Ubuntu or other Linux distros, refind is most probably part of the official package repositories. Anyway, we only need to install refind on any one distro.

rEFInd Manual Install

Actually, the good thing with refind is that it does not have to be hosted on any OS. It can as well be copied directly to the EFI partition, provided you know which files to copy. So, you can download a refind archive from https://sourceforge.net/projects/refind/, and extract it. Normally, we would be using a 64-bit system, so create the directory /boot/efi/EFI/refind and copy the appropriate files there:

# mkdir /boot/efi/EFI/refind
# cp -R PATH_TO_REFIND_SOURCE/refind/drivers_x64 /boot/efi/EFI/refind/
# cp -R PATH_TO_REFIND_SOURCE/refind/icons /boot/efi/EFI/refind/
# cp -R PATH_TO_REFIND_SOURCE/refind/refind.conf-sample /boot/efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf
# cp -R PATH_TO_REFIND_SOURCE/refind/refind_x64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/refind/
# cp -R PATH_TO_REFIND_SOURCE/keys /boot/efi/EFI/refind/

But, then we have to manually register our refind EFI binary into the firmware with efibootmgr:

# efibootmgr -c -g -d /dev/sda -p 2 -w -L "rEFInd" -l '\EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi'

Again, our EFI partition is found on /dev/sda2.

Note that both ways of installing rEFInd can be done just after installation of Slackware (before rebooting). We just have to mount the necessary filesystems and chroot into the newly installed system. Then either install the refind Slackware package or manual install. There are many possibilities.

Configuring rEFInd

This is the most important part. Refind normally searches most directories on the EFI partition at boot and automatically detects all your EFI binaries or kernels, refind also scans volumes and will detect kernels, and lists them as options to boot from. But this is considered hazardous as it enables booting into Single User Mode or other recovery boot loaders. So, we will go for a manual configuration of the EFI/refind/refind.conf script for better control over the boot process.

rEFInd does not scan its own directory on the EFI partition (EFI/refind/).

If you boot into refind without modifying refind.conf, you'll see many boot entries on the start screen. We will modify refind.conf to remove much of these entries and place our custom entries there. The default refind.conf file placed by the install script at EFI/refind/ contains examples and some explanations.

Tidying up

Omit scanning volumes

We can disable the scanning of certain volumes by using the dont_scan_volumes command. We use the command with volume labels. The entry in refind.conf is

dont_scan_volumes "WINRE","Windows"
Omit scanning specific directories

We do not want refind to detect all the EFI binaries automatically, because then, we will not be able to control the number of entries. So we do not want refind to scan the directories where the EFI binaries are found. refind.conf already has the entry

dont_scan_dirs ESP:/EFI/boot,EFI/Dell,EFI/memtest86

We will add the following:

(we need to begin the list of directories with "+")
dont_scan_dirs + EFI/Boot,EFI/Microsoft,EFI/Slackware,EFI/ubuntu
Omit scanning specific files

This will ultimately avoid listing certain specific EFI binaries, since we will add a single entry for each one later.

dont_scan_files shim.efi,MokManager.efi,elilo-x86_64.efi,bootmgfw.efi,bootmgr.efi

This will prevent listing of the ELILO from the Slackware installation or from any other directory on the EFI partition. And, it will omit the Windows binaries.

Omit scanning Linux kernels
scan_all_linux_kernels false
Scan directory for drivers

Normally, drivers should be placed in the tools/ directory on the EFI partition. Some drivers are found in refind's shared directory at /usr/share/refind-${VERSION}/refind/drivers_x64/. To enable scanning of EFI/tools:

scan_driver_dirs EFI/tools

Booting EFI binaries

Let us say we have the following directory tree on the EFI partition:

 |_ Boot/
 |     |_ bootx64.efi
 |_ Microsoft/
 |     |_ Boot/
 |          |_ bootmgfw.efi
 |_ Slackware/
 |     |_ elilo.efi
 |_ ubuntu/
 |     |_ grubx64.efi
 |_ refind/
       |_ refind_x64.efi

We should add custom entries for each of the EFI binaries we want to appear in the refind menu.

→ Entry for Windows:

menuentry Windows {
  icon EFI/refind/icons/os_win8.png
  loader EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi

Note that we can choose any of the icons from the EFI/refind/icons/ directory. Later we describe the use of custom made icons.

→ Entry for Slackware:

menuentry Slackware {
  icon EFI/refind/icons/os_win8.png
  loader EFI/Slackware/elilo.efi

→ Entry for Ubuntu:

menuentry Ubuntu {
  icon EFI/refind/icons/os_ubuntu.png
  volume 9f5b153d-d103-4314-bc98-455fa5d0c625
  loader EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi

Had to put the volume there as GRUB will have to access that volume for its configuration file.

Apple Mac

For a Mac, refind will automatically detect the EFI binary. It is most probably named “boot.efi”, so just make sure boot.efi is not in the list of files not to scan for. You might also need to place an hfs driver in the EFI/tools directory:

# cp /usr/share/refind-${VERSION}/refind/drivers_x64/hfs_x64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/tools/

Booting Kernels

The nice part of refind is that we can also use it as a boot loader. So, we do not need GRUB or ELILO. We have to place the kernel we want to boot on the EFI partition. For this part we will use an example with the following directory tree under EFI/:

 |_ Slackware14.1/
 |         |_ vmlinuz-generic-3.10.104
 |         |_ initrd-3.10.104.gz
 |_ Slackware14.2/
 |         |_ vmlinuz-generic-4.4.29
 |         |_ initrd-4.4.29.gz
 |_ Ubuntu16.04/
       |_ vmlinuz-4.4.16-21.generic
       |_ initrd.img-4.4.16-21.generic
       |_ vmlinuz-4.4.0-31.generic
       |_ initrd.img-4.4.0-31.generic
Note that neither Slackware nor Ubuntu place their generic kernels on the EFI partition by default. We made these directories manually and placed selected kernels there. A kernel (huge) is placed in directory EFI/Slackware only in the case where we install ELILO.

→ Entry for Slackware 14.1:

menuentry Slackware14.1_with_kernel_generic-3.10.104 {
  icon EFI/refind/icons/os_slackware.png
  volume cac2f895-6c8e-414c-8bc7-876519e828c0
  loader EFI/Slackware14.1/vmlinuz-generic-3.10.104
  options "ro root=UUID=cac2f895-6c8e-414c-8bc7-876519e828c0"
  initrd EFI/Slackware14.1/initrd-3.10.104.gz

The label of this menuentry is used as a short description and it is displayed at the bottom of the refind menu when hovering over the icons. The volume id for a particular filesystem can be obtained by using the blkid command:

# blkid /dev/sda12
/dev/sda12: UUID="9f5b153d-d103-4314-bc98-455fa5d0c625" TYPE="ext4"

→ Entry for Slackware 14.2:

menuentry "Slackware14.2 on sda12" {
  icon EFI/refind/icons/os_slackware.png
  volume 9f5b153d-d103-4314-bc98-455fa5d0c625
  loader EFI/Slackware14.2/vmlinuz-generic-4.4.29
  initrd EFI/Slackware14.2/initrd-4.4.29.gz
  submenuentry "Linux 4.4.29 generic" {
    options "ro root=UUID=9f5b153d-d103-4314-bc98-455fa5d0c625"
  submenuentry "Linux 4.4.29 generic (recovery mode)" {
    options "ro root=UUID=9f5b153d-d103-4314-bc98-455fa5d0c625 single"

This time we made an entry with submenu entries so that we have the option to boot into single user mode. Also note how we quoted the label because we used spaces. In the refind menu at boot, we will need to place the selection on this icon and press F2 in order to access the options. If ENTER is pressed right away on the icon, it will boot the default, that is the first submenu entry. The refind.conf entry could be made more concise using the add_options command. Since the only difference between the two options is the parameter “single”, we can just append it to the recovery mode's entry:

menuentry "Slackware14.2 on sda12" {
  icon EFI/refind/icons/os_slackware.png
  volume 9f5b153d-d103-4314-bc98-455fa5d0c625
  loader EFI/Slackware14.2/vmlinuz-generic-4.4.29
  initrd EFI/Slackware14.2/initrd-4.4.29.gz
  options "ro root=UUID=9f5b153d-d103-4314-bc98-455fa5d0c625"
  submenuentry "Linux 4.4.29 generic" {
  submenuentry "Linux 4.4.14 generic (recovery mode)" {
    add_options "single"
For Slackware users: we noticed that an initrd was needed even to boot the huge kernels because certain drivers are needed. In order to boot a huge kernel without an initrd, the drivers must be loaded from an EFI shell. Many drivers were placed in EFI/tools but when refind scanned the directory, it did not load all the drivers automatically. So, it is easier to simply make an initrd to accompany every kernel.

→ Entry for Ubuntu 16.04:

menuentry "Ubuntu 16.04" {
  icon EFI/refind/icons/os_ubuntu.png
  volume d3c5b9fa-53d7-42df-889f-78630cb9acea
  submenuentry "Linux 4.4.16-21 generic" {
    loader EFI/Ubuntu16.04/vmlinuz-4.4.16-21.generic
    options "ro root=UUID=d3c5b9fa-53d7-42df-889f-78630cb9acea"
    initrd EFI/Ubuntu16.04/initrd.img-4.4.16-21.generic
  submenuentry "Linux 4.4.0-31 generic" {
    loader EFI/Ubuntu16.04/vmlinuz-4.4.0-31.generic
    options "ro root=UUID=d3c5b9fa-53d7-42df-889f-78630cb9acea"
    initrd EFI/Ubuntu16.04/initrd.img-4.4.0-31.generic

Here we used submenu entries to have options between two different kernel versions. Further submenu entries could have been added in order to have single user modes, like above, for each kernel versions.

Using a refind_linux.conf file

If we have placed a kernel on the EFI partition, like above, we can also place a file called refind_linux.conf, holding the booting options, in the same directory as the kernel. For example,

→ EFI/Slackware14.2/refind_linux.conf :

"Boot with standard options" "ro root=UUID=9f5b153d-d103-4314-bc98-455fa5d0c625"
"Boot into single-user mode" "ro root=UUID=9f5b153d-d103-4314-bc98-455fa5d0c625 single"
"Boot with minimal options"  "root=UUID=9f5b153d-d103-4314-bc98-455fa5d0c625"

→ Then the refind.conf entry for Slackware 14.2 becomes:

menuentry "Slackware14.2 on sda12" {
  icon EFI/refind/icons/os_slackware.png
  volume 9f5b153d-d103-4314-bc98-455fa5d0c625
  loader EFI/Slackware14.2/vmlinuz-generic-4.4.29
  initrd EFI/Slackware14.2/initrd-4.4.29.gz

The options will appear only after pressing F2 on the icon at the refind menu. ENTER on the icon will automatically boot the first set of options, i.e. “Boot with standard options”.

If we place two or more kernels in the same directory, then we need to have a separate entry like the above for each kernel. Then, the options from refind_linux.conf will be applied to each one.

Default selection and timeout

When the refind menu appears, if no keys are pressed before the timeout time, refind will boot the default selection. If it is not defined explicitly in refind.conf, refind will boot the first entry on the screen. The timeout time is set with timeout and the default is set with default_selection.

timeout 10

default_selection 2  (will boot the second entry by default after timeout)

default_selection +  (will boot the loader most recently booted)

default_selection "Slackware14.1"  (will boot Slackware 14.1)

Concerning the last option, any substring that corresponds to the loader's title or volume will work. But we have to be careful when having similar entry titles like our two Slackware's above.

Non-bootloader tools

In the refind menu, below the icons for bootloaders and kernels selection, there is a set of icons for useful tools/options, e.g. EFI shell, memtest, partitioning program, about, shutdown, reboot. We can choose which options to be visible in the menu using the showtools command:

showtools reboot,shutdown,about

Options available are:

  • shell : the EFI shell
  • memtest : memtest86 program
  • gdisk : partitioning software
  • apple_recovery
  • windows_recovery
  • mok_tool : Machine Owner Key (MOK) maintainance tool
  • shutdown
  • reboot
  • firmware : reboots the computer into the UEFI firmware settings
  • about : information about rEFInd

Modifying Appearance of rEFInd

Now that we got our boot entries sorted out, we can play around and modify the appearance of the refind menu.


We can set the resolution manually, to make sure that the banners/background will be well scaled. The system default resolution is usually 800×600.

resolution 1920 1080

Using custom icons

As we saw above with the custom menu entries we can choose icons for each entry with the icon option. So we can make our own icons and place them in directory EFI/refind/icons/. The default type of icons is bmp or png. There are two types of icons, small ones for the non-bootloader options (e.g. shutdown, reboot, …), and large ones for the bootloaders/kernel entries. All icons are square and default sizes are 48×48 for the small icons and 128×128 for the large icons. All icons must be more than 32×32 in size. The size of icons can be set using:

large_icon 128
small_icon 48

If the icons are physically smaller, they will be stretched to match the set size.

When the cursor is moved in the refind menu, a selection background switches from icon to icon. We can create our own selection backgrounds and copy them to the EFI/refind directory and then change refind.conf:

selection_big   myselectionbig.png
selection_small myselectionsmall.png

The formats accepted are again bmp and png. png is used mostly to have support for transparency. The default sizes are 64×64 for the small one and 144×144 for the big one.

And finally, to include our icon in our menu entry:

menuentry "Bootloader title" {
  icon EFI/refind/icons/mycustom_icon.png


We can also create our own background and place it in the EFI/refind/ directory. The lines required in refind.conf are:

banner mybackground.bmp
banner_scale noscale

With noscale the image will be cropped if it is too large. The other possibility is fillscreen. Default is noscale.


 es:howtos:slackware_admin:uefi_triple_boot_with_refind_on_slackware ()