[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

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This is an old revision of the document!

Nice article TommyC. I do not myself own a laptop with such dual graphics but I hope some of the site's audience do, and that they leave a comment.
I have one suggestion: in the beginning you explain the difference between “$” and “#” commands, but then afterwards most of the commands you show do not have any kind of prompt at all. This is confusing. You would do good to add an appropriate command prompt to every terminal command throughout the article.
Eric Hameleers 2012/10/01 13:47

Ah yeah, I had to go to class after I put that in. Will get to it later today. — TommyC 2012/10/01 15:56

Very useful article!!
I used it to setup the bumblebee system on my notebook with slackware64-current, but to build the nvidia-bumblebee package with the COMPAT32 option produce an only 32bit libvdpau_nvidia.so (in my case a link to libvdpau_nvidia.325.15). This produce a wrong ELF message error. Apart from this it works very fine.
Thank you

As all updates I performed on the how-to were reverted… and a note then added to comment here… can you let me know which of them were wrong, misleading, etc or at least some reason for the reversion of all updates? Thanks :)
Nick Blizzard 2013/08/21 08:37

I've already discussed this with you over IRC when I made the revert, but to recap: I added more information and reorganized a lot of it to improve the quality of the article and decided to revert because it was easier to re-organize from the revert than changing from the previously made changes. Also, as previously shown, a lot of the points you made when you talked with me about it the second time were moot since I had addressed them in the article since the revert. — TommyC 2013/09/20 17:28
If a generic kernel is used and an initrd is needed, i found that bbswitch only can be loaded if we put there like a module like this: mkinitrd -c -k 3.11.8 -f ext4 -r /dev/sda1 -m usbhid:hid_generic:xhci-hcd:mbcache:bbswithc:nvidia:jbd2:ext4 -u -o /boot/initrd.gz . Also, i if nvidia driver is used also why not load it from initrd ? I put there too. Can this procedure be insert on this howto? — Francis 2013/11/21 21:21
That's odd. My system loads the bbswitch module after boot (I too am using the generic kernel so I also use an initrd). As far as I know, the initrd is only used for booting in order to mount the root filesystem. The other kernel modules should be loaded after booting (since the nvidia kernel and bbswitch modules aren't actually needed to boot the system). I've never added the bbswitch or nvidia kernel module to my initrd and here's the output of `lsmod | grep bbswitch“: bbswitch 5310 0. I'm not sure why your system needs the module to be loaded from the initrd. Did you compile a custom kernel and do some stuff with it? — TommyC 2013/11/24 18:35
It is the 3.11.8 version, using the .config from the generic source. I do not remeber if it was from the testing (3.12) or from the current (3.10.17) but in both, for new modules i choose the default option, nothing else more.— Francis 2013/11/25 23:21
 talk:howtos:hardware:nvidia_optimus ()