[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

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kernel_2.6.38_ac100 @howtos:hardware:arm
28 符合, 最后更改:
security @howtos:security
15 符合, 最后更改:
ee button bar above). --> ====== HOWTO articles - Security ====== Securing your computer is an ongoing proc... p needs. Make sure you subscribe to the slackware-security [[http://www.slackware.com/lists/|mailing list]]. All security announcements since 1999 are available on [[http://www.slackware.com/security/]]. This section contains articles related to s
tomoy_linux_basics_slackware @howtos:security
15 符合, 最后更改:
simple to implement MAC which can do alot for the security of your system! Among others, the manual specific... ernel, and just add the options for Tomoyo in the security section of the kernel, then compile. Here is an e... ernel_build Choose the following options in the "Security options" section: <code> [*] Enable different security models -*- Enable the securityfs filesystem -*- Secu
running_an_access_point_from_a_slackware_box @howtos:network_services
7 符合, 最后更改:
id so for the moment let's do things with WPA-PSK security which is the WiFi entry level security. Another common mistake is to make hidden SSID WiFi networks: in terms of security it's actually less secure because making it harde... y detail beyond advising to read more about it on security oriented communities like [[http://www.securityfo
ssh @howtos:security
6 符合, 最后更改:
e button bar above). --> ====== Improving OpenSSH security ====== [[http://www.openssh.org|OpenSSH]] is the... plied to the default configuration to improve its security. You will need to know how to use a text editor ... the port ssh is using and provide some additional security. What happens is scanners will continue to see po... e most important change you can do to improve the security of your machine: forbid the ''root'' user to acce
basic_security @howtos:security
5 符合, 最后更改:
Headline (see button bar above). --> ====== Basic Security ====== These are things that every user can do to improve system security. Advanced topics will not be presented here, just... rong passwords]] * [[http://slackwiki.com/Basic_Security_Fixes]] * [[http://slackwiki.com/Security_Assessment_using_Nmap]] <!-- Please do not modify anything belo
shells @howtos:cli_manual
4 符合, 最后更改:
ame represents the current working directory. For security reasons, it is customary to place the current wor... liases that replace system commands may introduce security risks so always consider creating a new command i... -out-path=./jpg ./*.NEF' </code> === Aliases and Security === Sometimes aliases may pose a security risk in a sense that they can spoof other commands (eg. on compro
vnc @howtos:window_managers
4 符合, 最后更改:
P port for session requests. As noted below under Security considerations, you do NOT punch a hole in your f... rt simple one could be: xterm & twm ===== Security considerations ===== There are several layers of security available to protect the remote virtual terminals... ized use. ==== Firewall ==== The first layer of security is the remote host’s firewall. Firewall configura
aws_ec2 @howtos:cloud
3 符合, 最后更改:
and all permissions issues are ironed out. ===== Security ===== A quick word about security. We will not be making use of the service provided by AWS which furnish... es precisely because so many users screw up their security. Don't be caught out.</note> ===== Disk Formats
approach_to_web_development_on_slackware @howtos:misc
3 符合, 最后更改:
als via a simple get request to the domain!So the security of connecting to a database adds nothing to the security of your user credentials with WP With CodeIgniter4 for security, everything accessible via the web is inside the
get_acquainted_with_slackware @howtos:misc
3 符合, 最后更改:
f the availability of software packages that meet security breaches, email majordomo@slackware.com with the phrase "subscribe slackware-security" in the body. The page [[http://www.slackware.co... are few, because they are only intended to fill a security breach or to correct a major bug and not just to
postfix_dovecot_mysql @howtos:network_services
3 符合, 最后更改:
for many use cases as it presents some additional security risks and requirements! In particular, you should... ecured host dedicated to the purpose!</note> For security we will configure Dovecot to provide authenticati... a Slackware 14.1 base installation, with updated security patches, particularly for bash, openssl, openssl-
intel_microcode_loading @howtos:security
3 符合, 最后更改:
t/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/software-security-guidance/best-practices/microcode-update-guidance... t/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/software-security-guidance/best-practices/microcode-update-guidance... "template" below before saving your new page --> {{tag>howtos, security, cpu, microcode, spectre, meltdown}}
openvpn @howtos:security
3 符合, 最后更改:
ns and remote access facilities. It uses a custom security protocol that utilizes SSL/TLS for key exchange. ... ll as the SSLv3/TLSv1 protocol, and contains many security and control features. ===== How to use OpenVPN ==... ve the tag-word "template" below before saving your new page --> {{tag>howtos openvpn slackbuild security}}
sshkeys @howtos:security
3 符合, 最后更改:
ever entering a password, and with a much better security than with a password - which can be guessed, whil... Time to contact your system administrator or your security administrator and request politely to be able to ... your page will not show up in the Table of Contents --> {{tag>howtos security ssh sshkeys author_noryungi}}
hibernation @howtos:slackware_admin
3 符合, 最后更改:
install_mysql_on_slackware @howtos:databases
2 符合, 最后更改:
smart_hdd_diagnostics @howtos:hardware
2 符合, 最后更改:
ssd @howtos:hardware
2 符合, 最后更改:
home_nfs_howto @howtos:network_services
2 符合, 最后更改:
openvpn @howtos:network_services
2 符合, 最后更改:
enabling_secure_boot @howtos:security
2 符合, 最后更改:
software @howtos:software
2 符合, 最后更改:
biffs_slackware_tips @howtos:misc
1 符合, 最后更改:
checkpoint_snx_client @howtos:network_services
1 符合, 最后更改:
citrix_client @howtos:network_services
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ntp @howtos:network_services
1 符合, 最后更改:
tunnel_interfaces @howtos:network_services
1 符合, 最后更改:
enabling_encrypted_swap @howtos:security
1 符合, 最后更改:
inetd @howtos:security
1 符合, 最后更改:
slackware-arubacloud @howtos:slackware_admin
1 符合, 最后更改:
google_chrome @howtos:software
1 符合, 最后更改:
how_to_merge_pdf-files @howtos:software
1 符合, 最后更改:
java @howtos:software
1 符合, 最后更改:
remotex_windows2linux @howtos:window_managers
1 符合, 最后更改:
vmware_guest @howtos:misc:virtualisation
1 符合, 最后更改:
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