[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

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2 Encerts, Última modificació el:
bit, so you must run 32-bit Slackware or a 64-bit multilib setup in order to install and run it.</note> ===... 64-bit Slackware, and you do not want to install multilib, then you have two options: - setup a 32-bit Sl
3 Encerts, Última modificació el:
er is 64bit but so you MUST install the Slackware multilib setup and 64bit Wine in order to install and run ... 4bit. ==== Preparing your Server ==== Install multilib packages. From AlienBOB's instructions, as root:... e> cd ~ lftp -c 'open http://slackware.com/~alien/multilib/ ; mirror -c -e 14.2' cd 14.2
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