[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

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Usando Enlightenment DR17 con Slackware

¿Qué es E17?

Enlightenment DR17 (E17) es el tan esperado sucesor de E16, un gestor de ventanas que se distribuyó en Slackware hace 10 años. Se clasifica como un “shell de escritorio”, proporcionando las cosas que necesita para operar su escritorio (o computadora portátil), pero no un conjunto completo de aplicaciones. Esto incluye iniciar aplicaciones, administrar sus ventanas y realizar otras tareas del sistema como suspender, reiniciar, administrar archivos, etc.

E17 no viene solo. En realidad, usa las librerias de Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) que se puede usar para desarrollar otras aplicaciones como en el mundo Qt / KDE, por ejemplo. Hay (febrero de 2013) 15 bibliotecas en EFL y muchos módulos externos o aplicaciones que se pueden usar con E17.

Installing E17

Paquetes preconstruidos


La forma más fácil y rápida de ejecutar E17 en Slackware es instalar los paquetes E17 desde Proyecto SlackE17. Solo necesita tener la última versión de Slackware, Slackware64 o ArmedSlack.

Solo descargar el tarball correspondiente a su arquitectura (i486, x86_64 o ARM), descomprímalo y lea el documento. Para instalar los paquetes, tiene varias opciones:

  • Instalar todo usando:
# upgradepkg --install-new e17/*.txz
  • Use el script provisto para instalar solo E17 y sus dependencias usando:
# ./slacke17-install.sh std
  • Use el script provisto para instalar todo usando:
# ./slacke17-install.sh max
  • O simplemente puedes:
# cd e17 && pkgtool


First you need to install the dependencies needed to compile Enlightenment. These can be found in SlackBuilds-website or with sbopkg:

  • check
  • lua
  • luajit
  • bullet

Once you have those packages installed we can proceed to make a build directory and commence with the fun stuff!

 # mkdir -p /build/e22/core
 # cd /build/e22/core
 # git clone https://git.enlightenment.org/core/efl.git
 # git clone https://git.enlightenment.org/core/enlightenment.git
 # cd /build/e22/core/efl
 # ./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/e22 --disable-systemd --disable-avahi

Make symlink for dbus (installer tells you to do this so please check output if it has been updated just to be sure).

 # ln -s /opt/e22/share/dbus-1/services/org.enlightenment.Ethumb.service /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.enlightenment.Ethumb.service
 # make && make install

Now we need to add Enlightenment library directory to the system so it knows where to look for the libraries.

 # echo "/opt/e22/lib" >> /etc/ld.so.conf

Load the new configuration.

 # ldconfig

An environmental variable need to be set for PKGCONFIG, this is only needed when building and doesnt need to be permanent.

 # export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/e22/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig

Add enlightenment bin to PATH for build, also make it persist after reboot.

 # export PATH=/opt/e22/bin:$PATH
 # vi /etc/profile

Add “/opt/e22/bin” to your PATH.

Start building Enlightenment.

 # cd /build/e22/core/enlightenment
 # meson --prefix=/opt/e22 -Dsystemd=false -Davahi=false . build
 # meson configure build
 # ninja -C build install

(Optional, build Terminology. Terminology is the default terminal in Enlightenment.)

 # mkdir /build/e22/apps
 # cd /build/e22/apps
 # git clone https://git.enlightenment.org/apps/terminology.git
 # cd terminology
 # meson --prefix=/opt/e22 . build
 # meson configure build
 # ninja -C build install

To make your sessionmanager find Enlightenment you need to create a .desktop file in the right directory.

 # vi /usr/share/xsession/enlightenment.desktop

Should look something like this (please check already existing .desktop files for other language examples and please add relevant lines for your language):

[Desktop Entry] 
Comment[en_GB]=Enlightenment by Enlightenment
Comment[sv]=Enlightenment av Enlightenment 

If you want to start enlightenment with startx (xinit): /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.e22



# merge in defaults and keymaps

[ -f $sysresources ] && xrdb -merge $sysresources
[ -f $sysmodmap ] && xmodmap $sysmodmap
[ -f $userresources ] && xrdb -merge $userresources
[ -f $usermodmap ] && xmodmap $usermodmap

if [ -z "$DESKTOP_SESSION" -a -x /usr/bin/ck-launch-session ]; then
  export DESKTOP_SESSION="e22"
  exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch --exit-with-session enlightenment_start
  export DESKTOP_SESSION="e22"
  exec enlightenment_start


SlackE17 provides all the source code and SlackBuilds in one tarball so you can rebuild everything easily. You can build the packages one by one, but it's more efficient to use the BUILD/slacke17-build.sh script. You can pass some options to the script:

  • To get debug symbols:
# DEBUG=1 ./slacke17-build.sh
  • To optimize for your box:
# ECFLAGS="-march=native -mtune=native" ./slacke17-build.sh


SBo provides SlackBuilds for EFL and E17, but you will have to download all the source code by yourself and build the packages one by one.

Using E17

You need to update your .xinitrc using xwmconfig and choosing xinitrc.e17. Most of the configuration can be made by the right click menu. If you want to manage who can use the system menu, you should take a look at /etc/enlightenment/sysactions.conf.


 es:howtos:window_managers:installing_e17 ()