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es:howtos:software:how_to_merge_pdf-files [2019/09/02 18:08 (UTC)] – [How to merge PDF-files] slackwarespanol
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 +====== Cómo fusionar archivos PDF ======
 +===== Introducción =====
 +PDF (Portable Document Format) es un formato de archivo inventado por Adobe. PDF es útil para presentar documentos independientes del hardware, sistema operativo y software de aplicación. Cada archivo PDF tiene un diseño fijo, que incluye tamaño de página, fuentes, gráficos y otra información. También es posible encriptar un archivo PDF por seguridad, o crear una firma digital para autenticación.
 +<note important>Work in Progress!!!</note>
 +Los documentos PDF se crean a partir de documentos de texto tradicionales a través de un controlador de impresora, o como con LaTeX, creado directamente desde el código fuente. Una consecuencia importante es que uno no puede convertir un documento PDF "de vuelta" a su formato original, como un documento de Microsoft Word.
 +Este artículo describe cómo puede combinar varios documentos PDF en un solo documento PDF. Por ejemplo, esto es útil si tiene varias páginas de un escáner en formato PDF y desea colocar estos archivos en un solo archivo. Hay varias herramientas disponibles; algunos están incluidos en la instalación estándar de Slackware, así como otros que pueden instalarse fácilmente.
 +===== Default Tools =====
 +Tools which are already available on your Slackware computer if you have a complete installation.
 +==== imagemagick (convert) ====
 +The convert tool comes in Slackware's imagemagick package from the xap-series.
 +The convert tool uses the -adjoin option to achieve this.
 +<code>convert -adjoin file1.pdf file2.pdf merged.pdf</code>
 +Thanks to jlinkels for the contribution.
 +To increase the quality of the output, it is better to read the input PDF files with a higher density (in dots per inch (DPI)) and then resize the output density back to common DPI, 96 for example. I usually use an input density of 600 (after many trial and errors), and then resize with 93.75% (if you dont resize you will get a huge output file).
 +<code>convert -density 600 fileinput_1.pdf fileinput2_.pdf -resize 93.75% output.pdf</code>
 +Thanks to eXpander_ for the contribution.
 +==== ghostscript (gs) ====
 +The ghostscript package resides in Slackware's ap-series.
 +With GhostScript you can merge PDF files on the command line.
 +<code>gs -q -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=<newfilename>.pdf <inputfilenameshere></code>
 +Thanks to mrclisdue for the contribution.
 +==== pdfconcat ====
 +The pdfconcat tool comes in Slackware's xpaint package from the xap-series.
 +<code>pdfconcat -o <output.pdf> <input1.pdf> [...]</code>
 +Thanks to BroX for the contribution.
 +==== pdfunite ====
 +The pdfunite tool comes in Slackware's poppler package from the l-series.
 +<code>pdfunite [options] PDF-sourcefile1..PDF-sourcefilen PDF-destfile</code>
 +Thanks to nivieru for the contribution.
 +===== Additional tools =====
 +Additional tools that can be easily installed.
 +==== pdftk ====
 +pdftk is available at [[http://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.0/office/pdftk/|slackbuilds.org]]. It is also a command line tool and the usage is:
 +<code>pdftk first.pdf second.pdf third.pdf cat output altogether.pdf</code>
 +pdftk can do more things than joining PDF files, for example rotating a document by 180 degrees is done this way:
 +<code>pdftk upsidedown.pdf cat 1-endsouth output rotated.pdf</code>
 +Thanks to brianL and michaelk for pointing me to pdftk.
 +==== pdfshuffler ====
 +pdfshuffler is also available at [[http://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.0/office/pdfshuffler/|slackbuilds.org]]. It comes with a graphical user interface and is written in Python, therefore [[http://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.0/python/pyPdf/|pyPdf]] and [[http://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.0/python/pypoppler/|pypoppler]] are required in order to get this program to work. It is very convenient because it comes with a document-viewer and shows what you're doing. It has additional features like rotating or splitting PDF files.
 +==== pdfjam ====
 +pdfjam is a LaTeX-package which is unfortunately **not** included in tetex. But those of us who have installed texlive instead already have pdfjam. It is also a command line tool (like LaTeX). The documentation is available with the texdoc command
 +<code>texdoc pdfjam</code>
 +Thanks to joghi for pointing me to pdfjam.
 +<note>TODO: handling bookmarks in PDF-files, which of the above tools can handle those bookmarks?</note>
 +====== Sources ======
 +<!-- If you are copying information from another source, then specify that source -->
 +<!-- * Original source: [[http://some.website.org/some/page.html]] -->
 +<!-- Authors are allowed to give credit to themselves! -->
 +  * Originally written by [[wiki:user:markush | Markus Hutmacher]] 
 +<!-- * Contributions by [[wiki:user:yyy | User Y]] -->
 +<!-- Please do not modify anything below, except adding new tags.-->
 +{{tag>howtos PDF commandline}}
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