[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

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Yet Another Kernel Compile Guide

Why and How?

A few years ago I wrote a couple of HowTos on compiling and packaging a complete kernel+modules package. Recently, I decided to look at how the stock Slackware kernel packages are built. I put this guide together from what I picked up.

There are already a few kernel compile guides around, but I haven't seen one yet that looks at using Slackware's own kernel build scripts.

A “build-all-kernels.sh” script executes all the Slackbuilds, one after the other, passing all relevant variables to them, and creating a set of packages. It uses some variables in the environment to change various options. As you'd expect, the script needs to be run as root.

At the end of this document I have an example of a custom “setup.sh” file that can be used to set various options and then run the main build script.

The point of using a setup file is:

  • To save us some typing and, more importantly, to avoid typos.
  • To make it easier to see and change the settings we want to use.
  • Perhaps use different setup files to create different “recipes”.

(A recipe dictates the arch of the package set.)

The Slackware kernel build scripts should be found in the k/ source directory on any mirror for Slackware -current. This contains the 64 and 32 bit generic and huge configs, and a kernel source tarball. The 14.2 source directories have a different setup, so this is aimed at using -current scripts.

There isn't a firmware build script in there so I won't be looking at making a package for that.

The build routine looks like this:

  • Build a package using the highest version source found
  • Move the package to $OUTPUT
  • Install the package
  • Loop to the next package…

At its simplest, you can mirror the k/ directory, export OUTPUT in the environment, and then run the build script. This will build and install a set of kernel packages, using the highest version source archive found in the current directory. There is no need to manually set the kernel version. If the version isn't what you expect, you may need to remove the other files, leaving the one you need.

By exporting a few options the build routine can be changed, such as:

  • The local version (explanation below.)
  • The number of make jobs.
  • The build directory.
  • The directory that packages are moved to on completion.
  • Whether the packages are installed on the build system.

Some minor tweaking of the scripts is necessary if we change the default build directory, and to stop the existing symlinks in /boot from being clobbered.

For this example I will build packages for linux-5.0.8, with “jabberwok” as a local version, and /home/kernels/jabberwok as the output directory.

The resulting packages will be named:


It's worth noting here that the kernels and modules have “jabberwok” in their names and versions, while headers and source only have it in their versions. This means that the kernels and modules are distinct and apart from the stock Slackware packages, and shouldn't affect them. I.E. a huge local version kernel will only upgrade another huge kernel with the same local version. However, the headers and source packages will upgrade the currently installed stock packages. If you use slackpkg then these will need blacklisting to avoid being downgraded back to the stock versions.


  • A Slackware 14.2 or -current install with all the build tools.
  • Access to a slackware(64)-current/source/k/ directory.
  • A source tarball for the linux kernel in tar.xz or tar.gz format.
  • Root.


This guide doesn't go into making kernel configs in any depth. Typing “make help” in the kernel source directory will show the various methods available. If you are going to stray from the default Slackware configs then you ought to know what hardware you have, or enjoy testing random configurations and frequent reboots : - )

Build Variables

Some variables that can be exported to change the behaviour of the build script:


Mandatory. Where the build script will move the completed packages to. This is the most important variable. If this isn't set then the packages will be lost in the void. No kidding.
Default: unset


Optional. Whether to install the packages. Set this to anything other than “YES” or “” to not install the packages, which is useful when building packages to use on a different machine.
Default if not set: YES


Optional. Number of make jobs. If make fails with this then it is run again with no jobs number set.
Default if not set: -j7


Optional. Package build directory. If changing this then the modules Slackbuild must be adjusted (see below.)
Default if not set: /tmp


Optional: The ARCH list to build for. Values can be any of x86_64, IA32_NO_SMP, IA32_SMP. Anything else will cause the build script to disown you.
Default if not set: automatic from `uname -m`

Mirroring The Kernel Slackbuild Directory

There are a few ways of mirroring the directory - lftp, wget, or rsync if the mirror supports it.

With lftp:

lftp https://mirrors.slackware.com -e \
  "mirror -v /slackware/slackware64-current/source/k"

If you don't want to download the source tarball (e.g. because you already have one ready to use) then instead do:

lftp https://mirrors.slackware.com -e \
  "mirror -v -X *xz -X *sign \

Note that I am using the -current source folder here because it contains the newest configs, and they are closest to the target kernel version.

When the mirror is created, untar the kernel source archive in k/ and cd into the source directory:

cd k
tar xf linux-5.0.8.tar.xz
cd linux-5.0.8

Creating Kernel Configs

I will make both a “generic” and “huge” config, because the build script uses those by default. If you wish to build only one of those, comment out or remove the section for the unwanted config from the main build script.

The config files have the following naming convention:



<type> is “generic” or “huge”.
<version> matches the kernel source version.
[suffix] is either “.x64” or nothing.

E.G. a generic 64 bit kernel config for linux-5.0.8 would be:


Copy two existing configs:

cp ../kernel-configs/config-generic-4.19.36.x64 \

cp ../kernel-configs/config-huge-4.19.36.x64 \

Edit the new files and customise CONFIG_LOCALVERSION. E.G.:


Note that the preceding '-' is needed.

As noted above, setting a local version will ensure that the new kernel packages won't upgrade the currently installed stock packages, unless of course you want them to, in which case leave it empty. The kernel-headers and source packages will upgrade those though, regardless of what we do here, but if the new kernel is expected to be the main kernel then this shouldn't be a problem.

The local version will also show in `uname` output:

Linux thing 5.0.8-jabberwok #1 SMP Sun Apr 21 20:38:51 BST 2019 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

The configs need to be in a state so that they will build without prompting when the build is started. The easiest way to do this is by copying the two new configs one at a time into the kernel source directory as .config, run “make olddefconfig”, and then copy them back:


cat ../kernel-configs/config-generic-5.0.8.x64 > .config
make olddefconfig
cat .config > ../kernel-configs/config-generic-5.0.8.x64


cat ../kernel-configs/config-huge-5.0.8.x64 > .config
make olddefconfig
cat .config > ../kernel-configs/config-huge-5.0.8.x64

The output of both of these make commands should be:

scripts/kconfig/conf  --olddefconfig Kconfig
# configuration written to .config

If you get different output then something is probably wrong.

The two configs now have all of Slackware's kernel settings, and with any new settings set to their (the kernel's) default values.

You can customise them as much as you like of course. Just use your favourite make command on them, set them up however you like, and then copy them back as I did above.

The Simplest Build

Caveat Maybe?

There is a bit of a problem in that the generic and huge kernel packages will have doinst.sh files that overwrite the symlinks in /boot, which normally point to the stock kernel and system map.

If you want to keep the stock kernels untouched and usable in lilo, then either the build script needs so be edited to not make those symlinks, or lilo.conf is changed to point at the actual files, rather than the symlinks. The first option is preferable, as it won't be affected if the stock kernel is upgraded in the future. Leaving the original symlinks in place means the stock kernel is there as a fallback in lilo if it's needed. This is a good idea when first learning to compile kernels.

This will fix it:

sed -i "/ln -sf/d" kernel-generic.SlackBuild

(The generic script is also used to make the huge kernel.)

The Variables

After placing the relevant configs in k/kernel-configs/ and the kernel source tarball in k/, it is only necessary to set and export OUTPUT in the environment and then run the build script. Make sure the $OUTPUT directory exists, or create it. You may also want to export INSTALL_PACKAGES=NO if you don't want to install the packages as they are being built.

It's worth repeating - if $OUTPUT is not set then the packages will be deleted when the build script attempts to move them.

In bourne type shells (sh, bash, ksh, zsh, ash etc):

export OUTPUT=/home/kernels/jabberwok
mkdir -p $OUTPUT

Or alternatively:

export OUTPUT
mkdir -p $OUTPUT

In csh:

setenv OUTPUT /home/kernels/jabberwok
mkdir -p $OUTPUT

If you don't want to install the packages, use one of the above methods to export INSTALL_PACKAGES as anything other than empty or YES. E.G.:

The Build

Then run the build script:

sh build-all-kernels.sh

Depending on the recipes, at the start you will see something like:

* Building kernels for recipe x86_64...

(Insert appropriate knuckle biting and cheek clenching here.)

And at the end:

x86_64 kernel packages done!

If something went awry, then a build log may be useful. It may be large, probably over 100,000 lines for a single recipe, but could be useful for debugging failed builds if there isn't anything immediately obvious in the terminal:

sh build-all-kernels.sh 2>&1 | tee build.log
Viewing large build logs in 'less' ought to be reasonably faster than, say, a text editor with syntax highlighting, like vim, for example.
Not Only But Also

In addition to the packages being created, we also have the kernels, system maps, and configs copied to $KERNEL_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY which is set to:

$OUTPUT/kernels/<type>$(echo ${LOCALVERSION} | tr -d -).s

Which in this example produced for generic:

ls -l /home/kernels/jabberwok/kernels/generic.s/
total 6664
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  725466 Apr 22 04:50 System.map.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5902624 Apr 22 04:50 bzImage
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  186961 Apr 22 04:49 config

$LOCALVERSION is unset before creating that directory, in case you were wondering.

After installing the generic kernel, don't forget to recreate your initrd and rerun lilo.

The Setup Script


# setup script for build-all-kernels.sh
# The is an example kernel package build script.
########### MANDATORY SETTINGS ##########
export OUTPUT=/home/kernels/$LOCALVERSION
########### OPTIONALSETTINGS ############
#export TMP=/mnt/tmpfs
#export NUMJOBS=-j1
############# END OF SETTINGS ###########
set -e
# Bail out if OUTPUT is not set.
if [ -z "$OUTPUT" ]; then
	printf "%s\n" "Error: \$OUTPUT is not set."
	exit 1
mkdir -p "$OUTPUT"
# Taken from build-all-kernels.sh.
VERSION=$(/bin/ls -1 linux-*.tar.?z | sort -V | tail -n 1 \
	| rev | cut -f 3- -d . | cut -f 1 -d - | rev)
# Bail out if no VERSION found.
if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
	printf "%s\n" "Error: \$VERSION is not set."
	exit 1
OLD_VERSION=$(/bin/ls -1 kernel-configs/config-generic-*${CONFIG_SUFFIX} \
	| sort -V | tail -n 1 | rev | cut -f 2- -d . | cut -f 1 -d - | rev)
# copy configs if they don't exist already for the version
if ! [ -e kernel-configs/$GENERIC_CONFIG ]; then
	printf "\n%s\n" "Copying generic kernel config:"
	cp -v kernel-configs/config-generic-${OLD_VERSION}${CONFIG_SUFFIX} \
if ! [ -e kernel-configs/$HUGE_CONFIG ]; then
	printf "\n%s\n" "Copying huge kernel config:"
	cp -v kernel-configs/config-huge-${OLD_VERSION}${CONFIG_SUFFIX} \
# Use olddefconfig instead of oldconfig so make doesn't prompt us.
sed -i "s,make oldconfig,make olddefconfig,g" *SlackBuild
# Set local version.
	kernel-configs/$GENERIC_CONFIG kernel-configs/$HUGE_CONFIG
# Don't clobber the symlinks in /boot.
sed -i "/ln -sf/d" kernel-generic.SlackBuild
# ONLY if we use a custom $TMP.
# sed -i "s,/tmp/package-kernel-source/,$TMP/package-kernel-source/,g" \
# kernel-modules.SlackBuild
# Speed up find - optional tweak.
# sed -i "s,-exec chmod 644 {} \\\\;,-exec chmod 644 {} \\\\+," \
# kernel-source.SlackBuild
# Run the build script.
sh build-all-kernels.sh

In a nutshell:

  • Set the mandatory variables at the top of the script.
  • Set any optional variables you want.
  • sh local-version-setup.sh

If $OUTPUT or $VERSION are unset it will bail out with an error.

Tweaks in a nutshell:

  • “oldconfig” is changed to “olddefconfig”.
  • The local version is set in each config.
  • The symlinks are removed from the kernel Slackbuild.
  • The hard-coded /tmp path is replaced. Only needed if setting $TMP.

$VERSION is found automatically from the highest version source archive. The configs are found in a similar way. They will be created if none are found for $VERSION. If the versions aren't what you expect, you may need to remove the other files, leaving the ones you need.


Example section for /etc/lilo.conf:

image = /boot/vmlinuz-generic-jabberwok-5.0.8-jabberwok
  initrd = /boot/initrd-5.0.8-jabberwok.gz
  root = /dev/sda2
  label = 5.0.8-jabberwok

The image name should be formatted like:

/boot/vmlinuz-<type>-<local version>-<version>-<local version>

Final Thoughts

Once a setup file is made, it is a very simple and straightforward way to build kernels in a reproducable manner. No doubt my example setup file can be improved, but it shows enough to get started.

This is the way that the kernel packages are made in Slackware releases, albeit with a few tweaks added, so it has does have a history of reliability behind it.

Link to example scripts:



* Originally written by dive

 howtos:kernel:using_slackwares_kernel_build_scripts ()