These instructions should no longer be required from March 2024, as suspend is globally disabled on ARM. However, it may be re-enabled in the future.

Disable KDE Suspend action

If you are using KDE, you should disable 'Suspend' within KDE's System Settings immediately:

As your plebeian user, run these commands from the terminal:

$ kwriteconfig5 --file powermanagementprofilesrc --group AC --group SuspendSession --key idleTime --delete
$ kwriteconfig5 --file powermanagementprofilesrc --group AC --group SuspendSession --key suspendThenHibernate --delete
$ kwriteconfig5 --file powermanagementprofilesrc --group AC --group SuspendSession --key suspendType --delete

You can also use the GUI to disable it if you prefer:

Then Apply the settings.