Table of Contents

How to copy files \ directories \ filesystems via network.

The article describes ways of copying content over network.

When upgrading a home server, I copy all the data from the old server to a new system. In the examples below, I work from the new server and both servers are on the same subnet:

Both the ssh and scp commands communicate over a secure connection (TCP port 22). Please note that you need to enable the sshd daemon on the remote host.

Copy Files / Directories

If you need to copy single files or directories, you can use the scp command:

scp -r -v -p root@ /local_dir

Flag explanation:

In the example above we copy the /etc directory located on a remote host (the old server: to /local_dir on the local host (“new” server).

Please note that the scp command cannot copy the whole file system hierarchy including /proc, /dev or /lost+found. Fortunately, there is a workaround which was provided by Patrick Volkerding.

Copy whole filesystem hierarchy

The following command should successfully copy a whole filesystem hierarchy:

ssh root@ "(cd / ; tar cf - . )" | (mkdir -p /local_dir ; cd /local_dir ; umask 000 ; tar xvf -)
