Two remarks: - I think that "''noryungi@mypc$ scp''" is a potentially destructive command. What if the user already has a ''~/.ssh/authorized_keys'' file? You need to elaborate. - Remove the "template" tag from the page. What did the comments at the bottom of the page source tell you? --- //[[wiki:user:alienbob|Eric Hameleers]] 2012/09/03 15:51// ------ Eric: you are absolutely right - I'll correct both your points ASAP. - N. ------ Corrected! - N. ------ Can we add ''ssh-copy-id'' as a command to copy the public key? It seems easier to use than ''scp'' for me, and probably less potentially destructive. [[wiki:user:ellendhel|Ellendhel]] (French translator for this page) ----- Ellendhel: very good idea. I'll add ssh-copy-id soon. - N. ----- Noryungi, I just used your excellent tutorial here to set up my pub/private keys on my three Slackware systems on my home network! Works very well. Thanks! :) --- //[[wiki:user:nocturnal.slacker|V. T. Eric Layton]] 2013/03/16 21:11// By the way, for this to work, the comment # needs to be removed from this entry in sshd_config. I will edit for you now. :)$ grep -i pubkeyauth /etc/ssh/sshd_config **#**PubkeyAuthentication yes --- //[[wiki:user:nocturnal.slacker|V. T. Eric Layton]] 2013/03/18 19:31// ----- Eric Layton, it should not be necessary to uncomment that line, because the commented-out values are the //defaults// in sshd_config. My own server still has that line commented-out and it works perfectly. \\ --- //[[wiki:user:alienbob|Eric Hameleers]] 2013/03/19 02:03// ----- That's odd, Eric. On my own Slack, I had to uncomment for this to work. *shrugging* I'll trust your judgment in this over my own and correct my edit. :) --- //[[wiki:user:nocturnal.slacker|V. T. Eric Layton]] 2013/03/19 11:02// ----- The admonition: "WARNING: do not execute the scp command above if you already have an authorized_keys file on the remote computer! ..." amazingly leads to nested admonitions once converted to AsciiDoc ;) Isn't the capitalized word "WARNING" somehow redundant?. Not important though, just a very small heads-up. --- //[[wiki:user:didierspaier|Didier Spaier]] 2015/04/13 19:10// ----- Better? --- //[[wiki:user:nocturnal.slacker|V. T. Eric Layton]] 2015/04/20 15:02// ----- Yes, IMO at least, thanks Eric --- //[[wiki:user:didierspaier|Didier Spaier]] 2015/04/21 11:52// ----- You're welcome! Keep an eye out for style/grammar/spelling errors, please. We like the wiki to be as accurate and correct as we can manage. :) //[[wiki:user:nocturnal.slacker|V. T. Eric Layton]] 2015/04/28 17:27 EDT//