====== cacti ====== Cacti is an opensource monitoring application. ====== Prerequisites ====== * MySQL or Mariadb * Apache * rrd, install from [[https://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.2/libraries/rrdtool|SBo]]. ====== Installation ====== Cacti is available at [[https://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.2/network/cacti/|SBo]]. 1) Enable [[howtos:network_services:httpd|httpd]] \\ vi /etc/httpd/httpd.conf CHANGE: #Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf TO: Include /etc/httpd/mod_php.conf CHANGE: DirectoryIndex index.html TO: DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.pl fix php time zone: vi /etc/httpd/php.ini UNCOMMENT: date.timezone = America/Chicago <--and change to the right timezone 2) Add a user if needed: \\ adduser cacti 3) Get [[howtos:databases:install_mysql_on_slackware|MySQL]] working: NOTE: In /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld COMMENT OUT: SKIP="--skip-networking" 4) Setup the cacti database: shell> mysqladmin -u root -p create cacti shell> locate cacti.sql (should find cacti.sql) shell> mysql -u root -p cacti < $(locate cacti.sql) HINT: If you get: "locate: fatal error: Could not find user database", run updatedb then retry. shell> mysql -u root -p cacti mysql> update user_auth set password=md5('admin') where username='admin'; <---may not be needed mysql> flush privileges; mysql> exit shell> use mysql mysql> GRANT ALL ON cacti.* TO cactiuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser'; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> exit 5) VERIFY /var/www/htdocs/cacti/include/config.php: $database_type = "mysql"; $database_default = "cacti"; $database_hostname = "localhost"; $database_username = "cactiuser"; $database_password = "cactiuser"; 6) Give the user ownership of the data directories: shell> chown -R cacti /var/www/htdocs/cacti/rra shell> chown -R cacti /var/log/cacti 7) Set up the poller cron job: AS USER cacti: crontab -e */5 * * * * php /srv/www/htdocs/cacti/poller.php > /dev/null 2>&1 8) Run the web install: Open a web browser and go to: http://YOUR_MACHINE/cacti/install.php ====== Sources ====== * Originally written by [[wiki:user:arfon | arfon]] {{tag>howtos software cacti network_monitoring author_arfon}}