Work in progress ====== Planificació de tasques a Linux ====== =====Sinopsi===== Aquest article tracta d'algunes eines utilitzades a un sistema Linux per a planificar tasques i que s'executen automàticament a intervals de temps especificats o en un moment determinat en el futur. Aquest curt article no cobrirà aquestes ordres en profunditat; només és una breu introducció a la utilització d'estes ordres. Mire els COM individuals de cada ordre per a veure en profunditat totes les opcions rellevants i configuracions. Alguns dels //daemons// de planificació de tasques utilitzats a Linux/UNIX són: * ''[[howtos:software:at|at]]'' -- panifica tasques per a que s'executen una vegada en el futur * ''[[howtos:software:cron|cron]]'' -- el planificador periòdic més comunament utilitzat * ''[[howtos:software:anacron|anacron]]'' -- cron anacrònic; una planificador periòdic que no requereix deixar el sistema encés 24x7 =====Utilitzant at===== La ordre **//at//** permet a un usuari executar ordres o guions a (en anglés at) una determinada hora (obligatori) i data (opcional). Les ordres poden introduir-se via la entrada estàndard, redirecció o fitxer. darkstar:~% at =====Interactive at===== Using the command **//at//** with standard input (keyboard) is a little more complicated than typing one line in at the prompt. The command uses an internal "sub-shell" to gather the required information. Once the command information entry is complete, Ctrl-D (EOT) will signify entry completion. The **//-m//** flag specifies a mail message will be sent to the user when the job is finished, regardless if any output was created. darkstar:~% at 12:01 -m warning: commands will be executed using (in order) a) $SHELL b) login shell c) /bin/sh at> ./ at> job 4 at 2015-06-22 12:01 darkstar:~% =====File-driven at===== Commands can also be contained within a file and run by **//at//**: darkstar:~% at 12:32 -m -f /usr/local/bin/ warning: commands will be executed using (in order) a) $SHELL b) login shell c) /bin/sh job 8 at 2015-06-22 12:10 The **-m** flag will email the user after completion of the command; the **-f** flag specifies the command will read the job from a file, not from standard input. After the command is typed in (and the appropriate warning is displayed), the **//at//** job number((As distinct from a process ID (PID) known to the operating system)) is displayed. =====at Internal Scheduling===== The job numbers provided after a command is typed in, or when a file is read, allow the user to know which internal job will be run in sequential order. If a user wants to delete a specific task, all that needs to be known is this internal job number. To remove the job, the command **//atrm//** (**__at__ __r__e__m__ove**) is used: darkstar:~% at -l 7 2015-06-22 12:10 p tux 8 2015-06-22 12:15 p root The command **//atq//** (**__at__ __q__ueue**) is the same as **//at -l//**: darkstar:~% atq 7 2015-06-22 12:10 p tux 8 2015-06-22 12:15 p root To remove the user job, use **//atrm//** with the job number: darkstar:~% atrm 7 =====Using cron===== **//cron//** is a daemon that runs tasks in the background at specific times. For example, if you want to automate downloads of patches on a specific day (Monday), date (2 July), or time (1300), **//cron//** will allow you to set this up in a variety of ways. The flexibility inherent in **//cron//** can allow administrators and power users to automate repetitive tasks, such as creating backups and system maintenance. **//cron//** is usually configured using a //crontab// file. The following command will open your user account //crontab// file: darkstar:~% crontab -e To edit the system-level //crontab//, first log into the root account: darkstar:~# crontab -e If your system has **//sudo//** installed, type in: darkstar:~% sudo crontab -e The //crontab// file syntax is: # * * * * * command to execute # │ │ │ │ │ # │ │ │ │ │ # │ │ │ │ └───── day of week (0 - 6) (Sun(0) /Mon (1)/Tue (2)/Wed (3)/Thu (4)/Fri (5)/Sat (6)) # │ │ │ └────────── month (1 - 12) # │ │ └─────────────── day of month (1 - 31) # │ └──────────────────── hour (0 - 23) # └───────────────────────── min (0 - 59) Using an asterisk in any placeholder location, will match any value. For example, the following will run // at noon (1200) everyday during the first three months of the year: #For more information see the manual pages of crontab(5) and cron(8) # # min hr day month weekday command # # 0 11 * 1-3 * /home/user/ =====Using anacron===== **//anacron//** is not installed in Slackware by default.((See [[|]] for more information on **//anacron//** on Slackware)) **//anacron//** is unique from **//cron//** in the respect that it does not expect the operating system to be running continuously like a 24x7 server. If the time of execution passes while the system is turned off, **//anacron//** executes the command automatically when the machine is turned back on. The reverse is **not** true for **//cron//** - if the computer is turned off during the time of scheduled execution, **//cron//** will not execute the job. Another key difference between **//anacron//** and **//cron//** is the minimum chronological "granularity" - **//anacron//** can only execute jobs by //day//, versus the ability of **//cron//** to execute by the //minute//. Finally, **//anacron//** can __only__ be used by root, while **//cron//** can be used by root and normal users. ====== Sources ====== * Originally written by [[wiki:user:vharishankar | vharishankar]] * Contrbutions by [[wiki:user:mfillpot |mfillpot]], [[wiki:user:tdrssb |tdrssb]] * Example crontab example modified from [[]] {{tag>howtos task_scheduling needs_attention author_vharishankar author_mfillpot}}