[2024-feb-29] Sad news: Eric Layton aka Nocturnal Slacker aka vtel57 passed away on Feb 26th, shortly after hospitalization. He was one of our Wiki's most prominent admins. He will be missed.

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TAG: kernel

2019/02/03 20:55 (UTC)Construyendo el kernel de Linux usando git Nota del autor: Estoy escribiendo esto de la manera más imparcial que puedo, porque creo que el usuario debería dec…
2012/10/22 17:26 (UTC)Construyendo un kernel linux a partir de su código fuente Así es como construyo mis kernels 2.6 Lo mismo se aplicará casi completamente para los kernels 3.x …
2019/02/03 14:17 (UTC)El núcleo (kernel) de Linux ¿Qué hace el kernel? Probablemente haya escuchado a la gente hablar acerca de compilar el kernel o construir un kernel, pero ¿qué …
2012/09/29 06:18 (UTC)Le noyau Linux Que fait le noyau Linux ? Vous avez probablement entendu des gens parler de compilation du kernel ou de construction du kernel, mais qu'est-ce …
2022/02/14 03:52 (UTC)Minimalistic guide to build a Kernel (only) Introduction Brief guide to configure, compile and install a kernel. I do this all as root in /usr/src, others …
2012/09/27 12:57 (UTC)Building the Linux kernel using git Author's note: I am writing this in as impartial a way as I can, because I think the user should decide what is best for th…
2012/09/25 11:38 (UTC)Building a Linux Kernel from Source This is how I build my 2.6 kernels. It will apply almost completely to the 3.x kernels in Slackware 14 and onwards. X and…
2019/04/24 16:01 (UTC)Yet Another Kernel Compile Guide Why and How? A few years ago I wrote a couple of HowTos on compiling and packaging a complete kernel+modules package. Recentl…
2012/10/02 07:10 (UTC)Сборка ядра Linux из исходного кода О том, как я собираю свои ядра версий 2.6. Почти полностью применимо к ядрам 3.х в Slackware 14 и последующих. X и su
2012/09/17 03:33 (UTC)The Linux Kernel What Does the Kernel Do? You've probably heard people talking about compiling the kernel or building a kernel, but what exactly is the kernel…
2024/01/02 18:04 (UTC)Zram in Slackware ARM and ARM64 Architectures The Slackware ARM and ARM64 architectures bring us Slackers the possibility of using much more powerful single bo…
 tag:kernel ()